Publications by authors named "Filippovich S"

Polyphenols are powerful natural antioxidants with numerous biological activities. They change cell membrane permeability, interact with receptors, intracellular enzymes, and cell membrane transporters, and quench reactive oxygen species (ROS). yeast, being similar to mammalian cells, can be used as a model to study their survival ability upon long-lasting cultivation, assaying the effect of dihydroquercetin polyphenol (DHQ).

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The objective of this research was to develop an environment-friendly and scalable method for the production of self-sanitizing electrospun nanofibers. This was achieved by immobilizing silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) onto plasma-treated surfaces of biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers. The plasma deposited polymer layer containing carboxyl groups played a critical role in providing a uniform distribution of Ag NPs on the nanofiber surface.

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The review describes the advances in the phytase immobilization for the past decade and their biotechnological applications. Different approaches for phytase immobilization are described including the process using organic and inorganic matrices and microbial cells, as well as nanostructures of various nature. Moreover, the immobilization of phytase-producing microbial cells and the use of cross-linked phytase aggregates have been under consideration.

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The spread of bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases by airborne aerosol flows poses a serious threat to human health, so the development of highly effective antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral filters to protect the respiratory system is in great demand. In this study, we developed ZnO-modified polycaprolactone nanofibers (PCL-ZnO) by treating the nanofiber surface with plasma in a gaseous mixture of Ar/CO/CH followed by the deposition of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs). The structure and chemical composition of the composite fibers were characterized by SEM, TEM, EDX, FTIR, and XPS methods.

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Utilization of antibacterial components-conjugated nanoparticles (NPs) is emerging as an attractive strategy for combating various pathogens. Herein, we demonstrate that Ag/BN NPs and antibiotic-loaded BN and Ag/BN nanoconjugates are promising carriers to fight bacterial and fungal infections. Extensive biological tests included two types of Gram-positive methicillin-resistant strains (B8469 and MW2), two types of Gram-negative strains (ATCC27853 and B1307/17), and 47 types of strains (including 41 multidrug-resistant ones), as well as five types of fungal cultures: (candidiasis-thrush) ATCC90028 and ATCC24433, ATCC90018, CBS109113, and We have demonstrated that, even within a single genus , there are many hospital strains with multi-drug resistance to different antibiotics.

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This review presents various strategies to fight causative agents of infectious diseases. Species-specific programmable RNA-containing antibiotics open up new possibilities for creating next-generation of personalized drugs based on microbiome editing and can serve as a new tool for selective elimination of pathogenic bacterial species while keeping intact the rest of microbiota. Another promising approach in combating bacterial infections is genome editing using the CRISPR-Cas systems.

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In recent years, bacteria inactivation during their direct physical contact with surface nanotopography has become one of the promising strategies for fighting infection. Contact-killing ability has been reported for several nanostructured surfaces, e.g.

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Background: Although opioid agonist treatments (OAT) with methadone or buprenorphine are available to treat opioid use disorders (OUD) in Ukraine, OAT acceptability and coverage remains low. Extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) that recently became available as another treatment option provides new opportunities for treating OUDs in this region and we aimed to test its feasibility.

Methods: Patients with OUD (N=135) and interested in treatment with XR-NTX were initiated on monthly XR-NTX injections and monitored for three months.

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Implant-related bacterial infections remain a serious problem that is not solved yet. Herein we combined several antibacterial agents to achieve synergistic effects and broader protection of widely used metallic implants. Titanium samples with microcontainers for drug, produced by selective laser sintering, were coated with Ag-doped biocompatible and bioactive TiCaPCON film and loaded with an antibiotic (gentamicin or a mixture of gentamicin and amphotericin B).

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Ongoing drug use during opioid agonist treatment (OAT) negatively affects treatment and health outcomes, and increases treatment dropout. This study aimed to examine correlates of concurrent illicit drug use among OAT patients in Ukraine. A random sample of 434 patients currently on OAT receiving buprenorphine (BMT) or methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) from five cities in Ukraine were assessed for factors associated with self-reported concurrent illicit drug use during OAT using a multivariable logistic regression.

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Background: In the context of decreasing external and limited Ukrainian governmental funding for opioid agonist treatments (OAT) for opioid dependent people who inject drugs in Ukraine, information on sustainable financial models is needed.

Methods: Data on 855 opioid dependent people who inject drugs (PWID) were drawn from a cross-sectional nationwide survey of 1613 PWID. They comprised 434 participants who were receiving OAT and 421 who were on OAT in the past or have never been on OAT and were interested in receiving the treatment.

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The regulatory effect of two oxyderivatives of unsaturated fatty acids (oxylipins), 18-hydroxy-(9Z,12Z)-octadecadienoic acid (18-HODE) and 18-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadecatrienoic acid (18-HOTrE), on the sexual and asexual sporulation of wild-type Neurospora crassa strains and wc-1 and wc-1 mutants was studied. In the wild-type strain, 18-HODE, unlike 18-HOTrE, stimulated protoperithecia formation in the dark and in the light. In the same strain, the studied oxylipins influenced conidiagenesis only under illumination.

