Publications by authors named "Federico Minelli"

This study carries out a series of complex unsteady three-dimensional (3D) computational analyses that were validated by experimental tests to examine the performance enhancement of a cylindrical shell-and-coil ice storage enclosure by employing various spiral longitudinal fin geometries covering the heat transfer fluid (HTF) tubes throughout the transient process of solid-liquid phase change. The phase change material (PCM) in this work was selected to be water and the tubes and fins were chosen to be made of copper alloy. To study how this type of fin accelerates the charging process, several dimensionless parameters related to the spiral longitudinal fin geometries were defined, which included dimensionless fin length (), count (), and thickness () parameters.

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Purpose: The aim of this study is to present a case of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) of the liver in a 4-year-old girl. We will discuss the diagnostic challenges, the role of the radiologist in differential diagnosis, treatment modalities, and clinical outcomes.

Methods: A case report of a 4-year-old girl with IMT of the liver is presented.

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  • Silver-Russell Syndrome (SRS) is a disorder that leads to growth failure, characteristic physical features, and feeding issues, with significant genetic causes remaining unclear in many cases.
  • The study aimed to assess the genetic variants in undiagnosed SRS patients and determine if (epi)genetic patients show distinct characteristics compared to genetic patients.
  • Findings revealed that only 9.1% of patients had identifiable pathogenic variants, emphasized body asymmetry as a key trait in (epi)genetic SRS, and recommended including IGF1R sequencing in the diagnostic process for SRS.
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  • Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) significantly affects breast cancer surgery, leading to a national Consensus Conference by the Italian Association of Breast Surgeons (ANISC) involving various specialists.
  • In November 2022, 164 specialists from 74 Breast Centers participated in an online conference to vote on eleven controversial NAC-related issues, achieving consensus on only three.
  • The results showed a general agreement on assessing tumor response via MRI, reassessing biological factors of residual tumors, and possibly skipping formal axillary node dissection for certain patients, highlighting the variability in surgical practices post-NAC.
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Inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma is a rare malignant mesenchymal tumor that originates from the smooth muscle cells of the venous media and is more frequent in females in the V-VI decade of life. Due to scarce and specific symptoms, diagnosis is not simple, and often metastases to the liver, lungs, and/or lymph nodes are already present. A 44-year-old male patient arrives at our institution presenting diffuse abdominal pain and a sense of weight associated with lumbar pain.

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Liposarcoma of the spermatic cord is a malignant neoformation so rare that less than 200 cases are reported in the world. It is a tumor that originates from adipose tissue and when it is found in the spermatic cord it can deceptively simulate an inguinal hernia and not be easily identified. The present work describes the case of a 37-year-old man with liposarcoma of the spermatic cord who arrives at our institution with painless swelling of the left testicle.

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In Italy, differently from other countries, a national museum of natural history is not present. This absence is due, among other reasons, to its historical political fragmentation up to 1870, which led to the establishment of medium-sized museums, mostly managed by local administrations or universities. Moreover, a change of paradigm in biological research, at the beginning of the 20 century, contributed to privilege experimental studies in universities and facilitated the dismissal of descriptive and exploratory biology, which formed the basis of the taxonomic research carried out by natural history museums.

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The Hippo pathway and its two key effectors, Yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), are consistently altered in breast cancer. Pivotal regulators of cell metabolism such as the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), Stearoyl-CoA-desaturase 1 (SCD1), and HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR) are relevant modulators of TAZ/YAP activity. In this prospective study, we measured the tumor expression of TAZ, YAP, AMPK, SCD1, and HMGCR by immunohistochemistry in 65 Her2+ breast cancer patients who underwent trastuzumab-based neoadjuvant treatment.

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Malignant germ cell tumors constitute about 3%-4% of all neoplasms occurring before the age of 15. They arise in the ovaries, the testes, and in several other locations, including the lower back, the chest, the brain, and the abdomen. In infants and young children, the sacrococcygeal region is the most common site for extragonadal germ cell tumors, and teratomas account for the vast majority of sacrococcygeal germ cell tumors.

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Testicular metastasis are rare findings and bilateral metastasis of testes are extremely rare. Here we are describing for the first time a case of bilateral testicular metastasis in a patient with a known ileocecal valve NET using an in-depth ultra-sound studying including microvascular flow imaging (MV-flow), ultra-sound new technique, able to detect small vessel slow-signal.

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Thymoma is a rare neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum, which originates from the epithelium of the thymic gland; it occurs mainly in middle-aged adults and is much less common in children. The tumor has slow growth and is asymptomatic in most pediatric cases, thus resulting in an accidental discovery; one-third of the young patient presents symptoms related to the compression of the tumor mass on the surrounding anatomic structures and/or related to paraneoplastic syndromes. Surgery is the treatment of choice and complete resection of the thymoma achieves excellent long-term results in terms of disease-free survival.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the safety and efficacy of 9G needle biopsy under tomosynthesis guidance with the patient in the prone position.

