Publications by authors named "Feldman Y"

The interaction between thin sheets and fluid droplets has recently attracted attention due to its frequent occurrence in natural systems and extensive use in technological applications. Motivated by these applications, this paper focuses on the interaction resulting from a drop that rests at the center of a circular superhydrophobic thin sheet. We investigate how the size and surface tension of the drop, together with the elastic and geometric parameters of the sheet, determine the overall deformation of the system.

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Self-healing materials can become game changers for developing sustainable (opto)electronics. APbX halide (=X) perovskites, HaPs, have shown a remarkable ability to self-heal damage. While we demonstrated self-healing in pure HaP compounds, in single crystals, and in polycrystalline thin films (as used in most devices), HaP compositions with multiple A (and X) constituents are preferred for solar cells.

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Dishonest behaviours such as tax evasion impose significant societal costs. Ex ante honesty oaths-commitments to honesty before action-have been proposed as interventions to counteract dishonest behaviour, but the heterogeneity in findings across operationalizations calls their effectiveness into question. We tested 21 honesty oaths (including a baseline oath)-proposed, evaluated and selected by 44 expert researchers-and a no-oath condition in a megastudy involving 21,506 UK and US participants from Prolific.

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Atomic-scale simulations have progressed tremendously over the past decade, largely thanks to the availability of machine-learning interatomic potentials. These potentials combine the accuracy of electronic structure calculations with the ability to reach extensive length and time scales. The i-PI package facilitates integrating the latest developments in this field with advanced modeling techniques thanks to a modular software architecture based on inter-process communication through a socket interface.

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The most reliable methods for pregnancy diagnosis in dairy herds include rectal palpation, ultrasound examination, and evaluation of plasma progesterone concentrations. However, these methods are expensive, labor-intensive, and invasive. Thus, there is a need to develop a practical, non-invasive, cost-effective method that can be implemented on the farm to detect pregnancy.

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The term defect tolerance (DT) is used often to rationalize the exceptional optoelectronic properties of halide perovskites (HaPs) and their devices. Even though DT lacked direct experimental evidence, it became a "fact" in the field. DT in semiconductors implies that structural defects do not translate to electrical and optical effects (e.

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The sensitivity of cytosol water's microwave dielectric (MD) response to D-glucose uptake in Red Blood Cells (RBCs) allows the detailed study of cellular mechanisms as a function of controlled exposures to glucose and other related analytes like electrolytes. However, the underlying mechanism behind the sensitivity to glucose exposure remains a topic of debate. In this research, we utilize MDS within the frequency range of 0.

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To understand the question why people obey or break rules, different approaches have focused on different theories and subsets of variables. The present research develops a cross-theoretical approach that integrates these perspectives. We apply this in a survey of compliance with COVID-19 pandemic mitigation rules in Israel.

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Rational design of metal-organic framework (MOF)-based materials for catalysis, gas capture and storage, requires deep understanding of the host-guest interactions between the MOF and the adsorbed molecules. Solid-State NMR spectroscopy is an established tool for obtaining such structural information, however its low sensitivity limits its application. This limitation can be overcome with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) which is based on polarization transfer from unpaired electrons to the nuclei of interest and, as a result, enhancement of the NMR signal.

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Article Synopsis
  • Many organisms use a natural process to create crystal structures with special optical properties that are hard to mimic in labs.
  • This study introduces a simple method for producing bio-inspired crystals from xanthine on quartz, resulting in large, well-aligned crystalline sheets.
  • These crystals exhibit significant optical differences and can be patterned to create thin surfaces that manipulate light, potentially leading to new optical device applications.
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The microwave dielectric relaxation of aqueous solutions of univalent (KCl, NaCl, NaI) and bivalent (CaCl MgCl) electrolytes at concentrations between 0.1 and 1 M at 25 °C was investigated using a vector network analyzer (0.5≤ ν ≤ 40 GHz).

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The synthesis of complex new nanostructures is challenging but also bears the potential for observing new physiochemical properties and offers unique applications in the long run. High-temperature synthesis of ternary WSeS (denoted as WSSe) nanotubes in a pure phase and in substantial quantities is particularly challenging, requiring a unique reactor design and control over several parameters, simultaneously. Here, the growth of WSSe nanotubes with the composition 0 ≤ < 1 from WO nanowhiskers in an atmospheric chemical vapor deposition (CVD) flow reactor is investigated.

