Publications by authors named "Fengming Gu"

Purpose: This study compared the biomechanical stability of transosseous repair and transosseous combined with capsular repair techniques to reattach the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) for distal radioulnar joint instability.

Methods: Eight adult cadaveric upper-extremity specimens were studied. Each underwent peripheral ulnar-sided detachment of the deep and superficial TFCC fibers and repair.

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Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical efficacy of early accelerated motion rehabilitation in treating wrist joint instability with Geissler IV scapholunate instability (SLI) using arthroscopic palmaris longus tendon transplantation in conjunction with scapholunate ligament reconstruction.

Methods: From June 2019 to January 2022, seven patients with Geissler Type IV SLI underwent arthroscopic ligament reconstruction and repair surgery of the wrist joint, followed by early accelerated motion rehabilitation. Postoperative follow-up indicators included visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain assessment, DASH-CHINESE upper limb function score, Mayo wrist joint score, wrist joint range of motion, and grip strength.

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Glyphodes pyloalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is one of the major pests in mulberry production in China, which has developed resistance to various insecticides. Chemoreception is one of the most crucial physiological tactics in insects, playing a pivotal role in recognizing chemical stimuli in the environment, including noxious stimuli such as insecticides. Herein, we obtained recombinant pheromone-binding protein 1 (GpylPBP1) that exhibited antennae-biased expression in G.

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Background: Hyperuricemia can lead to synovial hyperplasia in the wrist. In severe cases, it can lead to the deposition of gouty stone in the carpal tunnel, resulting in increased pressure in the carpal tunnel and compression of the median nerve to cause carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which is called gouty carpal tunnel syndrome (GCTS). As for the surgical treatment of gouty carpal tunnel syndrome, scholars have different opinions on whether it is necessary to remove the superficial flexor tendon.

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The general cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a worldwide destructive omnivorous pest and the endoparasitoid wasp Meteorus pulchricornis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is the dominant endoparasitoid of S. litura larvae. Trehalase is a key enzyme in insect trehalose metabolism and plays an important role in the growth and development of insects.

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is a preponderant parasitic wasp of various lepidopteran pests. The extensive application of broad-spectrum insecticides usually causes serious threats to the olfactory recognition of nontarget insects such as parasitoid wasps. However, the binding mechanism of odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) to insecticides in parasitoid wasps remains unknown.

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Trehalase is an essential hydrolase of trehalose in insects. However, whether and how trehalase performs in the association of parasitoid wasps and their hosts still remains unknown. Here, the exact function of trehalase of the general cutworm after it was parasitized by its predominant endoparasitoid was elucidated.

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Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a key enzyme in the lipid synthesis pathway, however, its roles in insects remain largely unknown. Here, we firstly identified two genes from the transcriptome dataset of the general cutworm , which is a destructive insect pest of many crops. Both and were highly expressed in third instar larvae and in their fat bodies.

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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the optimal tension for the reconstruction of the distal radioulnar ligaments (DRULs) in the treatment of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability.

Methods: A total of eight human cadaver upper extremities were used. First, the Tekscan sensor film system was used to measure the contact characteristics of the intact DRUJ.

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Introduction: In the reconstruction of distal radioulnar ligaments (DRULs), interference screws can be used for antegrade or retrograde fixation of grafts to the ulna. However, the biomechanics of interference screw fixation are currently unknown. This study aimed to determine the biomechanical effects of these two fixations on the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) in a cadaveric model and to investigate the appropriate initial tension.

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Background: The radial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a rare complication occurring after transradial cardiac catheterization. Patients with AVF typically present with signs of venous dilation, such as swelling or palpable thrills. However, neurological complications secondary to radial AVFs are rare.

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Background: The elevation of the tympanomeatal flap in endoscopic myringoplasty will cause considerable tissue damage.

Objective: To analyze anatomic and audiological results of tympanic membrane perforation underwent endoscopic transtympanic cartilage push-through myringoplasty without tympanomeatal flap elevation (EPM) and their relationship with the size of perforation.

Methods: A clinical retrospective study was performed on 75 cases of tympanic membrane perforation that underwent EPM from January 2019 to March 2021.

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Our study aimed to explore the function and mechanism of action of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) SRY-Box 21 antisense RNA 1 (SOX21-AS1) in amyloid beta (Aβ)-induced neuronal damage. To induce neuronal damage, neuronal cells and differentiated IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells were challenged by Aβ. SOX21-AS1 and miR-132 quantities were detected by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.

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The role of ROR1-AS1 in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains unclear. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the functional role of ROR1-AS1 in NSCLC and to explore the underlying mechanisms. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay was performed to detect cell proliferation.

