Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) defined by various degrees of abnormally invasive placentation is strongly associated with severe maternal morbidity and maternal mortality, mainly reflecting maternal hemorrhage. Predisposing factors for this condition include: multiparity, placenta previa, previous uterine surgeries (previous curettage, cesarean delivery, and myomectomy), smoking and previous PAS. Prenatal sonographic findings associated with PAS include the presence of placenta previa, loss of the hypoechoic retroplacental sonolucency, myometrial thinning, interruption of the irregularity of the bladder wall, excessive vascularity of the uterovesical plane, placental lacunae, increased placental vascularity, bridging vessels with vascularity extending from the placental bed across the uterine wall into the bladder or other pelvic organs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn interstitial pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy located within the proximal intramural segment of the Fallopian tube traversing the myometrium. This type of ectopic pregnancy is relatively rare, occurring in approximately 1%-3% of all ectopic pregnancies. Given the myometrial mantle surrounding the gestational sac, which is considerably thicker than in other tubal pregnancies, patients with interstitial pregnancies classically manifest symptoms later in gestation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSmall bowel atresia constitutes congenital obstruction of the lumen of the duodenum, jejunum or ileum, and is one of the most common causes of neonatal bowel obstruction with a reported incidence of between 1.3 and 2.8 per 10,1000 live births.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrenatal sonographic depiction of congenital vertical talus (rocker bottom feet), describing a prominent calcaneus and rounded convex appearance of the ventral aspect of the foot, has been reported with fetal Trisomies 18, 13, 9 HOXD10 mutations and recently 2q13 microdeletion. We present a 24 year old in whom mid-trimester sonographic finding of isolated bilateral rocker bottom feet led to diagnosis of 7q11.23 microdeletion-Williams syndrome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe unusual mid-trimester sonography of subtle fetal facial dysmorphic features including; flattened nasofrontal angle with an almost vertically positioned nasal bone, acute nasolabial angle, and convexity of the maxillary areas in a fetus with otherwise normal anatomy. Microarray identified a 64.5 KB interstitial deletion of 2q25.
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