Publications by authors named "Froneman P"

The use of marine subsidies by terrestrial predators can facilitate substantial transfer of nutrients between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Marine resource subsidies may have profound effects on predator ecology, influencing population and niche dynamics. Expanding niches of top consumers can impact ecosystem resilience and interspecific interactions, affecting predator-prey dynamics and competition.

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Self-organized spatial patterns are increasingly recognized for their contribution to ecosystem functioning. They can improve the ecosystem's ability to respond to perturbation and thus increase its resilience to environmental stress. Plastic pollution has now emerged as major threat to aquatic and terrestrial biota.

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Interspecific and intraspecific diversity are essential components of biodiversity with far-reaching implications for ecosystem function and service provision. Importantly, genotypic and phenotypic variation within a species can affect responses to anthropogenic pressures more than interspecific diversity. We investigated the effects of interspecific and intraspecific diversity on microplastic ingestion by two coexisting mussel species in South Africa, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perna perna, the latter occurring as two genetic lineages.

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Environmental filtering (EF), the abiotic exclusion of species, can have first order, direct effects with cascading consequences for population dynamics, especially at range edges where abiotic conditions are suboptimal. Abiotic stress gradients associated with EF may also drive indirect second order effects, including exacerbating the effects of competitors, disease, and parasites on marginal populations because of suboptimal physiological performance. We predicted a cascade of first and second order EF-associated effects on marginal populations of the invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, plus a third order effect of EF of increased epibiont load due to second order shell degradation by endoliths.

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Dietary tracers, such as bulk stable carbon (δC) and nitrogen (δN) isotopes, can be used to investigate the trophic interactions of marine predators, which is useful to assess their ecological roles within communities. These tracers have also been used to elucidate population structure and substructure, which is critical for the better identification of management units for these species affected by a range of threats, particularly bycatch in fishing gears. Off eastern South Africa, large populations of Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) co-occur and are thought to follow the pulses of shoaling sardines (Sardinops sagax) heading north-east in the austral winter.

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Predation is a critical ecological process that directly and indirectly mediates population stabilities, as well as ecosystem structure and function. The strength of interactions between predators and prey may be mediated by multiple density dependences concerning numbers of predators and prey. In temporary wetland ecosystems in particular, fluctuating water volumes may alter predation rates through differing search space and prey encounter rates.

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Rivers are impacted by pollutants from anthropogenic activities such as urbanisation and agricultural practices. Whilst point source pollution has been widely studied and in some cases remediated, non-point pollutant sources remain pervasive, particularly in developing countries that lack economic and human specialist capacity. Monitoring of pollution levels in many regions is additionally challenged by a lack of robust indicators for nitrogen inputs, however, diatom community indices and analysis of variation in microphytobenthos (MBP) stable isotope analysis variations have potential.

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Predation is a critical factor that mediates population stability, community structure, and ecosystem function. Predatory natural enemies can contribute to the regulation of disease vector groups such as mosquitoes, particularly where they naturally co-occur across landscapes. However, we must understand inter-population variation in predatory efficiency if we are to enhance vector control.

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Increased sedimentation and siltation associated with anthropogenic environmental change may alter microbial biofilms and the carbohydrates they produce, with potential bottom-up effects in these ecosystems. The present study aimed to examine to what extent carbohydrate (associated with biofilm exopolymer) concentration and benthic algal biomass vary among different sediment types (size-structure categories) using a microcosm experiment conducted over a period of 28 days. Substrate treatment and time had a significant effect on the total chlorophyll-a concentrations, whilst a significant interaction was present in the case of total sediment carbohydrates.

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Protecting the structural and functional integrity of lotic ecosystems is becoming increasingly important as many ecological systems face escalating pressures from human population growth and environmental impacts. Knowledge on the functional composition of macroinvertebrates in austral temperate streams is generally lacking hindering the design and implementation of water management and restoration goals. Therefore, this study examined the effects of urban land-use activities on the benthic macroinvertebrate functional feeding guild structure among different stream orders in an austral river system (Bloukrans River) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

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The consideration of nutrients in pollution dynamics is important for environmental management and conservation. Developing countries are yet to appreciate the aquatic ecosystem pollution impacts on their economies and as such, information on water pollution dynamics is limited. This study assessed the spatio-temporal dynamics of nutrient loading and retention in stream water and sediments in the Bloukrans River system, Eastern Cape province, South Africa over the course of the wet and dry season.

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Trophic variation in food web structure occurs among and within ecosystems. The magnitude of variation, however, differs from system to system. In ephemeral pond ecosystems, temporal dynamics are relatively more important than in many systems given that hydroperiod is the ultimate factor determining the presence of an aquatic state.

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This study explores diatom community dynamics in a highly modified semi-arid temperate region river system characterised by inconsistent river flow. Various water and sediment environmental variables were assessed using a multi-faceted analysis approach to determine the spatio-temporal drivers of benthic diatom communities in the river system. Overall, the diatom community was generally dominated by pollution tolerant species, reflecting the anthropogenic intensity and activities on the river system.

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Plastic pollution is a major anthropogenic contaminant effecting the marine environment and is often associated with high human population densities and industrial activities. The microplastic (63 to 5000μm) burden of beach sediment and surf-zone water was investigated at selected sites along the entire length of the South African coastline. It was predicted that samples collected in areas of high population density, would contain a higher microplastic burden than those along coasts that demonstrate very low population densities.

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The extent of microplastic pollution (<5mm) in the southern hemisphere, particularly southern Africa, is largely unknown. This study aimed to evaluate microplastic pollution along the south-eastern coastline of South Africa, looking at whether bays are characterised by higher microplastic densities than open stretches of coastline in both beach sediment and surf-zone water. Microplastic (mean ± standard error) densities in the beach sediment ranged between 688.

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As part of a larger investigation, the effect of apex predation on estuarine bacterial community structure, through trophic cascading, was investigated using experimental in situ mesocosms. Through either the removal (filtration) or addition of specific size classes of planktonic groups, four different trophic scenarios were established using estuarine water and its associated plankton. One such treatment represented a "natural" scenario in which stable apex predatory pressure was qualified.

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Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) are globally distributed top predators that play an important ecological role within coastal marine communities. However, little is known about the spatial and temporal scales of their habitat use and associated ecological role. In this study, we employed passive acoustic telemetry to investigate the residency patterns and migration dynamics of 18 adult bull sharks (195-283 cm total length) tagged in southern Mozambique for a period of between 10 and 22 months.

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As apex predators, sharks play an important role shaping their respective marine communities through predation and associated risk effects. Understanding the predatory dynamics of sharks within communities is, therefore, necessary to establish effective ecologically based conservation strategies. We employed non-lethal sampling methods to investigate the feeding ecology of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) using stable isotope analysis within a subtropical marine community in the southwest Indian Ocean.

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Background: Classically, estuarine planktonic research has focussed largely on the physico-chemical drivers of community assemblages leaving a paucity of information on important biological interactions.

Methodology/principal Findings: Within the context of trophic cascades, various treatments using in situ mesocosms were established in a closed estuary to highlight the importance of predation in stabilizing estuarine plankton abundances. Through either the removal (filtration) or addition of certain planktonic groups, five different trophic systems were established.

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Mutualistic relations between plants and animals are well documented on land but have received less attention in marine systems. This study examined the relationship between the territorial intertidal limpet Patella longicosta and the crustose brown alga Ralfsia verrucosa. Adult Patella are found exclusively in association with Ralfsia, on which they feed, while Ralfsia occurs primarily, but not exclusively, in Patella territories.

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