Publications by authors named "Francisco Zamora"

In this prospective, multicentric, observational study, we describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of people living with HIV (PLHIV) requiring hospitalization due to COVID-19 in Chile and compare them with Chilean general population admitted with SARS-CoV-2. Consecutive PLHIV admitted with COVID-19 in 23 hospitals, between 16 April and 23 June 2020, were included. Data of a temporally matched-hospitalized general population were used to compare demography, comorbidities, COVID-19 symptoms, and major outcomes.

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Chile has become a popular destination for migrants from South America and the Caribbean (low- and middle-income countries migration). Close to 200.000 Haitian migrants have arrived in Chile.

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Background: Chile is a low-endemic HBV country, but countries with the highest migratory flow to Chile have an intermediate-high endemicity. In order to avoid vertical transmission of HBV, immunoprophylaxis (IP) in the newborn (NB) is a key factor.

Aim: To identify HBsAg prevalence in pregnant immigrants and Chilean pregnant women with risk behaviors (RB) and to asses IP use in the NB.

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Polymyxins have been available since the 1960s, however, because of their adverse effects, their use has been reserved for the treatment of infections caused by multiresistant bacteria. The increase in the clinical experience acquired in recent years and the published medical literature have raised doubts about the information provided by the product, indicating the need to update dosage recommendations, pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic information (PK/PD). In addition, differences in concentration and dose between the different products of colistin may lead to errors of indication/administration and pose a risk to patients.

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Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are 2 times higher among psychiatric patients than in the general population. The under-recognition of this dual diagnosis can entail several negative outcomes. Early assessment with a screening tool like the CAGE questionnaire could be an opportunity to improve patients' prognoses.

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Background: Our objective was to assess therapeutic non-inferiority of dual treatment with lopinavir-ritonavir and lamivudine to triple treatment with lopinavir-ritonavir plus two nucleos(t)ides for maintenance of HIV-1 viral suppression.

Methods: In this randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial, we recruited patients from 32 HIV units in hospitals in Spain and France. Eligible patients were HIV-infected adults (aged ≥18 years) with HIV-1 RNA of less than 50 copies per mL, for at least 6 months on triple treatment with lopinavir-ritonavir (twice daily) plus lamivudine or emtricitabine and a second nucleos(t)ide, with no resistance or virological failure to these drugs, and no positive hepatitis B serum surface antigen.

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Objective: To evaluate the effect on creatinine clearance (CG-CrCl, Cockcroft-Gault equation) of switching to boosted protease inhibitor (PI) monotherapy in patients receiving a triple drug antiretroviral regimen containing TDF.

Methods: All patients who had received a TDF-containing regimen for at least one year and had been switched to PI monotherapy were included. A rapid decrease in CG-CrCl during exposure to TDF was defined as a decrease in CG-CrCl at least five times higher than the expected due to age (0.

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Background: We compared the prognostic value of liver biopsy (LB) and FIB-4 index in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection.

Methods: We studied patients from the Grupo de Estudio del SIDA 3603 study cohort, in whom fibrosis was evaluated at baseline using both LB (Metavir score) and FIB-4 index. We assessed overall death (OD) and liver-related events (LREs), defined as decompensation or hepatocellular carcinoma, whichever occurred first.

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Introduction: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI)-sparing regimens have been studied in antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve patients but data with ART-experienced are scarce. NRTI-sparing regimens may be an option in patients with toxicities and for simplification reasons.

Methods: Retrospective multicentre analysis including ART-experienced patients starting treatment with darunavir/ritonavir and etravirine (DRV/r 800 mg/100 mg QD or 600 mg/100 mg BID and ETV 400 mg QD or 200 mg BID) with at least six months of follow-up.

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Objective: We assessed the effects of sustained viral response (SVR), after treating with interferon-ribavirin (IF-RB), on mortality, liver-related (LR) events (decompensation, hepatocellular carcinoma), HIV progression, and liver stiffness in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected patients with nonadvanced liver fibrosis.

Methods: From a cohort of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients treated with IF-RB, we selected those with baseline liver fibrosis stages F0, F1, or F2 according to METAVIR. The study started when IF-RB was stopped and ended at death or at the last follow-up visit.

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Background: The evolution of neurocognitive performance in aviremic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients treated with <3 antiretrovirals is unknown.

Methods: We prospectively included aviremic (≥1 year) HIV-positive patients, without concomitant major neurocognitive confounders, currently receiving boosted lopinavir or darunavir as monotherapy (n = 67) or triple antiretroviral therapy (ART) (n = 67) for ≥1 year. We evaluated neurocognitive function (7 domains) at baseline and after 1 year.

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Background: Protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated with more frequent episodes of viral rebounds above 50 copies/mL than triple therapy.

Objective: To evaluate if, compared to triple-drug therapy, protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated with increased levels of inflammatory/procoagulant markers and more frequent plasma residual viremia detection.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we included patients treated for ≥ 1 year with darunavir/ritonavir or lopinavir/ritonavir as monotherapy (n=72) or with two nucleos(t)ides (n=74).

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Background: In patients who remain virologically suppressed in plasma with triple-drug ART a switch to protease inhibitor monotherapy maintains high rates of suppression; however it is unknown if protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated to a higher rate of neurocognitive impairment.

Methods: In this observational, cross-sectional study we included patients with plasma virological suppression (≥ 1 year) without concomitant major neurocognitive confounders, currently receiving for ≥ 1 year boosted lopinavir or darunavir as monotherapy or as triple ART. Neurocognitive impairment was defined as per the 2007 consensus of the American Association of Neurology.

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We report long-term virologic response to etravirine and tenofovir/emtricitabine in four HIV-1-infected patients who had prior standard genotypic resistance testing showing an isolated K103N mutation (three acquired, one transmitted). In three patients tested, the K103N mutation was detected in cellular HIV-1 DNA whereas remaining suppressed on etravirine plus tenofovir/emtricitabine.

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Objective: To determine prevalence and risk factors for hypertension and isolated office hypertension diagnosed by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in HIV-infected patients.

Methods: Cross-sectional study of 310 patients. A 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring procedure was performed on the nondominant arm in those patients showing office systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg.

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A 42-year-old HIV-infected woman with an antecedent of HPV-related genital disease is diagnosed with invasive anal carcinoma due to HPV 16. Anal cancer is becoming an increasing problem in HIV-infected woman. In fact, the prevalence of HPV infection-related disease in this population is higher in the anus than in the cervix.

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The decline in mortality resulting from the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been accompanied by an increase in metabolic complications that produce accelerated atherosclerosis. Hypertension is one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors. Little is known about the impact of HAART on blood pressure, and it is uncertain whether chronic HIV infection or HAART have a role in the development of hypertension.

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Tuberculosis characteristics and incidence were assessed among patients with concurrent human immunodeficiency virus infection and chronic hepatitis C virus infection who were receiving interferon-based therapy at 3 hospitals in Spain. Four of 570 patients (0.7 cases per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval, 0.

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Like other great desert rivers, the Colorado River in the United States and Mexico is highly regulated to provide water for human use. No water is officially allotted to support the natural ecosystems in the delta of the river in Mexico. However, precipitation is inherently variable in this watershed, and from 1981-2004, 15% of the mean annual flow of the Lower Colorado River has entered the riparian corridor below the last diversion point for water in Mexico.

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