Objectives: To compare the prognostic value of 3 severity scales: the Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), the CURB-65 pneumonia severity score, and the Severity Community-Acquired Pneumonia (SCAP) score. To build a new predictive model for in-hospital mortality in patients over the age of 75 years admitted with pneumonia due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Material And Methods: Retrospective study of patients older than 75 years admitted from the emergency department for COVID-19 pneumonia between March 12 and April 27, 2020.
Introduction: The measurement of central tendency (MCT) is a non-linear analysis technique which applied to second order differences diagrams enables the degree of variability to be quantified in a data series. In the present study an attempt is made to quantify and characterise the changes in heart rate obtained by pulse oximetry in patients with a clinical suspicion of sleep apnoea/hypoapnoea syndrome (SAHS) using the MCT and to evaluate its diagnostic use.
Patients And Methods: A total of 187 patients were included in the study, on whom a nocturnal polysomnographic and pulse oximetry study was performed.