The high visibility of dermatologic diseases and their easy accessibility make the skin a primary and direct target for dysfunctional behaviors. Self-harm tendencies can frequently be expressed through dermatologic lesions, and dermatitis artefacta falls within this clinical frame. The occurrence of this cutaneous manifestation in children is very rare, with a peak of greater frequency in adolescence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA case of distal falangeal hyperpigmentation in a 2-month female newborn, who did not show any other cutaneous disease at the time of our observation, is presented. The aim of our study is to focus attention on this condition, actually considered a benign, asymptomatic, transitory manifestation, rarely reported in literature. On the basis of the clinical features, it has been proposed to add this pigmentation to the transient benign dermatoses of newborns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEruptive pseudoangiomatosis is a rare, benign, spontaneously regressive disease. The term was recently coined to describe a dermatosis characterized by the sudden onset of a few to several bright red angioma-like papules with histopathologic findings distinct from that of true angiomas. We describe a 7-year-old patient with the typical lesions of eruptive pseudoangiomatosis.
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