Publications by authors named "Fengyu Zan"

Monitoring only 16 priority PAHs (Pri-PAHs) may greatly underestimate the pollutant load and toxicity of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in aquatic environments. There is an urgent need to reevaluate the list of priority PACs. To determine which PACs deserve priority monitoring, the occurrence, sources, and toxicity of 78 PACs, including 24 parent PAHs (Par-PAHs), 49 alkylated PAHs (Alk-PAHs), 3 oxygenated PAHs (OPAHs), carbazole, and dibenzothiophene were investigated for the first time in Lake Chaohu sediments, China.

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Eutrophication promotes massive cyanobacteria blooms (CBBs), leading to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To investigate the effects of cyanobacteria on VOC emissions, field campaigns were carried out in eutrophic Chaohu Lake at six sites with different microalgae densities during CBBs in summer 2019, and incubation experiments were performed in the laboratory. The results showed that the lake water was the primary source of VOCs at six sampling sites in Chaohu Lake during CBBs, with an average total VOC flux of 81.

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Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) extracted from Lake Shankou sediments using KCl was isolated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions. The bioavailabilities of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions to three types of bacterial communities collected from sediments, activated sludge and compost products were examined. The DON recoveries obtained by DAX-8 and cation exchange resins treatment were 96.

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Arsenic (As) fractions in the sediments of seven lakes from East Plain Ecoregion and six lakes from Yungui Plateau Ecoregion, China, were investigated. Results indicated that the total As concentrations in sediment samples of lakes of the East Plain Lake Ecoregion are higher than those of Yungui Plateau Lake Ecoregion. Residual As is the main fraction in sediment samples of lakes from both ecoregions, followed by reducible As and soluble or oxidizable As.

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The trophic status assessment of lakes in different lake regions may provide important and fundamental information for lake trophic state classification and eutrophication control. In this study, a region-specific lake eutrophication assessment standard was established through a frequency distribution method based on chlorophyll-a concentration. The assessment standards under the oligotrophic state for lakes in the Eastern plain, Yungui Plateau, Northeast Plain and Mountain Mongolia-Xinjiang regions are total phosphorus of 0.

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Establishing the nutrient reference condition (baseline environmental condition) of lakes in an ecoregion is a critical consideration in the development of scientifically defensible aquatic nutrient criteria. Three methods were applied to determine reference conditions in the Eastern plain ecoregion lakes with respect to total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), planktonic chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and Secchi depth (SD). The reference condition value for the lakes in the Eastern plain ecoregion by the trisection method is TP of 0.

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In this study, we present a nanofiltration (NF90, NF270) pretreatment to increase the precision of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) measurements in water samples. The variations of DON measurements with and without NF pretreatment were investigated. And the effects on the removal of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) by NF90 and NF270 were compared.

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Recent sediments from Lake Chenghai, China, were investigated at high temporal resolution to trace both natural and anthropogenic effects on the lake using total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (Po), inorganic phosphorus (Pi) and organic carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (delta13Corg and delta15N) in a 137Cs-dated sediment core. The results indicated that the sedimentary record covers the last 60 years, during which the lake had undergone apparent changes in nutrient sources and productivity in response to nutrient loading. Prior to the late 1980s, the nutrient contents in sediments mainly originated from algae and lake productivity was relatively stable.

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In this study, the sediment profiles of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratios, total phosphorus, N/P ratios, C/P ratios, particle sizes, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ(13)C and δ(15)N) were used to investigate natural and anthropogenic impacts on Lake Chaohu over the past 100 years. Before 1960, Lake Chaohu experienced low productivity and a relatively steady and low nutrient input. The increasing concentration and fluxes of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, together with changes in the δ(13)C and δ(15)N of organic material in the sediment cores, suggested that the anthropogenic effects on trophic status first started because of an increase in nutrient input caused by a population increase in the drainage area.

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This study has worked on the evaluation of the temporal and spatial evolution of heavy metal contamination in sediment taken from a shallow eutrophic lake, Lake Chaohu, China, over the last 100 years, and thereby used (137)Cs and (210)Pb dating, a PIRLA procedure, statistical analysis, geochemical normalization and a enrichment factor calculation (EF). Concentrations of 5174, 29 325, 10.7, 36.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study analyzed organic phosphorus fractions in sediments from seven different lakes, focusing on how soil and pollution differences affected these fractions and their relationships with bioavailable phosphorus.
  • - There was a strong correlation between organic matter and organic phosphorus, particularly in most lakes, highlighting that different lakes have varying sources and cycles of phosphorus.
  • - Moderately labile and nonlabile organic phosphorus were the largest contributors to total organic phosphorus, while labile organic phosphorus made up a small proportion, indicating that some phosphorus fractions can potentially become bioavailable despite being initially resistant.
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The near infrared reflectance spectra (NIRS) of interstitial water samples of lake sediments in Chaohu lake were determined by near-infrared reflectance spectrometry. The respective near NIRS calibration models for predicting total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC), phosphorus ( PO3(3-)), ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N) and silicate (SiO3-) were built using partial least squares (PLS) algorithm with two spectral pretreatment tools including, wavelet compression combining orthogonal signal correction (OSC) and orthogonal signal correction (OSC) combining wavelet compression. The correlation coefficients between measured values and predicted values in calibration set for TN, NH3-N, PO3(3-), TOC and SiO3(3-) were 0.

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The characteristics of organic phosphorus (P(o)) fractions in the sediments of nine lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region, Yungui Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Northeast China Region, and Mongolia-Xinjiang Plateau, China were investigated and the differences of the different lakes on P fractionation was discussed. The results indicated that organic matter (OM) showed significant positive correlations with P(o) in sediment samples, and the rank order of the P(o) fractions was: residual P(o) > HCl-P(o) > fulvic acid-P(o) > humic acid-P(o) > NaHCO(3)-P(o) with mean relative proportions 7.4 : 3.

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The lake sediments record important environmental evolution information of lake in recent 100 years. However, a rapid and precise combination analytical method measuring nutrient components in lake sediments can not be established. The near infrared reflectance spectra (NIRS) of sediment coring samples were determined by near-infrared reflectance spectrometry.

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