Publications by authors named "Frederico Vieira"

Poultry production faces significant challenges, including high feed prices, diseases, and thermal stress, which impact broiler welfare and productivity. Despite advances in cooling technologies and ventilation, preslaughter operations still lead to considerable losses. This review highlights the need for the improved management of thermal environments and animal logistics.

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The indoor climate to which livestock are exposed is a critical factor influencing their performance and productivity. Elevated air temperature and relative humidity could result in heat stress for laying hens. This situation results in severe adverse effects such as weight loss and mortality.

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The compost-bedded pack barn (CBPB) system has been increasingly adopted by dairy farms due to its ability to enhance animal comfort and milk production. This study evaluated the associations among bedding characteristics, milk quality and composition, and subclinical mastitis (SCM) occurrence in dairy herds housed in CBPB systems. Over a period of six months, data related to milk quality and udder health and bedding sampling were collected from eight dairy farms.

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This study aimed to analyze the reproductive and physiological changes in ewes subjected to heat stress during pregnancy at UTFPR-Brazil. Twenty-four pregnant crossbred ewes were kept in a silvopastoral system (SP) or an open pasture system (OP) throughout the final trimester of pregnancy. Both systems were stressful, but the SP system had lower air temperature than the OP system (26.

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Due to climate change, heat stress is a growing problem for the dairy industry. Based on this, annual economic losses in the dairy sector are verified mainly on a large scale. Despite several publications on thermal stress in lactating dairy cows in confinement systems, there need to be published reviews addressing this issue systematically.

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Does the silvopastoral system (SPS) promote a satisfactory thermal environment for dairy cows to perform their natural behaviors and perform a suitable thermoregulatory function? To answer this, peer-reviewed articles, written in English and evaluating the effects of silvopastoral systems on thermal environment, dairy cows' behavior, and physiology were used in this systematic review; additionally, a bibliometric approach was performed. Web of Science and Google Scholar were used to compile the literature. The resulting articles (1448) underwent a 4-step appraisal process and resulted in 19 articles that fitted our inclusion criteria.

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This study was conducted to describe the building layout and dimensions, characterize the bedding material, and observe the management practices in 42 compost-bedded pack (CBP) barns in Kentucky (USA). The average herd size found in the study was 90 cows and the breeds consisted of Jersey (6.8%), Holstein (72.

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The objective of this work was to investigate the viability of using retorted oil shale as urea coating (U + ROS) in the decrease of N losses by ammonia (NH-N) volatilization. The experiment was carried out in a silvopastoral system with a randomized block design with split-plots. The main treatments consisted of spatial arrangements of the trees, while the subdivision of the plots constituted the surface application of common urea (U) and retorted oil shale-coated urea (U + ROS) for the pasture.

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COD is an arbitrary indicator of the content of organic and inorganic compounds in wastewater. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of COD of industrial wastewater on the nitrification process. This research covered wastewater from acrylonitrile and styrene-butadiene rubbers, emulsifiers, polyvinyl acetate, styrene, solvents (butyl acetate, ethyl acetate) and owipian (self-extinguishing polystyrene intended for expansion) production.

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The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of compost bedding materials play an important role in every phase of compost production. Based on this, we aimed to assess the thermal, chemical and physical properties of bedding materials for compost-bedded pack (CBP) barns. The database for this study was registered from 42 CBP barns, distributed throughout the state of Kentucky (USA).

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The effect of milk production systems on the welfare of dairy cows has been studied worldwide, but studies that compare pasture-based, compost barn, and free stall systems, according to animal welfare, are more scarce. In this work, the welfare of 51 dairy herds, including 17 from each management system, was investigated through the application of the Welfare Quality protocol. Descriptive statistics and the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric method were used to analyze variables.

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Ice-free areas of Antarctica represent an important study region that helps us understand how human activity affects plant communities and soil properties. The goal of this study was to determine the changes in plant composition and soil properties around a whale bone skeleton (WB) near Ferraz Station, King George Island, Antarctica from 1972 to 2020 (48 years). The WB was assembled in 1972 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his team.

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BINGO (BAO from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations) is a unique radio telescope designed to map the intensity of neutral hydrogen distribution at cosmological distances, making the first detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the frequency band 980 MHz - 1260 MHz, corresponding to a redshift range 0.127 < z < 0.449.

