Publications by authors named "Fudou R"

Seven new cyclic depsipeptides, clavariopsins C-I (-), together with two known congeners, clavariopsins A and B ( and ), were isolated from the aquatic hyphomycete . Their planar structures, which consist of nine amino acids and one α-hydroxy acid, were elucidated by NMR spectroscopy and HRESIMS. The absolute configurations were established by the advanced Marfey's method and chiral-phase HPLC analysis.

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Three new compounds, enhygromic acid () and deoxyenhygrolides A () and B (), were isolated from a marine myxobacterium, sp. Compound was found to be an acrylic acid derivative with a rare polycyclic carbon skeleton, decahydroacenaphthylene, by spectroscopic analyses. Compounds and were deoxy analogs of the known γ-alkylidenebutenolides, enhygrolides.

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Fermentation by Corynebacterium glutamicum is used by various industries to produce L-Glutamate, and the heat-killed cell preparation of this bacterium (HCCG) is a by-product of the fermentation process. In present study, we evaluated the immunostimulating and survival effects against enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (STEC) infection of HCCG. HCCG significantly stimulated in vitro IgA and interleukin-12 p70 production in murine Peyer's patch cells and peritoneal macrophages, respectively.

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Despite their fastidious nature, marine myxobacteria have considerable genetic potential to produce novel secondary metabolites. The marine myxobacterium Haliangium ochraceum SMP-2 produces the antifungal polyketide haliangicin (1), but its productivity is unsatisfactory. The biosynthetic gene cluster hli (47.

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Myxobacteria of marine origin are rare and hard-to-culture microorganisms, but they genetically harbor high potential to produce novel antibiotics. An extensive investigation on the secondary metabolome of the unique marine myxobacterium Haliangium ochraceum SMP-2 led to the isolation of a new polyketide-nonribosomal peptide hybrid product, haliamide (1). Its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including NMR and HR-MS.

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Four maleic anhydride derivatives, tricladolides A-D (1-4), and three alkylidene succinic acid derivatives, tricladic acids A-C (5-7), were isolated from the aquatic hyphomycete Tricladium castaneicola. The structures of these compounds were determined by spectroscopic analysis, and all were found to be novel. The compounds exhibited inhibitory activity against fungi, particularly Phytophthora sp.

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Succinate is a core biochemical building block; optimizing succinate production from biomass by microbial fermentation is a focus of basic and applied biotechnology research. Lowering pH in anaerobic succinate fermentation culture is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to reducing the use of sub-raw materials such as alkali, which are needed for neutralization. To evaluate the potential of bacteria-based succinate fermentation under weak acidic (pH <6.

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Skin surface bacteria contribute to body odor, especially axillary odor. We aimed to investigate anaerobic bacteria that had not been previously studied for axillary odor formation. A new anaerobic Anaerococcus sp.

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A myxobacterial strain, designated SYR-2(T), was obtained from a mud sample from an estuarine marsh alongside the Yoshino River, Shikoku, Japan. It had rod-shaped vegetative cells and formed bacteriolytic enlarging colonies or so-called 'swarms' in the agar media. Fruiting-body-like globular to polyhedral cell aggregates and myxospore-like spherical to ellipsoidal cells within them were observed.

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The Japanese mealybug, Planococcus kraunhiae, is suitable as a model insect for biosynthetic studies on mealybug pigments. Four yellow pigments, including two novel ones, were isolated from the mealybug bodies and characterized as endocrocin, a dicarboxylic acid named fujikonaic acid (1), emodin 1-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and 7-hydroxyemodin 1-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (2). The enzymatic activity of emodin 1-O-glucosyltransferase was observed in the extracts of insect bodies.

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A two-component system (TCS) comprising a histidine kinase (HK) sensor and a response regulator (RR) plays important roles in regulating the virulence of many pathogenic bacteria. We used a new screening method to isolate novel inhibitor Art1 against bacterial sensory HK from an acetone extract of solid cultures of Articulospora sp., an aquatic hypomycete.

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The diversity of type I modular polyketide synthase (PKS) was explored by PCR amplification of DNA encoding ketosynthase and acyltransferase domains in myxobacteria. The sequencing of the amplicons revealed that many PKS genes were distantly related to the published sequences. Thus, myxobacteria may be excellent resources for novel and diverse polyketides.

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Marine myxobacteria are rare culture-resistant microorganisms, several strains of which have been identified by research groups in Asia. Paraliomyxa miuraensis, a slightly halophilic myxobacterium discovered in Japan, produces the cyclic hybrid polyketide-peptide antibiotics known as miuraenamides A and B, whose taxonomical and biological characteristics have been reported previously. Herein, we describe the chemical characterization of these two miuraenamides and introduce four new members of the miuraenamide family.

