The case of a newborn boy with ichthyosiform erythroderma, asymmetrical shortening of the femur and sectorial cataract is reported. The hyperkeratotic areas cleared within 2 months, resulting in follicular atrophoderma. The clinical findings and course of the disease, and also the histological and ultrastructural features, indicate an X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata (Happle).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present two unrelated female patients with a complex pattern of congenital malformations including encephalocele, oesophageal atresia, abnormal lung lobation, congenital heart defects, anal anomalies, liver, spleen and radial defects. Clinical variability between the two cases can be seen as a result of variable expression. The pattern of anomalies in these two unrelated patients suggest that they may represent the same, as yet unknown, syndrome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGeburtshilfe Frauenheilkd
December 1991
Non-radioactive in situ hybridization of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded placental and foetal tissue, using virus-specific DNA or RNA probes, may be helpful for the diagnosis of foetal virus infection causing foetal hydrops, granulomatous placentitis and abortion. We present four cases of intrauterine CMV-, Parvo-B19- and Varicella-Zoster virus infection, in which this diagnostic method established detection of the virus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe fragile X syndrome is an X-linked disorder which has been shown to be associated with the length variation of a DNA fragment containing a CGG trinucleotide repeat element at or close to the fragile site. Phenotypically normal carriers of the disorder generally have a smaller length variation than affected individuals. We have cloned the region in cosmids and defined the area containing the amplified sequence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarly prenatal diagnosis of the fragile X was attempted in 44 pregnancies, including one twin pregnancy at risk of Martin-Bell (MB) syndrome. The sex ratio was 24M:21F. The fragile site was reproducibly demonstrated in cultured chorionic villus (CV) cells in eight male and five female fetuses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurofibromatosis is not a single entity. Seven types of the disorder are now known, which can be differentiated by clinical and genetic features. The wide variety of clinical manifestations makes close interdisciplinary cooperation necessary, in which the dermatologist frequently has a key role.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe most common genetic cause of mental retardation after Down's syndrome, the fragile X syndrome, is associated with the occurrence of a fragile site at Xq27.3. This X-linked disease is intriguing because transmission can occur through phenotypically normal males.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLongitudinal decline in IQ among fragile X males was reported recently. However, there are problems in retesting IQ that may affect scores. Two such factors are intertest time interval and score obtained on the first test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe following guidelines were adopted by an Ad Hoc Committee convened at the Fourth International Workshop on the Fragile X Syndrome and X-Linked Mental Retardation to establish minimum cytogenetic standards for the preparation and analysis of the fragile X chromosome. The intention of the committee was to develop and provide practical standards for the routine cytogenetic detection of the fragile X. The guidelines describe reasonable criteria for effective tissue culture methods for eliciting the Xq27.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a family with two half-brothers affected with severe mental retardation. The phenotype in the affected individuals is characterized by apparent acromegaly, profound mental retardation, and hyperactivity. The mother has analogous but less severe facial anomalies and mild mental impairment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmelia, or complete absence of a limb, is a very rare congenital anomaly. The incidence of amelia in a population of 1,213,913 consecutive livebirths in British Columbia during the period 1952-1984 was studied using the records of a population-based registry with multiple sources of ascertainment. There were 18 cases of amelia, giving a minimal incidence rate of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genomic sequences recognized by the anonymous probe 767 (DXS115) are localized to two sites within Xq28. One site lies within intron 22 of the factor VIII gene (FBC). Physical mapping suggests that the second site lies within 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a newborn boy with popliteal pterygium syndrome. Congenital anomalies included popliteal pterygia, symblepharon, cleft lip and palate with syngnathia, severe hypoplasia of both thumbs, a characteristic nail anomaly of both first toes, multiple syndactylies, and a hypoplastic scrotum with cryptorchidism. Mental development can be expected to be normal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLimb reduction defects occurring among 1,213,913 consecutive livebirths in British Columbia during the period 1952-1984 inclusive were reviewed. A total of 659 cases of limb reduction defects were identified, 393 of them involving the long bones and 190 of them more than one limb. The time period 1966-1984, during which ascertainment was consistent, was evaluated, and an incidence of 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA clinical, neurological and electroencephalographic investigation was undertaken in 29 previously cytogenetically verified hemizygous males with the fra(X) form of mental retardation (age range 3.5 to 59 years); in addition, 6 heterozygous females were examined. All male patients displayed the known physical aspects of this syndrome together with associated abnormalities of the palate, skeleton, connective tissue and endocrine system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have analyzed the segregation of five loci in the region Xq27/28 in a large family affected by the fragile X syndrome. The marker DXS115 (767) is shown to be polymorphic with the enzyme PstI, as well as with BstXI. This marker will be useful in the analysis of both fragile X and haemophilia A families.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChromosomes at first meiosis from two males with the fra(X) form of mental retardation were studied using pachytene surface spreads and air-dried preparations. The pachytene sex bivalents showed no discontinuation of the synaptonemal complex in the terminal part of Xq corresponding to band Xq27-28 of the mitotic chromosomes. In both cases the frequency of a secondary association of Xq and Yq appeared to be increased compared with controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a patient with a lethal multiple pterygium syndrome who also had an unusual, bandlike web across one axilla and partial intestinal atresia. Umbilical cord wrapping with subsequent vascular compromise appears to be the most likely pathogenetic mechanism for the additional anomalies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFemale heterozygotes of the fra(X) form of mental retardation show variable degrees of mental impairment and phenotype expression of the disorder. This might be an effect of inactivation of the X-chromosome which carries the fra(X)(q). Prior replication studies in heterozygous carriers gave contradictory results with respect to possible genotype-phenotype correlation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo families are presented, each with two affected sibs, all four of whom seem to have a newly described and specific form of congenital contractures (arthrogryposis). The affected subjects have congenital torticollis, dysmorphic, asymmetrical, myopathic facial features, and progressive scoliosis. Two sibs had cleft palate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChorion villi biopsy is a recently introduced method for first trimester prenatal diagnosis. Based on 435 cases of chorionic villi biopsies, obtained during a 3 year period, we report our experiences with the technique of chorionic villi sampling, chromosomal analysis from trophoblast tissue and possibly associated complications, such as spontaneous abortions, vaginal bleeding, and chromosomal mosaicism. The rate of spontaneous abortions in our group of patients was 3%.
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