Publications by authors named "Ferenczy A"

The kinetic and fine structural characteristics and site of origin of the resurfacing uterine lining, as well as the influence of ovarian hormonal stimuli on the reparative processes of experimentally injured endometrium in the rabbit, were studied by means of in vivo historadioautography and electron microscopy. The first-generation, resurfacing spindle-shaped cells lacked mitosis and expanded by ameboid migration. This was followed by a rapid increase in nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, which presumably provided for accelerated mitosis-mediated surface epithelial proliferation and maturation.

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Transmission electron microscopic studies have been carried out on psammoma bodies in two benign and seven malignant papillary serous neoplasms of the ovary. Ultrastructurally, psammoma bodies are composed of microcrystals in all respects similar to calcium-phosphate apatite crystals of bone. The formation of psammoma bodies is initiated intracellularly, in both the neoplastic epithelial cells and stromal histiocytes.

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Much attention has recently been focused on vaginal adenosis and other cervical and vaginal alterations occurring in female offspring exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. These alterations consist of heterotopic glandular epithelium in the vagina, a characteristic cervical transformation zone, and the frequent presence of a cervical collar, or hood. It is believed that these changes occur during embryonic differentiation of the lower genital tract following failure of squamous epithelium to migrate in a cephalad direction to replace columnar epithelium which normally lines the vagina and ectocervix.

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On the basis of light microscopic and scanning and transmission ultrastructural observations, ovarian mucinous tumors of borderline malignancy contain two types of mucinous epithelium--an endocervical type and an intestinal type. The fully malignant tumors were composed solely of intestinal-type epithelium. These findings may have prognostic and therapeutic significance.

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Our knowledge of the morphology and pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms of the female genital tract has traditionally depended heavily on their light microscopic characteristics. The introduction of transmission, and most recently, scanning electron microscopy, into the field of gynecologic pathology has resulted in a considerable improvement in the diagnosis of genital cancers that are difficult to classify and has provided valuable information for a better understanding of their subcellular dynamics and pathogenetic development. This paper describes and illustrates the ultrastructural alterations that are considered specific for the most common malignant and potentially malignant neoplasms of the genital system in this context.

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The morphologic observations made in this study indicate that postmenstrual endometrial resurfacing occurs by proliferation of epithelial cells originating from the stumps of residual basal glands and uterine surface lining, bordering the denuded areas, respectively. Endometrial stromal cells or glands of the residual spongiosa are not involved in uterine surface repair. The mechanism whereby the new surface develops, it is proposed, is by endomitotic division.

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It has been suggested that ultrastructural studies of keratohyalin granules in the granular layer of the skin can clearly distinguish the dominant type from the X-linked recessive type of ichthyosis vulgaris. The distinctive features are found in the granular layer and the keratohyalin granules. In the dominant form the granular layer is absent or reduced in size and the keratohyalin granules are minute and crumbly in appearance.

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Stereoscopic morphologic studies on regenerating cyclic endometrium indicate that endometrial repair lasts 48 hours, beginning between cycle Days 2 to 3 and ending between cycle Days 4 to 5. During this period, endometrial repair is focused on the neoformation of surface epithelium and is initiated only when and where the zona basalis is denuded from the overlying secretory spongiosa. The surface epithelium is derived from a simultaneous proliferation of dual origin: first from the exposed ends of basal glands and second from the persistent and intact surface lining of cornual and isthmic regions, bordering the denuded areas.

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On the basis of light microscopic and scanning and transmission ultrastructural observations, we have classified benign mucinous ovarian neoplasms into two types: a pure endocervical type and a mixed intestinal endocervical type. We have also reviewed the literature pertinent to the histogenetic origin of the ovarian mucinous cystoma and found convincing support for a mesodermal, coelomic epithelial, rather than a teratomatous, derivation.

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The light and electron microscopic as well as the histochemical characteristics of a papillary cystadenofibroma of the endometrium are described. The neoplasm arose in the lower uterine segment and was composed of a florid fibroblastic growth arranged in club-shaped papillae projecting into clefts and cystic spaces. The epithelium lining the plicae, recesses, and cysts was exclusively of the mucous-secreting type and bore identical histochemical and subcellular characteristics to that of the normal endocervical epithelium.

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