Unlabelled: Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) is a cognitive screening that evaluates older people with low educational levels. In Chile, there are no normative data to assess this population.
Objective: To obtain normative data on RUDAS in older Chilean people with up to 12 years of schooling, and to determine whether age and schooling years influence a person's performance on RUDAS and on the items that constitute it.
Objectives: To develop the Test Your Memory (TYM)-Spanish version (TYM-S), a self-administered cognitive screening test, in a Chilean older sample and to estimate its psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy.
Methods: The TYM was translated into Spanish and adapted for a Chilean population to develop the TYM-S. Measures of global cognitive impairment and executive dysfunction were administered to 30 controls, 30 dementia patients, and 14 subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).