Publications by authors named "Fuminobu Sato"

Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a promising form of radiotherapy expected to be effective in treating refractory cancers such as glioblastoma. A key factor in BNCT is the neutron energy spectrum in the epithermal range (0.5 eV-10 keV), which is challenging to evaluate due to its broad and low-energy characteristics.

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Medical applications of radiation have been widely spread until now. However, the exposure of medical staff is sometimes overlooked, because treatment of patients is the first priority. The purpose of this study is to develop a small and light monitor that can measure the energy spectrum and dose of gamma-rays at the same time in real-time for medical applications.

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Purpose: The effect of chronic low dose-rate radiation exposure on cancers was investigated by analyzing the data of mice experiments conducted at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (IES). This analysis focuses on the differences between malignant lymphomas and solid cancers.

Materials And Methods: The analysis is conducted based on the mathematical model introduced in our previous work.

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Purpose: In this paper, we described our mathematical model for radiation-induced life shortening in detail and applied the model to the experimental data on mice to investigate the effect of radiation on cancer-related life-shortening.

Materials And Methods: Our mathematical model incorporates the following components: (i) occurrence of cancer, (ii) progression of cancer over time, and (iii) death from cancer. We evaluated the progression of cancer over time by analyzing the cancer incidence data and cumulative mortalities data obtained from mice experiments conducted at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (IES).

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Article Synopsis
  • The blood-brain barrier (BBB) can block effective drug delivery to brain metastatic melanoma, which poses a challenge for treatment.
  • Our lab is working on a method to deliver boron drugs via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to bypass the BBB for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT).
  • In a study using rat models, we demonstrated that this CSF method significantly increases the accumulation of boronophenylalanine (BPA) in brain tumors, suggesting it could enhance drug delivery for various brain tumors, including melanoma metastases.
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The authors performed a combined analysis using the data obtained from continuous low dose rate irradiation experiments on mice conducted at the Institute for Environmental Sciences, namely, cancer incidence data and lifespan data. They estimated the length of cancer progression period, which is difficult to assess experimentally. The combined analysis showed that the mean cancer progression period is 173 d in the control group and 103 d in the irradiated group.

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The purpose of this study is to develop a portable monitor that can measure the energy spectrum and dose of gamma-rays simultaneously in real time for the benefit of medical staff who must work in clinical radiation environments. For this purpose, we have developed a prototype monitor using a CsI (Tl) scintillator combined with a multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC). For real-time measurement, we employed an improved sequential Bayesian estimation (k-α method) to convert the measured pulse height spectrum into an energy spectrum.

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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a non-invasive type of radiation therapy developed for humans and translated to veterinary medicine. However, clinical trials on BNCT for patients with brain tumors are on-going. To improve the therapeutic efficacy of BNCT for brain tumors, we developed a boron delivery system that involves the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in contrast to the conventional method that involves intravenous (IV) administration.

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Recently, exploitation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation has become increasingly recognized as a feasible strategy to solve the challenges involved in drug delivery for treating brain tumors. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) also faces challenges associated with the development of an efficient delivery system for boron, especially to brain tumors. Our laboratory has been developing a system for boron delivery to brain cells using CSF, which we call the "boron CSF administration method".

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Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a promising cancer therapy, which has recently been in practical use in Japan especially using an accelerator. In BNCT real-time measurement of local boron dose is required. In the present study, a novel design of a SPECT system for BNCT (BNCT-SPECT) has been carried out to realize estimation of the local boron dose, i.

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Based on the activation method using Ga(n,γ)Ga reaction, a cubic neutron flux intensity detector for epi-thermal neutrons was designed for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), and experimentally tested with a prototype detector in a neutron field produced at OKTAVIAN facility of Osaka University, Japan. The experimental test results and related analysis indicated that the performance of the detector was confirmed to be acceptable in the neutron field of BNCT. Practically, the neutron flux intensity mainly covering from 0.

