Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
September 2000
Questioning of 70 children with bronchial asthma aged 9 to 14 has identified high percent (71.4%) of meteolabile patients who respond to unfavourable weather with changed function of the external respiration. Reduction of pulmonary ventilation led to clinical deterioration.
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January 1997
In the climate of north Kirghizia meteoropathologic reactions arise in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis in the time of cold atmospheric front passing, are spastic, phasic, associated with pulmonary circulation and growing generalized bronchial obstruction. Prefrontal period (weather hypoxia) is meteoropathogenic for asthmatics who are responsive to geophysical disturbances influencing obstruction of the small bronchi.
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November 1996
Staged regimen of decimetric wave electromagnetic therapy and microclimate of high altitude salt mines were used in sanatorium treatment of children with bronchial asthma. Pretreatment with the above magnetic field induced positive changes in the reflex-segmental zone which reflected in better adaptation to the high altitude climate. The latter promoted beneficial rearrangement of respiratory function and cardiovascular system.
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