The effectiveness of variational methods for restoring images corrupted by Poisson noise strongly depends on the suitable selection of the regularization parameter balancing the effect of the regulation term(s) and the generalized Kullback-Liebler divergence data term. One of the approaches still commonly used today for choosing the parameter is the discrepancy principle proposed by Zanella et al. in a seminal work.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have recently hypothesized that structural and secretory components of the adult human thyroid gland maintain constant reciprocal and geometrical relationships, even if changes occur in the three-dimensional (3D) architecture of any of these elements. This means that thyroid morphology could be studied from the point of view of a 3D topology. As a consequence, we have investigated anatomical aspects that could support this assumption.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new concept for ex situ endocrine organ bioengineering is presented, focused on the realization of a human bioartificial thyroid gland. It is based on the theoretical assumption and experimental evidence that symmetries in geometrical coordinates of the thyroid tissue remain invariant with respect to developmental, physiological or pathophysiological transformations occuring in the gland architecture. This topological arrangement is dependent upon physical connections established between cells, cell adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix, leading to the view that the thyroid parenchyma behaves like a deformable "putty", moulded onto an elastic stromal/vascular scaffold (SVS) dictating the final morphology of the gland.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFemoral neck fractures are an important clinical, social and economic problem. Even if many different attempts have been carried out to improve the accuracy predicting the fracture risk, it was demonstrated in retrospective studies that the standard clinical protocol achieves an accuracy of about 65%. A new procedure was developed including for the prediction not only bone mineral density but also geometric and femoral strength information and achieving an accuracy of about 80% in a previous retrospective study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe are presenting here a model for processing space-time image sequences and applying them to 3D echo-cardiography. The non-linear evolutionary equations filter the sequence with keeping space-time coherent structures. They have been developed using ideas of regularized Perona-Malik an-isotropic diffusion and geometrical diffusion of mean curvature flow type (Malladi-Sethian), combined with Galilean invariant movie multi-scale analysis of Alvarez et al.
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