Aims: Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is one option in the treatment of isolated unicompartmental advanced osteoarthritis (OA). While long-term results exist for medial mobile-bearing (MB) UKA, evidence regarding lateral MB-UKA is still limited. The Oxford Domed Lateral (ODL) implant aims to reduce the bearing dislocation rate in lateral MB-UKA through enhanced bearing entrapment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTopological materials are of great interest because they can support metallic edge or surface states that are robust against perturbations, with the potential for technological applications. Here, we experimentally explore the light-induced non-equilibrium properties of two distinct topological phases in NaCdAs: a topological crystalline insulator (TCI) phase and a topological insulator (TI) phase. This material has surface states that are protected by mirror symmetry in the TCI phase at room temperature, while it undergoes a structural phase transition to a TI phase below 200 K.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResponse functions are a fundamental aspect of physics; they represent the link between experimental observations and the underlying quantum many-body state. However, this link is often under-appreciated, as the Lehmann formalism for obtaining response functions in linear response has no direct link to experiment. Within the context of quantum computing, and via a linear response framework, we restore this link by making the experiment an inextricable part of the quantum simulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose and demonstrate a unified hierarchical method to measure n-point correlation functions that can be applied to driven, dissipative, or otherwise open or nonequilibrium quantum systems. In this method, the time evolution of the system is repeatedly interrupted by interacting an ancilla qubit with the system through a controlled operation, and measuring the ancilla immediately afterward. We discuss the robustness of this method as compared to other ancilla-based interferometric techniques (such as the Hadamard test), and highlight its advantages for near-term quantum simulations of open quantum systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTime-dependent driving of quantum systems has emerged as a powerful tool to engineer exotic phases far from thermal equilibrium, but in the presence of many-body interactions it also leads to runaway heating, so that generic systems are believed to heat up until they reach a featureless infinite-temperature state. Understanding the mechanisms by which such a heat death can be slowed down or even avoided is a major goal-one such mechanism is to drive toward an even distribution of electrons in momentum space. Here we show how such a mechanism avoids runaway heating for an interacting charge-density-wave chain with a macroscopic number of conserved quantities when driven by a strong dc electric field; minibands with nontrivial distribution functions develop as the current is prematurely driven to zero.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSimulating quantum dynamics on classical computers is challenging for large systems due to the significant memory requirements. Simulation on quantum computers is a promising alternative, but fully optimizing quantum circuits to minimize limited quantum resources remains an open problem. We tackle this problem by presenting a constructive algorithm, based on Cartan decomposition of the Lie algebra generated by the Hamiltonian, which generates quantum circuits with time-independent depth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe unitary coupled cluster (UCC) approximation is one of the more promising wave function ansätzes for electronic structure calculations on quantum computers via the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. However, for large systems with many orbitals, the required number of UCC factors still leads to very deep quantum circuits, which can be challenging to implement. Based on the observation that most UCC amplitudes are small for both weakly correlated and strongly correlated molecules, we devise an algorithm that employs a Taylor expansion in the small amplitudes, trading off circuit depth for extra measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present an exact Monte Carlo method to simulate the nonequilibrium dynamics of electron-phonon models in the adiabatic limit of zero phonon frequency. The classical nature of the phonons allows us to sample the equilibrium phonon distribution and efficiently evolve the electronic subsystem in a time-dependent electromagnetic field for each phonon configuration. We demonstrate that our approach is particularly useful for charge-density-wave systems experiencing pulsed electric fields, as they appear in pump-probe experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe factorized form of the unitary coupled cluster Ansatz is a popular state preparation Ansatz for electronic structure calculations of molecules on quantum computers. It is often viewed as an approximation (based on the Trotter product formula) for the conventional unitary coupled cluster operator. In this work, we show that the factorized form is quite flexible, allowing one to range from a conventional configuration interaction, to conventional unitary coupled cluster, to efficient approximations that lie in between these two.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPartition functions are ubiquitous in physics: They are important in determining the thermodynamic properties of many-body systems and in understanding their phase transitions. As shown by Lee and Yang, analytically continuing the partition function to the complex plane allows us to obtain its zeros and thus the entire function. Moreover, the scaling and nature of these zeros can elucidate phase transitions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Chem Theory Comput
February 2021
The factorized form of unitary coupled cluster theory (UCC) is a promising wave-function ansatz for the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. Here, we present a quantum-inspired classical algorithm for UCC based on an exact operator identity for the individual UCC factors. We implement this algorithm for calculations of the H linear chain and the HO molecule with single and double ζ basis sets to provide insights into UCC as a wave-function ansatz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChemistry is considered as one of the more promising applications to science of near-term quantum computing. Recent work in transitioning classical algorithms to a quantum computer has led to great strides in improving quantum algorithms and illustrating their quantum advantage. Because of the limitations of near-term quantum computers, the most effective strategies split the work over classical and quantum computers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the goals of pump-probe spectroscopies is to determine how electrons relax after they have been driven out of equilibrium. It is challenging to determine how close electrons are to a thermal state solely by fitting their distribution to a Fermi-Dirac distribution. Instead, we propose that one compare the effective temperatures of both fermions and collective bosonic modes (derived from the fermions) to