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The fabrication of antibacterial yet biocompatible and bioactive surfaces is a challenge that biological and biomedical community has faced for many years, while no "dream material" has been developed so far. The primary goal of this study was to establish an optimal range of Ag concentration and its state of agglomeration in bioactive nanocomposite TiCaPCON films which would provide a strong bactericidal effect without compromising the material biocompatibility and bioactivity. To obtain samples with different Ag content and redistribution, two different methods were employed: (i) TiCaPCON films deposition by magnetron sputtering of composite TiС0.

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We performed a quantitative assessment of the conidia yield in Neurospora crassa in response to treatment with different conidiation effectors. Depending on nitrogen source and intactness of nitrite reductase (NiR) and nitrate reductase (NR), light and dehydration affected the number of viable conidia produced by the ascomycete. In most variants of the nitrogen status, the combined action of light and dehydration synergistically increased the conidia yield.

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The effect of carbon dioxide on survivability of bacteria Escherichia coli and the germination ability ofconidia of the fungus Neurospora crassa in the presence of silver nitrate was studied. It was shown that carbon dioxide increased the toxic effect of silver ions on prokaryotic cells of E. coli but did not change the survivability of spores of the eukaryote N.

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Bacterial NO Synthases.

Biochemistry (Mosc)

October 2010

Unlike mammalian NO synthases, bacterial NO synthases do not contain a reductase domain. The only exception from this rule is the NO synthase from myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum, but its reductase domain has unusual structure and location in the enzyme molecule. Recent achievements in bacterial genome sequencing have revealed the gene coding NO synthase (represented as an oxygenase domain) in some bacteria and have advanced the study of structure and functions of bacterial NO synthases.

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The effects of permanent darkness on proliferation of Ehrlich ascitic tumor cells and status of the chalone system in the tumor were studied. Chalone-containing preparations from animals exposed to different light conditions exhibited different biological effects on cell proliferation in this tumor. A relationship between biological activity of chalone-containing preparations and sensitivity of tumor cells to these preparations under conditions of modified photoregimen was revealed.

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A simple modification of a spectrophometric method was proposed for the rapid detection of microorganisms based on their ability either to excrete or to absorb volatile compounds. The method provides the possibility of contactless control for bacterial growth at a concentration above 10(7) cells/ml. In addition, the method allows discriminating mutants of the fungus Neurospora crassa defective in the nitrogen metabolism from the wild type strains.

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The proliferative system of the small intestinal cryptic epithelium in intact mice in circahoralian rhythm of mitotic activity of its cells (with a 80-140-min period) is characterized by spatial and time organization. The characteristics of the studied proliferative system do not dub it in individual parts, but present new properties intrinsic of this system in general. The features are greatly similar to the features of spatial and time organization of this proliferative system in circadian rhythm of cell division.

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Light governs living functions of ascomycete fungus Neurospora crassa by controlling expression of the genes responsible for differentiation of reproductive structures, synthesis of secondary metabolites and the circadian oscillator activity. Illumination also influences electrogenic processes in cell membrane and the activity and molecular organization of some enzymes. The major but, probably, not the sole photoreceptor pigment in Neurospora cells is WCC, a heterodimeric complex formed by PAS-domain-containing polypeptides WC-1 and WC-2, which are the products of genes white collar-1 and white collar-2.

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The article presents an approach to the development of information technology for management of epidemics and risk ranking to increase the efficacy of struggle with HIV/AIDS in Ukraine, minimize incidence rate, maximize the quality of health care, and augment the reliability of a long-term forecasting of epidemiological situation in Ukraine and its separate regions.

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We studied spatiotemporal organization of the proliferative system in small intestinal crypt epithelium of normal mice. Close relationships were found between circadian rhythms of cell proliferation and their position in the crypt. These peculiarities reflected spatiotemporal organization of the crypt epithelium.

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Under the conditions of nitrogen starvation, illumination by blue light of wc-1 and wc-2 mutants of the ascomycete Neurospora crassa failed to stimulate the formation of protoperithecia and inhibit conidiation (contrary to what was observed in the mycelium of the wild-type fungus). The data obtained indicate that wc-1 and wc-2 genes of N. crassa are involved in light-dependent formation of protoperithecia and conidia.

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Blue light inhibits the formation of asexual cycle spores (conidia) and stimulates the development of the sexual (female) reproductive structures (protoperithecia) in the nitrogen-starved mycelium of Neurospora crassa. The DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-azacytidine (3-300 microM), opposed the effect of light by suppressing the protoperithecia formation and stimulating a conidiation. The addition of 300 microM 5-azacytidine inhibited protoperithecia formation in the dark-cultivated mycelium by about two orders of magnitude and activated conidiation in the light-exposed mycelium by almost three orders of magnitude.

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