All-round researches of a human being's eye movements in norm and in pathology have been carried out (1967-2006). An analysis of generating of rapid eye movements, those are saccades, has been done. A concept of automaticity of saccades has been formulated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe distribution pattern of total lipids, glyco- and phospholipids, and one betaine lipid (DGTS) in the fronds ofthe ferns Dryopteris filix-mas and Matteuccia struthiopteris was studied. The lipid composition of the embryo leaflets forming a bud, or "treble clef", and that of fully opened leaves changed throughout the growth season. The maximum amount of DGTS in clefs and mature leaves was detected at the beginning of the season.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn open, randomized trial was performed to compare the efficacy of three Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens in children with peptic ulcer disease. A total of 106 children (5 - 15 years) were treated for 1 week with metronidazole, 30 - 40 mg/kg per day depending on age, amoxycillin, 750 mg/day, and one of three anti-secretory agents: proprietary omeprazole, 20 - 40 mg/day depending on age; generic omeprazole, 20 - 40 mg/day; or ranitidine, 150 mg twice daily. The H.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo elucidate the significance of the familial microenvironment in the genesis of Helicobacter infection, a clinical and instrumental investigation was made of 13 families selected by the probands who had digestive diseases associated with H. pylori: gastroduodenitis and duodenal ulcer disease. The occurrence of Helicobacter infection and gastritis in the family members was ascertained to be largely determined by their concurrent residence in the limited area, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe determined the sequence of the region of the chloroplast DNA inverted repeat spanning from the 3'-terminus of the 23S rRNA gene to the 5'-terminus of the tRNA[Arg](ACG) gene (about 700 bp) from 25 bryophytes and from the charophycean alga Chara australis. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences using the neighbor-joining method suggests an early dichotomy of bryophytes and their paraphyly relative to the tracheophyte lineage. A monophyly of liverworts (Marchantiidae plus Jungermanniidae), a deep divergence of Metzgeriales among Jungermanniidae and a close affinity of the two subclasses of mosses, Sphagnidae and Andreaeidae, are evident.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
September 1997
Malignant tumours both of the pancreatoduodenal zone and of other organs situated close to or remote from it occupy a certain place among various etiopathogenetic factors of acute pancreatitis. Complication of the neoplastic process of these organs by acute carcinogenic pancreatitis (ACP) has an effect on the clinical picture of the disease as well as on the therapeutic tactics and the outcomes of the treatment. According to the authors' data (30 patients), ACP occurs in primary carcinoma of the pancreas and in its secondary involvement (metastases and growth of tumours of other organs into the pancreatic tissue).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Khir Im I I Grek
February 1991
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova
December 1989
Characteristics of rapid eye movements (saccades) in babies (six babies of 1-8 months age) recorded by electrooculography method in paradoxical phase of sleep are analyzed in comparison with analogous data in adults during sleep and in alertness in various conditions of eye movements recording. Coincidence of distribution curves of intersaccadic intervals and amplitudes of saccades in babies and adults is revealed. It is also found that the most frequently met intervals (in the range up to 1 s) in sleep and wakefulness are of comparable values 71.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Khir Im I I Grek
March 1989
The characteristics of specific features of acute and chronic processes in the caudal pancreatis and surrounding retroperitoneal fat is given on the basis of an analysis of 273 cases of pancreatitis with the predominant lesion of this portion. It was established that acute caudal pancreonecrosis at an early period had atypical symptoms and more favourable course than that of the proximal parts of the pancreas. Later periods of the development of this variant of the disease are characterized by great frequency and spread of pyo-necrotic lesion of the retroperitoneal fat.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Khir Im I I Grek
August 1987
An analysis of results of 200 experiments, 100 autopsies after death from acute destructive pancreatitis and clinical observation of 2000 patients with necrotic forms of acute pancreatitis has given data on pathogenesis of fat necrosis, dynamics of its development, its interrelationships with alterations of the pancreas parenchyma. A concept of unity of proteolytic and steatonecrotic components of acute destructive pancreatitis is substantiated. The authors propose a classification of periods of development of fat necrosis, determine the clinical significance of alterations of the fat tissue at early terms of the disease, give recommendations for the surgical and conservative treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrototypes of two automated devices for visual field research on the basis of a computer: visual field analyser (automated perimeter) and the device for detection of scotomas in the central visual field (automated campimeter)--are described.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe clinical and experimental material has shown that curative intraductal occlusion of the pancreas is followed by the development of acute pancreatitis of different degree depending on the viscosity of the polymer mixture used, degree of filling the duct system of the gland, stimulation of the pancreas secretion and other factors. The curative occlusion should be accompanied by a complex of prophylactic measures.
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