Objective: To establish a model of reproductive system injury in male rats at high altitude using the low-pressure hypoxic animal laboratory and study the changes in the testicular tissue, semen parameters, blood gas and oxidative stress in male rats at different altitudes.
Methods: Sixty male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to be raised on the plains (the plains group, n = 20), at an altitude of 4 000 m (the plateau model group Ⅰ, n = 20), or at an altitude of 6 000 m (the plateau model group Ⅱ, n = 20) for a spermatogenic cycle of 14 days. After establishment of the model of high-altitude reproductive system injury, the testis tissues of the rats were harvested for HE staining and observed for histopathological changes under the light microscope, and their epididymedes collected for preparation of sperm suspension and detection of sperm motility, sperm count and the percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm (MAS).