Publications by authors named "Frederick Matsen Iii"

Purpose: Cutibacterium is commonly isolated from deep tissue samples taken at the time of revision shoulder arthroplasty, but the significance of these positive cultures is debated, and the impact of increasing bacterial loads on clinical outcomes is unclear. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify factors independently associated with high bacterial loads, and (2) compare patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and revision rates in patients found to have high Cutibacterium loads.

Materials And Methods: Male patients undergoing single stage exchange with a minimum 2-year follow-up were included.

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  • The study investigates using artificial intelligence, specifically deep learning models (DLMs), to accurately identify radiographic landmarks before and after shoulder arthroplasty, which is typically a tedious manual process.
  • A total of 240 anteroposterior radiographs were annotated, creating a dataset that trained the DLM to achieve a mean deviation of only 1.9 mm when comparing DLM-identified landmarks to those identified by surgeons.
  • The DLM demonstrated promise in efficiently analyzing radiographs with minimal human error, suggesting it could significantly aid in the evaluation of shoulder surgeries while also improving the reliability of measurements related to glenohumeral relationships.
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  • The study developed a machine learning tool to automatically identify key reference points and assess shoulder joint relationships on x-rays.
  • The model, trained on annotated radiographs, accurately pinpointed six reference locations with a mean deviation of only 2 mm from expert surgeons.
  • This technology could streamline the interpretation of shoulder x-rays, making it easier to analyze large patient groups and connect radiographic findings with clinical outcomes.
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  • Cutibacterium is the leading cause of shoulder periprosthetic infections (PJI), and while treatment often involves prosthesis exchange and antibiotics, some cases fail.
  • This study analyzed 35 patients suspected of having Cutibacterium PJI to identify characteristics associated with treatment failure, focusing on positive cultures from revision surgeries.
  • Findings showed that patients with higher Cutibacterium loads on their skin and in deep cultures at revision were more likely to experience treatment failure, along with being predominantly male and having undergone specific surgical procedures.
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A reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is a prosthesis that should be used in patients who have specific contraindications to the more conventional total shoulder prosthetic replacements. The patient and surgeon should understand that this reconstruction is technically more difficult and is associated with more complications than conventional shoulder reconstructions. The reverse total shoulder arthroplasty has been used in Europe more than in North America, and the experience in Europe is guiding its use in North America.

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