Despite being a fundamental electronic component for over 70 years, it is still possible to develop different transistor designs, including the addition of a diode-like Schottky source electrode to thin-film transistors. The discovery of a dependence of the source barrier height on the semiconductor thickness and derivation of an analytical theory allow us to propose a design rule to achieve extremely high voltage gain, one of the most important figures of merit for a transistor. Using an oxide semiconductor, an intrinsic gain of 29,000 was obtained, which is orders of magnitude higher than a conventional Si transistor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwin boundary defects form in virtually all crystalline materials as part of their response to applied deformation or thermal stress. For nearly six decades, graphite has been used as a textbook example of twinning with illustrations showing atomically sharp interfaces between parent and twin. Using state-of-the-art high-resolution annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, we have captured atomic resolution images of graphitic twin boundaries and find that these interfaces are far more complex than previously supposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGraphene superlattices were shown to exhibit high-temperature quantum oscillations due to periodic emergence of delocalized Bloch states in high magnetic fields such that unit fractions of the flux quantum pierce a superlattice unit cell. Under these conditions, semiclassical electron trajectories become straight again, similar to the case of zero magnetic field. Here, we report magnetotransport measurements that reveal second-, third-, and fourth-order magnetic Bloch states at high electron densities and temperatures above 100 K.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA graphene ballistic rectifier is used in conjunction with an antenna to demonstrate a rectenna as a terahertz (THz) detector. A small-area (<1 μm) local gate is used to adjust the Fermi level in the device to optimize the output while minimizing the impact on the cutoff frequency. The device operates in both n- and p-type transport regimes and shows a peak extrinsic responsivity of 764 V/W and a corresponding noise equivalent power of 34 pW Hz at room temperature with no indications of a cutoff frequency up to 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCyclotron motion of charge carriers in metals and semiconductors leads to Landau quantization and magneto-oscillatory behavior in their properties. Cryogenic temperatures are usually required to observe these oscillations. We show that graphene superlattices support a different type of quantum oscillation that does not rely on Landau quantization.
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