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A fungus producing magenta was isolated from cellulosic material by visual observation on Czapek's agar media and the product was conventionally analyzed. The fungal strain that produced magenta pigment was closely related to Phoma herbarum. The type of fibers added to Czapek's medium influenced which pigments were produced.

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A slightly halophilic myxobacterial strain, SMH-27-4, was isolated from nearshore soil and shown to belong to a new myxobacterium genus based on phylogenetic analysis. This slowly-growing myxobacterium produced the novel antibiotic depsipeptides miuraenamides A and B. Their physico-chemical properties and molecular formulas, C34H42N3O7Br and C34H42N3O7I, were determined.

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Novel bacteria were discovered using an isolation technique consisting of (i) selection of microorganisms that grew on soil-extract agar medium, but not on conventional media, and (ii) detection of small microbial colonies with a microscope. Three bacterial strains thus isolated were provisionally designated Shinshu-th1, -th2, -th 3, and five actinomycete strains, Shinshu-MS-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, respectively. Sequence analysis of their 16S rDNA showed that th1 had 95--96% homology with three unculturable bacteria, and th2 had 96% similarity to Bradyrhizobium sp.

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Marcha or murcha is a traditional amylolytic starter used to produce sweet-sour alcoholic drinks, commonly called jaanr in the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet (China). The aim of this study was to examine the microflora of marcha collected from Sikkim in India, focusing on yeast flora and their roles. Twenty yeast strains were isolated from six samples of marcha and identified by genetic and phenotypic methods.

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Three Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped bacterial strains were isolated, from the pollen of Japanese flowers, as producers of xylitol; these strains were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that these three isolates formed a new cluster within a group of acetic acid bacteria in the alpha-Proteobacteria. The characteristics of the three isolates were as follows: (i) their predominant quinone was Q-10; (ii) their cellular fatty acid profile contained major amounts of 2-hydroxy acids and an unsaturated straight-chain acid (C(18 : 1)omega7c); and (iii) their DNA G+C contents were in the range 51.

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Three mesophilic bacteria (strains AMX 26B(T), UR374_02 and 12-3(T)) isolated respectively from an anaerobic digester, human urine and urban riverside soil were characterized. Cells were Gram-negative, motile, non-sporulating, straight to curved rods with one polar flagellum and had a strictly respiratory metabolism with O(2) as the preferential terminal electron acceptor. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that all strains clustered within the Xanthomonadaceae branch of the Proteobacteria.

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Dynamic change in microbial flora was monitored with an oxygen electrode. The 1st phase microorganisms, which first grew well in LB medium, were followed by the 2nd phase microorganisms, which supposedly assimilated microbial cells of the 1st phase and their metabolites. In a similar way, a change in microbial flora was observed from the 1st phase to the 4th phase in 84 hr.

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Haliangicin is a beta-methoxyacrylate-type polyene antibiotic isolated from the unique marine myxobacterium Haliangium ochraceum. A further investigation of the extract of this microorganism has resulted in the isolation of haliangicin as well as its geometrical isomers. The configuration of the epoxide in haliangicin, which was unknown previously, was determined in this study.

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Six isolates of novel marine myxobacteria, designated strains SHK-1T, SMK-1-1, SMK-1-3, SMK-10, SKK-2, and SMP-6, were obtained from various coastal samples (mud, sands and algae) collected around Japan. All of the isolates had Gram-negative rod-shaped cells, motile by gliding and grew aerobically. They showed bacteriolytic action, fruiting body formation, and NaCl requirement for growth with an optimum concentration of 1.

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Two strains of a novel myxobacterium (designated SIR-1T and SHI-1) were isolated from Japanese coasts located in the Pacific subtropical zone. Cells of both strains were Gram-negative, rod-shaped and motile by gliding. The strains were chemoheterotrophic and strictly aerobic.

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Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on two myxobacterial strains, SMP-2 and SMP-10, isolated from coastal regions. The two strains are morphologically similar, in that both produce yellow fruiting bodies, comprising several sessile sporangioles in dense packs. They are differentiated from known terrestrial myxobacteria on the basis of salt requirements (2-3% NaCl) and the presence of anteiso-branched fatty acids.

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Three glutamic-acid-producing coryneform strains were isolated from soil and vegetable samples. Chemotaxonomic investigations indicated that these strains belonged to the genus Corynebacterium. Phylogenetic studies, based on 16S rDNA analysis, demonstrated that the three strains formed a distinct cluster within the genus Corynebacterium and that their nearest relatives were Corynebacterium glutamicum and Corynebacterium callunae, also known as glutamic-acid-producing species.

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