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Development of biodegradable plastic materials is of primary importance in view of acute environmental and health problems associated with the accumulation of plastic waste. We fabricated a biodegradable composite material based on hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer and tyrosine nanocrystals, which demonstrates enhanced strength and ductility (typically mutually excluding properties), superior to most biodegradable plastics. This emergent behavior results from an assembly pattern that leads to a uniform nanoscale morphology and strong interactions between the components.

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Bosonic exchange symmetry leads to fascinating quantum phenomena, from exciton condensation in quantum materials to the superfluidity of liquid 4He. Unfortunately, path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulations of bosons are computationally prohibitive beyond ∼100 particles, due to a cubic scaling with the system size. We present an algorithm that reduces the complexity from cubic to quadratic, allowing the first simulations of thousands of bosons using PIMD.

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The membrane-bound hemoglobin (Hb) fraction impacts red blood cell (RBC) rheology and metabolism. Therefore, Hb-RBC membrane interactions are precisely controlled. For instance, the signaling function of membrane-bound deoxy-Hb and the structure of the docking sites in the cytosolic domain of the anion exchanger 1 (AE-1) protein are well documented; however, much less is known about the interaction of Hb variants with the erythrocyte's membrane.

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The evolution of emerging technologies that use Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) has increased the interest of the scientific community and society regarding the possible adverse effects on human health and the environment. This article provides NextGEM's vision to assure safety for EU citizens when employing existing and future EMF-based telecommunication technologies. This is accomplished by generating relevant knowledge that ascertains appropriate prevention and control/actuation actions regarding RF-EMF exposure in residential, public, and occupational settings.

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We demonstrate here how nitrate salts of bivalent copper, nickel, cobalt, and manganese, along with an achiral organic ligand, assemble into various structures such as symmetrical double-decker flowers, smooth elongated hexagonal bipyramids, and hexagonal prisms. Large morphological changes occur in these structures because of different metal cations, although they maintain isomorphous hexagonal crystallographic structures. Metal cations with stronger coordination to ligands (Cu and Ni) tend to form uniform crystals with unusual shapes, whereas weaker coordinating metal cations (Mn and Co) produce crystals with more regular hexagonal morphologies.

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The dynamics of water confined in mesoporous MIP (2-3 nm pores in size) with silica gel (secondary silica; further, the abbreviation SG will be used) and MAP (10-35 nm pores in size) without SG borosilicate glasses have been studied by broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). MIP samples contain secondary silica inside the pores and provide a confinement size of about 2-3 nm, whereas MAP samples are free of secondary silica and provide a confinement size of about 10-35 nm. It is shown by BDS and NMR techniques that water exhibits a dynamic crossover of around 180 K when it is confined in MIP samples.

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Infants and children born with CHD are at significant risk for neurodevelopmental delays and abnormalities. Individualised developmental care is widely recognised as best practice to support early neurodevelopment for medically fragile infants born premature or requiring surgical intervention after birth. However, wide variability in clinical practice is consistently demonstrated in units caring for infants with CHD.

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The spontaneous gelation of poly(4-vinyl pyridine)/pyridine solution produces materials with conductive properties that are suitable for various energy conversion technologies. The gel is a thermoelectric material with a conductivity of 2.2-5.

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Experts and employees in many domains make multiple similar but independent decisions in sequence. Often, the serial position of the case in the sequence influences the decision. Explanations for these serial position effects focus on the role of decision-makers' fatigue, but these effects emerge also when fatigue is unlikely.

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A protocol for successfully depositing [001] textured, 2−3 µm thick films of Al0.75Sc0.25N, is proposed.

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Lichens are unique symbiotic organisms from a mutually beneficial alliance of fungi and algae/cyanobacteria that successfully survive extreme temperatures and drought conditions. Most probably such extraordinary vitality of lichens is underlain by melanins, one of the main structural and chemical lichen components, and their mutual relationship with residual water. In this paper, we propose mechanisms, which allow lichens to store up the extra water in their structure.

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Currently there are no reliable biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer's disease (AD) at the preclinical stage. This study assessed the pupil light reflex (PLR) for focal red and blue light stimuli in central and peripheral retina in 125 cognitively normal middle age subjects (45-71 years old) at high risk for AD due to a family history of the disease (FH+), and 61 age-similar subjects with no family history of AD (FH-) using Chromatic Pupilloperimetry coupled with Machine Learning (ML). All subjects had normal ophthalmic assessment, and normal retinal and optic nerve thickness by optical coherence tomography.

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