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The spatial variability and behavioural aspects of compost-bedded pack barns remain unknown in subtropical regions. In this study, we investigated whether spatial variability occurs in the thermal environment of a compost barn and how the behaviour of dairy cows with different numbers of lactations differs in this system. The spatial sampling design comprised a grid of 108 locations inside the facility.

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Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) use in premature newborns remains controversial among clinicians. In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Fetus and Newborn released a statement that the available data do not support routine iNO use in pre-term newborns. Despite the absence of significant benefits, 2016 California data showed that clinicians continue to utilize iNO in pre-term infants.

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Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal population. Formula feeding is among the many risk factors for developing the condition, a practice often required in the cohort most often afflicted with NEC, preterm infants. While the virtues of many bioactive components of breast milk have been extolled, the ability to digest and assimilate the nutritional components of breast milk is often overlooked.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a policy to deliver at 39 weeks for class III obesity.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of women with class III obesity delivering at ≥ 37 weeks before (May 2012 to April 2014) and after the policy (September 2014 to August 2016). The primary outcome was the cesarean rate.

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The aim of this study was to assess the variation of physiological responses and mortality of day-old chicks subjected to different thermal conditions and exposure times during simulated transport. For this purpose, day-old chicks (n = 900) were used and subjected to simulated conditions of transport in a climate chamber. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design, with the structure of the treatments in a 3 × 3 factorial scheme (thermal ranges and time intervals) and each level of containers considered a block.

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Surfactant proteins are important collectin immune molecules with a wide distribution throughout the body, including the ocular system. Mice with gene deletions for the surfactant protein genes Sftpa1 and Sftpd were observed to have visual impairment and thinning of the outer nuclear layers of the retina. We hypothesized that gene deletion of Sftpa1 and Sftpd (Sftpa1tm1Kor/J and Sftpd-/-) results in early retinal degeneration in these mice.

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The collectins family encompasses several collagenous Ca-dependent defense lectins that are described as pathogen recognition molecules. They play an important role in both adaptive and innate immunity. Surfactant proteins A and D are two of these proteins which were initially discovered in association with surfactant in the pulmonary system.

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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of forestation with leguminous Acacia mearnsii De Wild in native grasslands on the soil greenhouse (GHG) fluxes and their main driving factors. The experiment was conducted in the Brazilian Pampa over the period of one year in a six-year-old Acacia plantation, evaluating four treatments: Acacia (AM), Acacia with litter periodically removed (A-l), Acacia after harvest (AH) and native grassland (NG) (reference treatment). Air samples were obtained by the static chamber method, and gas concentrations were evaluated by gas chromatography.

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Body surface temperature can be used to evaluate thermal equilibrium in animals. The bodies of broiler chickens, like those of all birds, are partially covered by feathers. Thus, the heat flow at the boundary layer between broilers' bodies and the environment differs between feathered and featherless areas.

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The study aimed at to determine the magnitude of the methane (CH(4)) and nitrous oxide (N(2)O) flux rates in soils at Hennequin Point, King George Island, Antarctic, under different slope positions, vegetal covers and presence of skuas, as well as to evaluate the main soil and climate factors that are involved with the flux of such gases. In situ gas sampling (closed chamber method) was performed in four sites along a transect involving a skua nesting field in a moraine with 5% and 100% of surface covered by vegetal, and two poor-drained soils in the toeslope (a bare alluvium soil and a poor-drained moss field with 100% soil cover). Flux rates ranged from -0.

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Researchers working with thermal comfort have been using enthalpy to measure thermal energy inside rural facilities, establishing indicator values for many situations of thermal comfort and heat stress. This variable turned out to be helpful in analyzing thermal exchange in livestock systems. The animals are exposed to an environment which is decisive for the thermoregulatory process, and, consequently, the reactions reflect states of thermal comfort or heat stress, the last being responsable for problems of sanity, behavior and productivity.

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This paper presents an approach to the well-known Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). The SOM algorithm has interesting topological information about its neurons configuration on cartesian space, which can be used to solve optimization problems. Aspects of initialization, parameters adaptation, and complexity analysis of the proposed SOM based algorithm are discussed.

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