Publications by authors named "G Lioliou"

To report on a micro computed tomography (micro-CT) system capable of x-ray phase contrast imaging and of increasing spatial resolution at constant magnification.The micro-CT system implements the edge illumination (EI) method, which relies on two absorbing masks with periodically spaced transmitting apertures in the beam path; these split the beam into an array of beamlets and provide sensitivity to the beamlets' directionality, i.e.

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A laboratory X-ray imaging system with a setup that closely resembles commercial micro-CT systems with a fixed source-to-detector distance of ∼90 cm is investigated for single distance propagation-based phase-contrast imaging and computed tomography (CT). The system had a constant source-to-detector distance, and the sample positions were optimized. Initially, a PTFE wire was imaged, both in 2D and 3D, to characterize fringe contrast and spatial resolution for different X-ray source settings and source-to-sample distances.

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Beam tracking X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging is a "Shack-Hartmann" type approach which uses a pre-sample mask to split the x-rays into "beamlets" which are interrogated by a detector with sufficient resolution. The ultimate spatial resolution is determined by the size of the mask apertures, however achieving this resolution level requires "stepping" the sample or the mask in increments equal to the aperture size ("dithering"). If an array of circular apertures is used (which also provides two-dimensional phase sensitivity) instead of long parallel slits, this stepping needs to be carried out in two directions, which lengthens scan times significantly.

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We present a flyscan compatible acquisition scheme for three-modal X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) with two-dimensional phase sensitivity. Our approach is demonstrated using a "beam tracking" setup, through which a sample's attenuation, phase (refraction) and scattering properties can be measured from a single frame, providing three complementary contrast channels. Up to now, such setups required the sample to be stepped at each rotation angle to sample signals at an adequate rate, to prevent resolution losses, anisotropic resolution, and under-sampling artefacts.

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An electronic grade single crystal chemical vapour deposition diamond was investigated as a prototype high temperature spectroscopic electron (β particle) detector for future space science instruments. The diamond detector was coupled to a custom-built charge-sensitive preamplifier of low noise. A Ni radioisotope source (endpoint energy 66 keV) was used to provide a spectrum of β particles incident on the detector.

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