determine the distance from a thermal state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPeriodically driven nonequilibrium many-body systems are interesting because they have quasi-energy spectra, which can be tailored by controlling the external driving fields. We derive the general spectral representation of retarded Green functions in the Floquet regime, thereby generalizing the well-known Lehmann representation from equilibrium many-body physics. The derived spectral Floquet representation allows us to prove the non-negativity of spectral densities and to determine exact spectral sum rules, which can be employed to benchmark the accuracy of approximations to the exact Floquet many-body Green functions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use a self-assembled two-dimensional Coulomb crystal of ∼70 ions in the presence of an external transverse field to engineer a simulator of the Dicke Hamiltonian, an iconic model in quantum optics which features a quantum phase transition between a superradiant (ferromagnetic) and a normal (paramagnetic) phase. We experimentally implement slow quenches across the quantum critical point and benchmark the dynamics and the performance of the simulator through extensive theory-experiment comparisons which show excellent agreement. The implementation of the Dicke model in fully controllable trapped ion arrays can open a path for the generation of highly entangled states useful for enhanced metrology and the observation of scrambling and quantum chaos in a many-body system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe interplay between the electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in nonequilibrium states of strongly correlated systems has been debated for decades. Although progress has been made in establishing a hierarchy of electronic interactions with the use of time-resolved techniques, the role of the phonons often remains in dispute, a situation highlighting the need for tools that directly probe the lattice. We present the first combined megaelectron volt ultrafast electron diffraction and time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of optimally doped BiSrCaCuO.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn complex materials various interactions have important roles in determining electronic properties. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) is used to study these processes by resolving the complex single-particle self-energy and quantifying how quantum interactions modify bare electronic states. However, ambiguities in the measurement of the real part of the self-energy and an intrinsic inability to disentangle various contributions to the imaginary part of the self-energy can leave the implications of such measurements open to debate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrafast materials science promises optical control of physical properties of solids. Continuous-wave circularly polarized laser driving was predicted to induce a light-matter coupled state with an energy gap and a quantum Hall effect, coined Floquet topological insulator. Whereas the envisioned Floquet topological insulator requires high-frequency pumping to obtain well-separated Floquet bands, a follow-up question regards the creation of Floquet-like states in graphene with realistic low-frequency laser pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a nonequilibrium strong-coupling approach to inhomogeneous systems of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We demonstrate its application to the Mott-insulating phase of a two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model in the presence of a trap potential. Since the theory is formulated self-consistently, the numerical implementation relies on a massively parallel evaluation of the self-energy and the Green's function at each lattice site, employing thousands of CPUs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe employ an exact solution of the simplest model for pump-probe time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in charge-density-wave systems to show how, in nonequilibrium, the gap in the density of states disappears while the charge density remains modulated, and then the gap reforms after the pulse has passed. This nonequilibrium scenario qualitatively describes the common short-time experimental features in TaS(2) and TbTe(3), indicating a quasiuniversality for nonequilibrium "melting" with qualitative features that can be easily understood within a simple picture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is much interest in how quantum systems thermalize after a sudden change, because unitary evolution should preclude thermalization. The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis resolves this because all observables for quantum states in a small energy window have essentially the same value; it is violated for integrable systems due to the infinite number of conserved quantities. Here, we show that when a system is driven by a DC electric field there are five generic behaviors: (i) monotonic or (ii) oscillatory approach to an infinite-temperature steady state; (iii) monotonic or (iv) oscillatory approach to a nonthermal steady state; or (v) evolution to an oscillatory state.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examine electron-electron mediated relaxation following ultrafast electric field pump excitation of the fermionic degrees of freedom in the Falicov-Kimball model for correlated electrons. The results reveal a dichotomy in the temporal evolution of the system as one tunes through the Mott metal-to-insulator transition: in the metallic regime relaxation can be characterized by evolution toward a steady state well described by Fermi-Dirac statistics with an increased effective temperature; however, in the insulating regime this quasithermal paradigm breaks down with relaxation toward a nonthermal state with a complicated electronic distribution as a function of momentum. We characterize the behavior by studying changes in the energy, photoemission response, and electronic distribution as functions of time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFrustration, or the competition between interacting components of a network, is often responsible for the emergent complexity of many-body systems. For instance, frustrated magnetism is a hallmark of poorly understood systems such as quantum spin liquids, spin glasses, and spin ices, whose ground states can be massively degenerate and carry high degrees of quantum entanglement. Here, we engineer frustrated antiferromagnetic interactions between spins stored in a crystal of up to 16 trapped (171)Yb(+) atoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
December 2012
We show how a lightly doped Mott insulator has hugely enhanced electronic thermal transport at low temperature. It displays universal behavior independent of the interaction strength when the carriers can be treated as nondegenerate fermions and a nonuniversal "crossover" region where the Lorenz number grows to large values, while still maintaining a large thermoelectric figure of merit. The electron dynamics are described by the Falicov-Kimball model which is solved for arbitrary large on-site correlation with a dynamical mean-field theory algorithm on a Bethe lattice.
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