Publications by authors named "Fernando Aguado"

High-charge micas exhibit improved adsorption properties and are a promising alternative clay material for the engineered barrier in deep geological repositories. When combined with Eu cations, they serve as an in situ luminescent probe for tracking the physical-chemical changes occurring in this engineered barrier over the long term. Therefore, a better understanding of the local environment of the lanthanide is highly desirable to comprehend the specific behavior of these systems.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) apolipoprotein E (apoE) species in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients.

Methods: We analyzed two CSF cohorts of AD and control individuals expressing different APOE genotypes. Moreover, CSF samples from the TgF344-AD rat model were included.

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  • Genetic variants in YWHAZ are linked to psychiatric disorders like autism and schizophrenia, impacting neurodevelopment in both humans and mice.
  • In zebrafish, ywhaz is found to be crucial for neuronal development, with its expression changing from widespread in early stages to specific in adult Purkinje cells, which are often impaired in autistic individuals.
  • Research showed that knocking out ywhaz leads to altered brain activity, decreased monoamines, and behavior changes in adult fish, indicating its role in neuronal connectivity and neurotransmission regulation.
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A versatile, functional nanomaterial for the removal of ionic and non-ionic pollutants is presented in this work. For that purpose, the high charge mica Na-4-Mica was exchanged with the cationic surfactant (CHNH(CH)). The intercalation of the tertiary amine in the swellable nano-clay provides the optimal hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature in the bidimensional galleries of the nanomaterial responsible for the dual functionality.

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Background: New fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) that reveal synaptic and neural network dysfunctions are needed for clinical practice and therapeutic trial design. Dense core vesicle (DCV) cargos are promising cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) indicators of synaptic failure in AD patients. However, their value as biomarkers has not yet been determined.

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Background: Exposure to intermittent hypoxia has been demonstrated to be an efficient tool for hypoxic preconditioning, preventing damage to cells and demonstrating therapeutic benefits. We aimed to evaluate the effects of respiratory intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) to avoid brain injury caused by exposure to acute severe hypoxia (ASH).

Methods: biomarkers of oxidative damage, mitochondrial apoptosis, and transcriptional factors in response to hypoxia were assessed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry in brain tissue.

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Pr-doped YO nanocrystals (NCs) have been obtained via five wet-chemistry synthesis methods which were optimized in order to achieve superior optical properties. To this end, a systematic study on the influence of different reaction parameters was performed for each procedure. Specifically, precursor concentration, reaction temperature, calcination temperature, and time, among others, were analyzed.

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In vivo imaging and therapy represent one of the most promising areas in nanomedicine. Particularly, the identification and localization of nanomaterials within cells and tissues are key issues to understand their interaction with biological components, namely their cell internalization route, intracellular destination, therapeutic activity and possible cytotoxicity. Here, we show the development of multifunctional nanoparticles (NPs) by providing luminescent functionality to zinc and iron oxide NPs.

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The interplay between spin states and metallization in compressed CoCl is investigated by combining diffraction, resistivity and spectroscopy techniques under high-pressure conditions and ab-initio calculations. A pressure-induced metallization along with a Co high-spin (S = 3/2) to low-spin (S = 1/2) crossover transition is observed at high pressure near 70 GPa. This metallization process, which is associated with the p-d charge-transfer band gap closure, maintains the localization of 3d electrons around Co, demonstrating that metallization and localized Co -3d low-spin magnetism can coexist prior to the full 3d-electron delocalization (Mott-Hubbard d-d breakdown) at pressures greater than 180 GPa.

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Isolation of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in deep geological repositories (DGR) through a multibarrier concept is the most accepted approach to ensure long-term safety. Clay minerals are one of the most promising materials to be used as engineered barriers. In particular, high charge micas, as components of the engineered barrier, show superselectivity for some radioactive isotopes and a large adsorption capacity, which is almost twice that of the other low charge aluminosilicates.

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The phase transition sequences of two members of the tetramethylammonium tetrachlorometallate(III) family of hybrid organic-inorganic salts have been determined and structurally characterized as a function of temperature for the first time. Unusually, a reduction in point-group symmetry with increasing temperature until reaching a cubic prototype phase is observed. Two additional intermediate phases are observed for Fe.

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Regulated secretion of neuropeptides and neurotrophic factors critically modulates function and plasticity of synapses and circuitries. It is believed that rising amyloid-β (Aβ) concentrations, synaptic dysfunction and network disorganization underlie early phases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we analyze the impact of soluble Aβ assemblies on peptidergic secretion in cortical neurons and astrocytes.

