Acta Biomed Ateneo Parmense
October 2001
Background: Monthly intramuscular Palivizumab (Synagis, MedImmune, Inc.) is effective in reducing the incidence of RSV-attributable hospitalization by 55% if compared with placebo and seems to be well tolerated.
Methods: Our clinical experience in the use of palivizumab in RSV-prophylaxis is presented.
Objectives: To determine: (1) the incidence in newborns of both significant urinary anomalies and mild hydronephrosis; (2) the degree of inaccuracy of prenatal sonography in our area, and (3) the evolution of neonatal hydronephrosis.
Methods: Using ultrasound, we examined 4,130 consecutive newborns, of which only 12 had a positive prenatal sonography. We distinguished 2 grades of hydronephrosis: mild (pelvic diameter between 5 and 15 mm), and significant (pelvic diameter > 15 mm).
Ann Radiol Diagn (Bologna)
June 1971