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Boron neutron capture therapy is known to be an effective radiation cancer therapy that requires neutron irradiation. A neutron field generated by an accelerator-based neutron source has various energy spectra, and it is necessary to evaluate the neutron spectrum in the treatment field. However, the method used to measure the neutron spectrum in the treatment field is not well established.

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A novel optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) detector containing isotopically enriched boron was developed for thermal neutron dosimetry. Alumina containing isotopically enriched boron (Al2O3:B) was synthesised by the sol-gel method. The Al2O3:B was annealed up to ~1800 K.

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The neutron flux monitors from 10keV to 1MeV designed for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) were experimentally tested with prototype monitors in an appropriate neutron field produced at the intense deuterium-tritium neutron source facility OKTAVIAN of Osaka University, Japan. The experimental test results and related analysis indicated that the performance of the monitors was good and the neutron fluxes from 10keV to 1MeV of practical BNCT neutron sources can be measured within 10% by the monitors.

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We have been constructing the tandem-type electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Two ion sources of the tandem-type ECRIS are possible to generate plasma individually, and they also confined individual ion species by each different plasma parameter. Hence, it is considered to be suitable for new materials production.

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Multicharged metal ion beams are required to be applied in a wide range of fields. We aim at synthesizing iron-endohedral fullerene by transporting iron ion beams from the first stage into the fullerene plasma in the second stage of the tandem-type electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). We developed new evaporators by using a direct ohmic heating method and a radiation heating method from solid state pure metal materials.

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Efficient production of multicharged ions has been investigated on the tandem-type ECRIS in Osaka University. According to the consideration of the accessibility conditions of microwaves to resonance and cutoff regions, it was suggested that the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) heating contributed to enhancement of ion beam intensity. In order to enhance multicharged ion beams efficiently, injecting higher frequency microwave with extraordinary (X-mode) toward UHR region has been tried.

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A new tandem type source has been constructed on the basis of electron cyclotron resonance plasma for producing synthesized ion beams in Osaka University. Magnetic field in the first stage consists of all permanent magnets, i.e.

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A new tandem type source of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasmas has been constructing for producing synthesized ion beams in Osaka University. Magnetic mirror field configuration with octupole magnets can be controlled to various shape of ECR zones, namely, in the 2nd stage plasma to be available by a pair mirror and a supplemental coil. Noteworthy correlations between these magnetic configurations and production of multicharged ions are investigated in detail, as well as their optimum conditions.

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Our research group is now investigating a BNCT-SPECT system with cadmium tellurite (CdTe) detectors, which can obtain a three-dimensional image of the BNCT treatment effect by measuring the 478keV gamma-rays emitted from an excited state of the Li nucleus generated by the B(n,α) reaction. The BNCT-SPECT system is composed of a collimator and an array-type CdTe detector. In this study, we produced an array detector with two CdTe elements to test the basic detection property for anti-coincidence events.

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Proton-lithium (p-Li) reaction is being examined worldwide as a candidate nuclear production reaction for accelerator based neutron source (ABNS) for BNCT. In this reaction, the emitted neutron energy is not so high, below 1 MeV, and especially in backward angles the energy is as low as about 100 keV. The intensity measurement was thus known to be difficult so far.

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We are constructing a tandem type electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) and a beam line for extracting ion beams. The ion beam is extracted from the second stage by an accel-decel extraction system with a single-hole and the ion beam current on each electrode is measured. The total ion beam current is measured by a faraday cup downstream the extraction electrodes.

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A new tandem type source has been constructed on the basis of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma for producing synthesized ion beams. We investigate feasibility and hope to realize the device which has wide range operation window in a single device to produce many kinds of ion beams based on ECR ion source (ECRIS). It is considered that ECR plasmas are necessary to be available to individual operations with different plasma parameters.

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We are constructing a tandem type ECRIS. The first stage is large-bore with cylindrically comb-shaped magnet. We optimize the ion beam current and ion saturation current by a mobile plate tuner.

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