Publications by authors named "Fernando L Esteban Florez"

Background: The widespread use of digital imaging can now be combined with additive three-dimensional (3D) printing, changing traditional clinical dentistry, especially in challenging cases. Visualizing the bone and soft tissue anatomy using computed tomography (CT) and intraoral scanning generated digital files that can be further processed for 3D printing. Among the popular 3D printing approaches, fused filament fabrication (FFF) and stereolithography (SLA) are broadly used due to their rapid production, precision, and ease of use.

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To evaluate the physical properties of enamel submitted to hydrogen peroxide (HP) incorporated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NP) co-doped with nitrogen and fluorine and irradiated with violet LED light (LT). Enamel-dentin disks were randomly allocated (T) into groups, according to HP (HP6, HP15, or HP35) and NP (no NP, 5NP, or 10NP) concentrations, and irradiated or not with LT. A negative control (NC) group was set.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study focuses on optimizing a bioluminescence assay to analyze the metabolism of Streptococcus mutans biofilms and test the antibacterial effectiveness of dental adhesive resins with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles.
  • Various growth parameters for the biofilm were tested to refine the assay, which can effectively differentiate between bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions.
  • The newly optimized assay shows significantly higher brightness compared to older versions, promising improved accuracy and utility in future dental research and applications.
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Objectives: The objective of the study is to evaluate the bleaching potential of 6% hydrogen peroxide (6% HP) gels containing NF_TiO or NbO irradiated with a violet LED light and the effects on enamel mineral content and surface morphology.

Methods: Particles were synthesized, and experimental gels were chemically analyzed by preliminary and accelerated stability tests, pH, and HP decomposition rate. Bovine enamel blocks were treated with 6% HP gels containing (n = 10): 5% NF_TiO, 5% NbO, 2.

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This study developed an experimental flowable composite incorporated with niobium pentoxide (NbO) combined or not with titanium dioxide co-doped with fluorine and nitrogen (NF_TiO) and evaluated the mechanical and antibacterial properties. The experimental flowable composite (TEGDMA + BisGMA 1:1 + 60%wt - inorganic filler - borosilicate 0.7 μm) was formulated according to the type and concentration of NbO and NF_TiO (0.

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The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is planning to build the Second Target Station (STS) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). STS will host a suite of novel instruments that complement the First Target Station's beamline capabilities by offering an increased flux for cold neutrons and a broader wavelength bandwidth. A novel neutron imaging beamline, named the Complex, Unique, and Powerful Imaging Instrument for Dynamics (CUPI2D), is among the first eight instruments that will be commissioned at STS as part of the construction project.

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Experimental adhesives containing co-doped metaloxide nanoparticles were demonstrated to display strong and long-term antibacterial properties against Streptococcus mutans biofilms. The present study represents an effort to characterize the shear-bond strength (SBS) and color stability (CS) of these novel biomaterials. Experimental adhesives were obtained by dispersing nitrogen and fluorine co-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NF_TiO2, 10%, 20% or 30%, v/v%) into OptiBond Solo Plus (OPTB).

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The present study reports on the development and testing of novel bleaching agents containing co-doped metaloxide nanoparticles (NP; 0%, 5%, 10% v/w) and hydrogen peroxide (HP, 0%, 6%, 15%, and 35%). Bovine blocks (n = 200, A = 36 mm2) were obtained and randomly distributed into experimental groups (n = 10/group). NPs were incorporated into gels before bleaching (3 sessions, 7 days apart, 30 min/session, irradiated with violet light-LT).

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Introduction: Tooth whitening procedures are under continuous investigation to improve esthetic outcomes and reduce bleaching sensitivity (BS) precipitating from treatments. During the dental bleaching process it is known that the release of free radicals degrades the organic pigment molecules of the tooth and with this an amount of energy is released. Nonetheless, previous studies have never investigated the temporal correlation between of pH and electric potential (EP) generated in this treatment.

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The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has imposed unprecedented occupational challenges for healthcare professionals. In dentistry, handheld instruments such as air and electric handpieces, ultrasonic scalers, and air/water syringes are capable of generating aerosols, droplets, and splatter, thereby exposing dental professionals to airborne contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The objective of the present study was to determine the spatial distribution of aerosols by size (0.

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The present pilot study had the objective to determine the effects of transcutaneous and transmucosal laser irradiation on arterial blood pressure (ABP), glucose (Glu) triglycerides (Tg), total cholesterol (Ch), high-density level cholesterol (HDL) and low-density cholesterol (LDL) immediately after treatment (T0) and after 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) days. Patients (n = 36) were selected and randomly distributed into 6 groups ( = 6/group; [G1] negative control, [G2] radial artery transcutaneous laser irradiation [G3] radial artery transcutaneous irradiation, [G4] transmucosal sublingual irradiation, [G5] transmucosal intra-nasal irradiation and [G6] extended radial artery transcutaneous irradiation). Blood exams were performed at T0, T30 and T60.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the metabolism of Streptococcus mutans biofilms after 1-7 days of growth on different orthodontic adhesives.

Methods: Specimens of 6 commercial orthodontic adhesives were fabricated in custom-made molds and polymerized using a light-emitting diode light-curing unit. Bioluminescent S mutans (UA159:JM10) biofilms were grown on ultraviolet-sterilized specimens for 1, 3, 5, and 7 days (n = 18 biofilms/d/product) in anaerobic conditions at 37°C.

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Objectives: To evaluate the bleaching efficacy of a violet radiation (VR) combined or not with bleaching gels on the color and mineral content of stained teeth.

Material And Methods: Enamel/dentin blocks were obtained and stained (n = 50) with coffee, red wine, tobacco smoke, or were left non-stained. The stained or not-stained blocks (n = 10) were distributed into five bleaching groups (n = 10): VR, CP (37 % carbamide peroxide), VR/CP, HP (35 % hydrogen peroxide), and VR/HP.

