Publications by authors named "Frank T-C Tsai"

Coastal Louisiana is known for saltwater intrusion that threatens wetlands, aquifers, and rivers. However, the extent of saltwater intrusion is not well understood. This study develops an innovative framework with airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data to map chloride concentration distributions for wetlands in the Mississippi River deltaic plain and Chenier plain as well as for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) and Chicot aquifer.

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Increasing demands from agriculture and urbanization have decreased groundwater level and increased salinity worldwide. Better aquifer characterization and soil salinity mapping are important for proactive groundwater management. Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) is a powerful tool for aquifer characterization and salinity delineation.

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Groundwater vulnerability assessment is a measure of potential groundwater contamination for areas of interest. The main objective of this study is to modify original DRASTIC model using four objective methods, Weights-of-Evidence (WOE), Shannon Entropy (SE), Logistic Model Tree (LMT), and Bootstrap Aggregating (BA) to create a map of groundwater vulnerability for the Sari-Behshahr plain, Iran. The study also investigated impact of addition of eight additional factors (distance to fault, fault density, distance to river, river density, land-use, soil order, geological time scale, and altitude) to improve groundwater vulnerability assessment.

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The groundwater community has widely recognized geological structure uncertainty as a major source of model structure uncertainty. Previous studies in aquifer remediation design, however, rarely discuss the impact of geological structure uncertainty. This study combines chance-constrained (CC) programming with Bayesian model averaging (BMA) as a BMA-CC framework to assess the impact of geological structure uncertainty in remediation design.

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Groundwater prediction models are subjected to various sources of uncertainty. This study introduces a hierarchical Bayesian model averaging (HBMA) method to segregate and prioritize sources of uncertainty in a hierarchical structure and conduct BMA for concentration prediction. A BMA tree of models is developed to understand the impact of individual sources of uncertainty and uncertainty propagation to model predictions.

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The objective of this research was to study the sorption and transport of bacteriophage MS-2 (a bacterial virus) in saturated sediments under the effect of salinity and soluble organic matter (SOM). One-dimensional column experiments were conducted on washed high-purity silica sand and sandy soil. In sand column tests, increasing salinity showed distinct effect on enhancing MS-2 sorption.

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Hydraulic conductivity identification remains a challenging inverse problem in ground water modeling because of the inherent nonuniqueness and lack of flexibility in parameterization methods. This study introduces maximum weighted log-likelihood estimation (MWLLE) along with multiple generalized parameterization (GP) methods to identify hydraulic conductivity and to address nonuniqueness and inflexibility problems in parameterization. A scaling factor for information criteria is suggested to obtain reasonable weights of parameterization methods for the MWLLE and model averaging method.

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This research develops a methodology for parameter structure identification in ground water modeling. For a given set of observations, parameter structure identification seeks to identify the parameter dimension, its corresponding parameter pattern and values. Voronoi tessellation is used to parameterize the unknown distributed parameter into a number of zones.

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