Materials And Methods: This is a retrospective observational study conducted on patients with non-palpable breast mass exclusively detectable through tomosynthesis, performed from the 1st January 2018 to the 1st August 2020. The procedures were performed by taking 12 tissue samples from each mass.

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Pseudopapillary solid tumour of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm that mainly affects young women in the second and third decade of life and less frequently children; originates from the exocrine component of the pancreas; and is characterized by slow growth, low potential for malignancy, and excellent prognosis following complete surgical resection. The tumour often presents as an asymptomatic abdominal mass that is accidentally detected during radiological investigations performed for other reasons. In this article, we report the clinical case of a 10-year-old girl who came to our observation for pain in the left hypochondrium, which had arisen for a week following a trauma; the imaging methods revealed a voluminous expansive pancreatic formation in the abdomen; on histological examination, the mass was a solid pseudopapillary tumour.

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Purpose: To develop a computerized detection system for the automatic classification of the presence/absence of mass lesions in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) annotated exams, based on a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN).

Materials And Methods: Three DCNN architectures working at image-level (DBT slice) were compared: two state-of-the-art pre-trained DCNN architectures (AlexNet and VGG19) customized through transfer learning, and one developed from scratch (DBT-DCNN). To evaluate these DCNN-based architectures we analysed their classification performance on two different datasets provided by two hospital radiology departments.

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Objectives: This study sought to determine whether the breast gland adipose tissue is associated with different rates of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) in pre-menopausal women.

Background: To our knowledge, no study investigated the impact of breast adipose tissue infiltration on MACEs in pre-menopausal women.

Methods: Prospective multicenter cohort study conducted on pre-menopausal women >40 years of age without cardiovascular disease and breast cancer at enrollment.

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Nowadays, cranial ultrasonography (US) of the newborn represents the first imaging method in brain damage study and its possible outcomes. This exam is performed using the natural fontanelles, especially the anterior one. It is fast, non-invasive and does not produce any side effect.

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Atactic polystyrene, as reported in a recent contribution by our group, displays a marked change in glass transition when exposed to toluene vapor due to plasticization associated with vapor sorption within the polymer. The dependence of the glass transition temperature of the polymer-penetrant mixture on the pressure of toluene vapor is characterized by the so-called "retrograde vitrification" phenomenon, in that, at a constant pressure, a rubber to glass transition occurs by increasing the temperature. In this contribution, we have used a theoretical approach, based on the nonrandom lattice fluid thermodynamic model for the polymer-toluene mixture, to predict the state of this system, i.

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Exposing a glassy polymer to a fluid phase (in gaseous or liquid state) containing a low molecular weight compound results in the sorption of the latter within the polymer, inducing, among other effects, the plasticization of the material which also promotes a change in the glass transition temperature. The amount of sorbed penetrant is often related in a complex fashion to the temperature and pressure of the fluid, thus determining that the locus of glass transition, when represented in pressure-temperature coordinates, may display as well rather complex patterns. This is an issue of particular importance in several applications of glassy polymers.

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The new collective Thomson scattering diagnostic installed on the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade device started its first operations in 2014. The ongoing experiments investigate the presence of signals synchronous with rotating tearing mode islands, possibly due to parametric decay processes, and phenomena affecting electron cyclotron beam absorption or scattering measurements. The radiometric system, diagnostic layout, and data acquisition system were improved accordingly.

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Background: Lack of knowledge is the major reason for non-compliance with correct healthcare-associated infections (HAI) prevention procedures. The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge of the Dental School (DSS) and Dental Hygiene (DHS) students with regard to the prevention of HAI, as basic knowledge for improving and harmonizing the educational content in the different Italian Universities.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using an anonymous questionnaire that was completed by DSS (I, II, III, IV, and V year) in seven Universities and DHS (I, II, and III year) in three Universities.

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We describe a case of giant cystic uterine adenomyoma that was diagnosed and treated by hysteroscopy. In a 27-year-old woman with menometrorrhagia, severe dysmenorrhea, and chronic pelvic pain, pelvic ultrasonography revealed an enlarged uterine cavity filled with homogeneous low echogenic fluid content. A large cornual hematometra of 8.

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The Italian natural history museums are facing a critical situation, due to the progressive loss of scientific relevance, decreasing economic investments, and scarcity of personnel. This is extremely alarming, especially for ensuring the long-term preservation of the precious collections they host. Moreover, a commitment in fieldwork to increase scientific collections and concurrent taxonomic research are rarely considered priorities, while most of the activities are addressed to public events with political payoffs, such as exhibits, didactic meetings, expositions, and talks.

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