Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp
December 2008
Objective: To compare the pre-operative and post-operative clinical symptoms in patients diagnosed as having hyperparathyroidism and given surgical treatment, in order to prove the existence of statistically significant improvement.
Material And Method: We report here a retrospective study performed on 120 consecutive patients operated on following diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism between 1990 and 2003.
Results: Nephrolithiasis, generalized bone pain and HBP were the most common clinical manifestations.
Objective: We present the 15-year-long experience of 2 hospitals in our region regarding the therapeutic management of acute epiglottitis in adults.
Patients And Method: Thirty patients with an average age of 46 years were diagnosed as having acute epiglottitis, either by indirect laryngoscopy or fibroscopy, and studied through a series of clinical parameters: age, sex, personal history, complementary tests, clinical symptoms, treatment, evolution, and average stay in hospital.
Results: We found an obvious predominance of this urgent pathology in males, with most patients reporting dysphagia or odynophagia (90 %).