Publications by authors named "G H Turnwald"

In this paper, the authors propose adapting a four-stage model to design, implement and evaluate change in the curriculum for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. For each stage, a relevant case study is presented to illustrate the application of the model. Factors facilitating change are described, as well as barriers to change.

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This report describes proposed new models for assessment of eight of the nine clinical competencies the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education requires for accreditation. The models were developed by discussion groups at the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges' Clinical Competency Symposium. Clinical competencies and proposed models (in parentheses) are described.

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This article presents a history of curriculum revision. Internal and external factors prompting the initial curriculum review included the Pew Report, a vision in the college for reform, and faculty retreats focusing on curriculum. The reformed curriculum was designed around a "core plus elective" strategy and was implemented following development by faculty representatives and approval by college and university levels of review.

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This article surveys reports on various models and methods of curriculum structure and directions of health professions schools in North America over the past 20 years, with particular emphasis on veterinary and allopathic medical schools. The importance of administrative and faculty leadership, a clear sense of vision, recognition that curricula must change to meet societal needs, and continual, extensive communication and collaboration are discussed as important keys to successfully navigating curriculum reform. The advantages of central versus departmental management of the curriculum are noted with respect to implementing curricular change.

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Over the last 20 years, numerous reports, symposia, and workshops have focused on the challenges and changes facing veterinary and allopathic medicine. Many of these have specifically considered the changing economic and demographic profiles of the health professions, the specific roles of health professionals in society, and the importance of professional curricula in meeting changing professional and societal needs. Changing curricula to address future demands is a common thread that runs through all of these reports.

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