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Zinc is a crucial element in biology that plays chief catalytic, structural and protein regulatory roles. Excess cytoplasmic zinc is toxic to cells so there are cell-entry and intracellular buffering mechanisms that control intracellular zinc availability. Tubulin and actin are two zinc-scavenging proteins that are essential components of the cellular cytoskeleton implicated in cell division, migration and cellular architecture maintenance.

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Background: cAMP signaling produces dramatic changes in astrocyte morphology and physiology. However, its involvement in phenotype acquisition and the transcriptionally mediated mechanisms of action are largely unknown.

Results: Here we analyzed the global transcriptome of cultured astroglial cells incubated with activators of cAMP pathways.

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Senescence accelerated mice P8 (SAMP8) is a phenotypic model of age, characterized by deficits in memory and altered behaviour. Here, we determined the effect of age in SAMP8, and compared with the resistant strain, SAMR1, in behaviour and learning parameters linking these disturbances with oxidative stress environment. We found impairment in emotional behaviour with regard to fear and anxiety in young SAMP8 vs.

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5XFAD is an early-onset mouse transgenic model of Alzheimer disease (AD). Up to now there are no studies that focus on the epigenetic changes produced as a result of Aβ-42 accumulation and the possible involvement in the different expression of related AD-genes. Under several behavioral and cognition test, we found impairment in memory and psychoemotional changes in female 5XFAD mice in reference to wild type that worsens with age.

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The members of the human regulators of calcineurin (RCAN) protein family are endogenous regulators of the calcineurin (CN)-cytosolic nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFATc) pathway activation. This function is explained by the presence of a highly conserved calcipressin inhibitor of calcineurin (CIC) motif in RCAN proteins, which has been shown to compete with NFATc for the binding to CN and therefore are able to inhibit NFATc dephosphorylation and activation by CN. Very recently, emerging roles for NFATc proteins in transformation, tumor angiogenesis and metastasis have been described in different cancer cell types.

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This work reports an X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption, and Raman spectroscopy study of [(CH₃)₄N]₂MnX₄ (X = Cl, Br) under pressure. We show that both compounds share a similar phase diagram with pressure. A P2₁/c monoclinic structure describes precisely the [(CH₃)₄N]₂MnCl₄ crystal in the 0.

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Cyclosporine A and FK506 produce immunosuppression by blocking calcineurin phosphatase activity and consequently activation of cytosolic Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cell (NFATc) transcription factor. Due to the chronic toxicity associated with their administration, the development of more specific immunosuppressants is currently an important unmet medical need. In this context, an immunosuppressant peptide derived from the CIC motif of the human Regulators of Calcineurin (RCAN) proteins has been shown to inhibit NFATc signaling without affecting general phosphatase activity of calcineurin.

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The secretory sorting receptors carboxypeptidase E (CPE) and secretogranin III (SgIII) critically activate peptidic messengers and targeting them at the regulated secretory pathway. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the wide range of changes includes impaired function of key secretory peptidic cargos such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neuropeptides. Here, we analyzed CPE and SgIII in the cerebral cortex of AD patients and transgenic mice.

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Taurine is one of the most abundant free amino acids in the mammalian central nervous system, where it is crucial to proper development. Moreover, taurine acts as a neuroprotectant in various diseases; in epilepsy, for example, it has the capacity to reduce or abolish seizures. In the present study, taurine levels has been determine in mice treated with Kainic Acid (KA) and results showed an increase of this amino acid in hippocampus but not in whole brain after 3 and 7 days of KA treatment.

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Astrocytes release peptide and nonpeptide transmitters that influence neuronal development, function, and plasticity. However, the molecular components of the astroglial secretory pathways in vivo are largely unknown. Here, we analyze in astrocytes the production, expression regulation, trafficking, and release of secretogranin III (SgIII), a member of the multifunctional granin family.

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The ferroelastic phase transition and shape memory effect in La-modified lead zirconate titanate ferroelectric ceramics are demonstrated directly through the temperature-dependent macroscopic recoverable strain measured in a three-point bending configuration. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal that non- 180° domain switching occurs in the mechanically poled sample in two different ways at the bottom and top of the sample which have been under tensile and compressive stresses, respectively. The calculated fraction of non- 180° switched domains in the poled sample increases nonlinearly with the applied force and shows a saturation trend, which is consistent with the nonlinear behavior of the remnant strain.

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Vesicular transmitter release from astrocytes influences neuronal development, function and plasticity. However, secretory pathways and the involved molecular mechanisms in astroglial cells are poorly known. In this study, we show that a variety of SNARE and Munc18 isoforms are expressed by cultured astrocytes, with syntaxin-4, Munc18c, SNAP-23 and VAMP-3 being the most abundant variants.

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