Publications by authors named "Francis Delmonico"

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  • The Organización Nacional de Trasplantes hosted a Global Summit in Santander on November 9-10, 2023, focusing on the challenges in advancing global organ transplantation.
  • Working Group 2 identified two main challenges: establishing a unified definition of death based on brain function and addressing disparities in deceased organ donation.
  • To tackle these challenges, they recommended adopting consistent criteria for determining death and enhancing organ utilization through techniques like donation after circulatory determination of death (DCDD) and advanced perfusion technologies.
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A strategic vision toward global convergence in transplantation must encourage and remove barriers to living organ donation and transplantation. Here, we discuss deliberations of a working group of the 2023 Santander Summit charged with formulating recommendations for the safe expansion of living donor kidney transplantation and living donor liver transplantation worldwide. Living donor kidney transplantation has grown to be the preferred treatment for advanced kidney failure.

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Establishing transparency and oversight of organ transplantation by regulatory agencies is of paramount importance to assure ethical, legal, and clinically robust transplantation practices. Registries reporting activity and outcome data of the donor and recipient, including donor source (living or deceased), must be developed for each transplant and should be a mandatory requirement to achieve accreditation to perform transplant surgeries. Collected data for the living organ donor must include the nationality, the nature of their relationship with the recipient, and the complications encountered by living donors that result in prolonged morbidity or mortality.

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Background: Brief normothermic machine perfusion is increasingly used to assess and recondition grafts before transplant. During normothermic machine perfusion, metabolic activity is typically maintained using red blood cell (RBC)-based solutions. However, the utilization of RBCs creates important logistical constraints.

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  • The article discusses the variability in organ and tissue donation and transplantation (OTDT) legislation globally, which affects system performance, and outlines an international forum aimed at creating consensus recommendations for an ideal OTDT system.
  • The forum, initiated by Transplant Québec and involving numerous organizations, identified key domains and topics, incorporating input from diverse stakeholders including patients and families, to generate recommendations through a structured approach from March to September 2021.
  • The forum resulted in 94 specific recommendations across various domains and established an ethical framework to guide future policy evaluations, with findings presented in a forum held in Montreal in October 2021.
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Background: Transplant therapy is considered the best and often the only available treatment for thousands of patients with organ failure that results from communicable and noncommunicable diseases. The number of annual organ transplants is insufficient for the worldwide need.

Methods: We elaborate the proceedings of the workshop entitled "The Role of Science in the Development of International Standards of Organ Donation and Transplantation," organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and cosponsored by the World Health Organization in June 2021.

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Background: International travel for transplantation remains a global issue as countries continue to struggle in establishing self-sufficiency. In the United States, the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) requires citizenship classification at time of waitlisting to remain transparent and understand to whom our organs are allocated. This study provides an assessment of patients who travel internationally for liver transplantation and their outcomes using the current citizenship classification used by UNOS.

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The access of non-resident patients to the deceased donor waiting list (DDWL) poses different challenges. The European Committee on Organ Transplantation of the Council of Europe (CD-P-TO) has studied this phenomenon in the European setting. A questionnaire was circulated among the Council of Europe member states to inquire about the criteria applied for non-residents to access their DDWL.

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Over the past 65 years, kidney transplantation has evolved into the optimal treatment for patients with kidney failure, dramatically reducing suffering through improved survival and quality of life. However, access to transplant is still limited by organ supply, opportunities for transplant are inequitably distributed, and lifelong transplant survival remains elusive. To address these persistent needs, the National Kidney Foundation convened an expert panel to define an agenda for future research.

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A major limitation in expanding the use of donation after circulatory death (DCD) livers in transplantation is the increased risk of graft failure secondary to ischemic cholangiopathy. Warm ischemia causes thrombosis and injury to the peribiliary vascular plexus (PVP), which is supplied by branches of the hepatic artery, causing higher rates of biliary complications in DCD allografts. We aimed to recondition discarded DCD livers with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) while on normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) to improve PVP blood flow and reduce biliary injury.

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A decision to withdraw life-sustaining treatment (WLST) is derived by a conclusion that further treatment will not enable a patient to survive or will not produce a functional outcome with acceptable quality of life that the patient and the treating team regard as beneficial. Although many hospitalized patients die under such circumstances, controlled donation after the circulatory determination of death (cDCDD) programs have been developed only in a reduced number of countries. This International Collaborative Statement aims at expanding cDCDD in the world to help countries progress towards self-sufficiency in transplantation and offer more patients the opportunity of organ donation.

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