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Previous reports demonstrated the utility of systemic application of growth hormone (GH) in the treatment of bone defects. Very few studies correlated bone repair efficacy with hepatic and renal side effects promoted by locally-delivered GH. The objectives of this study were to assess the bone repair properties along with hepatic and renal adverse effects promoted by local application of GH in a rat model.

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Dental adhesives hydrolyze in the mouth. This study investigated the water sorption (SOR), solubility (SOL) and cytotoxicity (CYTO) of experimental adhesives containing nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (N_TiO). Specimens (n = 15/group [SOR, SOL]; n = 10/group [CYTO]) of unaltered Clearfil SE Protect (CSP), OptiBond Solo Plus (OSP), Adper Scotchbond (ASB) and experimental adhesives (OSP + 25% or 30% of N_TiO) were fabricated, desiccated (37 °C) and tested for SOR and SOL according to ISO Specification 4049 (2009).

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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the combination of orthodontic adhesive resins and light-emitting diode (LED) light-curing units (LCUs) that result in the highest degree of resin conversion (DC). The hypothesis tested was that pairing orthodontic resins with LCUs from the same manufacturer produces higher DC versus unpaired resins and LCUs.

Methods: Pre-polymerization spectra of adhesive resins (Transbond XT [3M Unitek], BracePaste [American Orthodontics] or Opal Bond MV [Opal by Ultradent]) were obtained at oral temperature (37°C) using an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) diamond crystal (Golden Gate, Specac) in a Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Nicolet IS50).

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Nanotechnology can improve the performance of dental polymers. The objective of this study was to modify the surfaces of nanoparticles with silanes and proteins, characterize nanoparticles' agglomeration levels and interfaces between nanoparticles and the polymeric matrix. Undoped (n-TiO), nitrogen-doped (N_TiO) and nitrogen-fluorine co-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NF_TiO) were synthesized and subjected to surface modification procedures in preparation for Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) characterizations.

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Aim: This in vitro study assessed the effects of in-office bleaching with gels (35% hydrogen peroxide [HP] or 37% cabamide peroxide [CP]) and two activation sources (violet radiation [LED] or nonthermal atmospheric plasma [NTAP]) on the mineral content of bovine enamel.

Material And Methods: Dental blocks (n = 90) were assessed for initial microhardness before random distribution into nine groups: LED, LED + HP, LED + CP, NTAP, NTAP + HP, NTAP + CP, HP, CP and control (without treatment). Specimens were subjected to bleaching (2 clinical sessions, 7 days apart) using LED [20x/session, 1-min/each, 30 s apart] or NTAP [1x/session, 10 min].

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Novel biomaterials capable of accelerating the healing process of skeletal tissues are urgently needed in dentistry. The present in vivo study assessed the osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties of experimental biphasic bioceramics (HA-TCP) modified or not by a nacre extract (marine organic extract, MOE) in a sheep model. Fabrication of MOE involved mixing ground nacre (0.

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Objective: The present work shows the optimization of a high-throughput bioluminescence assay to assess the metabolism of intact Streptococcus mutans biofilms and its utility as a screening method for nanofilled antibacterial dental materials.

Methods: The assay was optimized by monitoring changes in bioluminescence mediated by variation of the experimental parameters investigated (growth media and sucrose concentration, inoculum:D-Luciferin ratio, dilution factor, inoculum volume, luminescence wavelength, replicate and luciferase metabolic activity). Confocal microscopy was then used to demonstrate the impact of biofilm growth conditions on the 3-D distribution of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) within Streptococcus mutans biofilms and its implications as confounding factors in high-throughput studies (HTS).

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The aims of this study were to evaluate the physicochemical and mechanical properties, antimicrobial (AM) functionality, and cytotoxic potential of novel dental polymers containing quaternary ammonium and trimethoxysilyl functionalities (e.g., N-(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-(trimethoxysilyl)propan-1-aminium iodide (AM) and N-(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-11-(trimethoxysilyl)undecan-1-aminium bromide (AM)).

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The objective of this systematic review was to compare the conical internal connection (IC) with the external hexagonal connection (EH) on the occurrence of marginal bone loss (ΔMBL). Different databases were used to carry out the selection of the elected studies. The studies were judged according to the risk of bias as "high", "low" and "unclear" risk.

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Gingivitis is still considered a major risk factor for the occurrence and progression of periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to compare the long-term (1, 12, and 18 weeks) antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacies of two commercially available toothpastes, Colgate Total (CT) and BlueM (BM), against attached supragingival dental plaque and gingival inflammation in an experimental gingivitis model. A parallel double-blinded randomized clinical trial including 39 dental students who refrained from all plaque control methods (manual or chemical) for 7 days was conducted.

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Unlabelled: The development of dental adhesive resins with long-lasting antibacterial properties is a possible solution to overcome the problem of secondary caries in modern adhesive dentistry.

Objectives: (i) Synthesis and characterization of nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (N_TiO), (ii) topographical, compositional and wettability characterization of thin-films (unaltered and experimental) and, (iii) antibacterial efficacy of N_TiO-containing dental adhesives against Streptococcus mutans biofilms.

Materials And Methods: Nanoparticles were synthesized and characterized using different techniques.

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Background: Novel multifunctional biomaterials were recently designed to allow for an optimized tissue regeneration process.

Purpose: To comprehensively assess (photographic, radiographic and histological) the in vivo functionality of demineralized bovine bone matrix (DBM) associated with an experimental marine organic extract (MOE) from nacre in a sheep ectopic grafting model.

Materials And Methods: Synthesis of MOE was based on mixing powdered nacre (0.

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