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Purpose: To evaluate surgical outcomes for chronic otitis media with mucosa defect underwent titanium ossicular chain reconstruction (OCR) in single stage canal wall down tympanoplasty (CWD).

Methods: A clinical retrospective study was performed on 83 cases of the chronic otitis media with mucosa defect and 123 ears with mucosa integrity according to intraoperative findings that underwent synchronous titanium OCR in single stage CWD form January 2012 to January 2018. Pre- and postoperative air conduction threshold (AC), air-bone gap (ABG) and ABG closure at 0.

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Accumulating evidence implicates monopolar spindle-one-binder protein (MOB)2 as an inhibitor of nuclear-Dbf2-related kinase (NDR) by competing with MOB1 for interaction with NDR1/2. NDR/large tumor suppressor (LATS) kinases may function similarly to yes-associated protein (YAP) kinases and be considered as members of the Hippo core cassette. MOB2 appears to serve roles in cell survival, cell cycle progression, responses to DNA damage and cell motility.

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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal forms of cancer with poor prognosis because it is highly resistant to traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy and it has a low rate of surgical resection eligibility. Pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) have become a research hotspot in recent years, and play a vital role in PDAC microenvironment by secreting soluble factors such as transforming growth factor β, interleukin-6, stromal cell-derived factor-1, hepatocyte growth factor and galectin-1. These PSC-derived cytokines and proteins contribute to PSC activation, participating in PDAC cell proliferation, migration, fibrosis, angiogenesis, immunosuppression, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and chemoradiation resistance, leading to malignant outcome.

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Conclusion: Patients with mastoiditis and chronic suppurative otitis media which has small mastoids that make them ideal candidates for modified canal wall down mastoidectomy (MCWD) which contributes to a dry and spacious ear and the maintaining and improving hearing.

Objectives: To evaluate surgical outcomes for chronic otitis media underwent MCWD.

Methods: A clinical retrospective study was performed on 47 ears with chronic otitis media which has relatively limited attic lesions have the small, sclerotic and hypocellular mastoids according to the preoperative high-resolution CT scan of the temporal bone that underwent MCWD and 32 ears with typical canal wall down operation form January 2010 to January 2016.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of endoscopic surgery for recurrent sinonasal inverted papilloma and evaluate the recurrence rates of endoscopic and open resection at a single institution.

Methods: This retrospective study was performed on 21 patients with histopathologically confirmed recurrent sinonasal inverted papilloma who underwent an operation in our department from January 1990 to January 2005. The 21 recurrent cases were categorized according to the Krouse staging system into 1 case of stage 1 (5%), 18 cases of stage 2 (85%), 2 cases of stage 3 (10%), and 0 cases of stage 4 (0%).

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Purpose: To evaluate surgical outcomes for adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the external auditory canal (EAC).

Methods: Forty-three patients with ACC of the EAC in Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University were analyzed retrospectively for survival. The patients were staged according to the modified Pittsburgh staging system.

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Objective: To evaluate surgical outcomes for squamous cell carcinoma of the temporal bone.

Study Design: Retrospective study.

Setting: Eye and ENT Hospital.

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Objective: To study the effect of vasopressin on aquaporin 7 (AQP7) expression in rat inner ear and reveal the possible role of aquaporins in the formation of endolymphatic hydrops induced by vasopressin.

Methods: Wistar rats were intraperitoneally injected with 50 microg/kg arginine vasopressin once a day for one week. Differentially expressed genes of aquaporins induced by vasopressin injection in rat inner ear were filtered by cDNA microarray.

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Vasopressin regulates water excretion from the kidney by increasing water permeability of the collecting duct as a hormone secreted from the posterior pituitary. A clinical study reported that plasma levels of arginine vasopressin were significantly higher in patients suffering from Meniere's disease. It was histologically confirmed that chronic administration of vasopressin induced endolymphatic hydrops in guinea pigs.

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Objective: To investigate the expression and its significance of aquaporins (AQPs) in normal guinea pig inner ears.

Method: Ten healthy guinea pigs were used. Immunohistochemistry were employed to detect AQP0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 in normal guinea pig inner ears,using rabbit anti-rat polyclonal antibodies.

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Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of intranasal endoscopic surgery of sinonasal inverting papilloma with recurrence.

Method: Retrospective comparative analysis of intranasal endoscopic surgery on 7 patients and lateral rhinotomy on 14 patients of sinonasal inverting papilloma with recurrence.

Result: All the 21 cases with recurrence had suffered sinonasal surgery such as lateral rhinotomy, endoscopic surgery, intranasal surgery, Caldwell-Luc operation and nasal polypectomy.

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