Publications by authors named "G J Boersma"

Article Synopsis
  • * Data was collected from both psychiatric (n = 1082) and general population samples (n = 2089) to assess the internal reliability and factor structure using Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA).
  • * Results show that the HSDQ maintains its 6-factor model across both groups, but some items exhibit measurement non-invariance, suggesting caution when comparing scores between psychiatric and general populations.
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Epigenomic annotations for the rat lag far behind those of human and mouse, despite the rat's immense utility in pharmacological and behavioral studies and the need to understand their epigenetic mechanisms. We have designed a targeted-enrichment method followed by next-generation sequencing (Methyl-Seq) to identify DNA methylation (DNAm) signatures across the rat genome. The design reflected an attempt to create a more comprehensive investigation of the rat epigenome, as it included promoters, CpG islands, and island shores of all RefSeq genes.

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Background: Shift work is generally associated with working and sleeping out of phase with the endogenous, circadian sleep-wake cycle. This exerts detrimental effects on sleep health. The present study aimed at evaluating the presence of short and long sleep as well as sleep disorders within a broad range of shift work schedules and elucidating the role of sociodemographic factors therein.

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Sleep problems are very common in individuals with a mental disorder. Given the abundant evidence indicating the negative impact of disturbed sleep on mental health outcome, insight into the prevalence of all types of sleep disorders in specific mental disorders and neurodevelopmental conditions is of practical importance. Therefore, we estimated the prevalence of six types of sleep disorders with the Holland Sleep Disorders Questionnaire in an overall mental health sample (n = 1082) and separately for different mental and neurodevelopmental conditions.

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In rodents, early-life exposure to environmental stress or antidepressant medication treatment has been shown to induce similar long-term consequences on memory- and depression-related behavior in adulthood. To expand on this line of work, we evaluated how juvenile exposure to chronic variable stress (CVS) or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine (FLX) influences conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning in adulthood. To do this, in Experiment 1, we examined how adolescent CVS alone (postnatal day [PND] 35-48), or with prenatal stress (PNS) history (PNS + CVS), influenced the acquisition and extinction of CTA in adult male Sprague Dawley rats.

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