Publications by authors named "Federico Corberi"

We study analytically the ordering kinetics and the final metastable states in the three-dimensional long-range voter model where N agents described by a Boolean spin variable S_{i} can be found in two states (or opinion) ±1. The kinetics is such that each agent copies the opinion of another at distance r chosen with probability P(r)∝r^{-α} (α>0). In the thermodynamic limit N→∞ the system approaches a correlated metastable state without consensus, namely without full spin alignment.

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We study analytically the ordering kinetics of the two-dimensional long-range voter model on a two-dimensional lattice, where agents on each vertex take the opinion of others at distance r with probability P(r)∝r^{-α}. The model is characterized by different regimes, as α is varied. For α>4, the behavior is similar to that of the nearest-neighbor model, with the formation of ordered domains of a typical size growing as L(t)∝sqrt[t], until consensus is reached in a time of the order of NlnN, with N being the number of agents.

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We investigate the influence of long-range (LR) interactions on the phase ordering dynamics of the one-dimensional random-field Ising model (RFIM). Unlike the usual RFIM, a spin interacts with all other spins through a ferromagnetic coupling that decays as r^{-(1+σ)}, where r is the distance between two spins. In the absence of LR interactions, the size of coarsening domains R(t) exhibits a crossover from pure system behavior R(t)∼t^{1/2} to an asymptotic regime characterized by logarithmic growth: R(t)∼(lnt)^{2}.

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Device performance of solution-processed 2D semiconductors in printed electronics has been limited so far by structural defects and high interflake junction resistance. Covalently interconnected networks of transition metal dichalcogenides potentially represent an efficient strategy to overcome both limitations simultaneously. Yet, the charge-transport properties in such systems have not been systematically researched.

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It is known that, after a quench to zero temperature (T=0), two-dimensional (d=2) Ising ferromagnets with short-range interactions do not always relax to the ordered state. They can also fall in infinitely long-lived striped metastable states with a finite probability. In this paper, we study how the abundance of striped states is affected by long-range interactions.

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Zipf's law describes the empirical size distribution of the components of many systems in natural and social sciences and humanities. We show, by solving a statistical model, that Zipf's law co-occurs with the maximization of the diversity of the component sizes. The law ruling the increase of such diversity with the total dimension of the system is derived and its relation with Heaps's law is discussed.

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We study the low-temperature domain growth kinetics of the two-dimensional Ising model with long-range coupling J(r)∼r^{-(d+σ)}, where d=2 is the dimensionality. According to the Bray-Rutenberg predictions, the exponent σ controls the algebraic growth in time of the characteristic domain size L(t), L(t)∼t^{1/z}, with growth exponent z=1+σ for σ<1 and z=2 for σ>1. These results hold for quenches to a nonzero temperature T>0 below the critical temperature T_{c}.

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We discuss the interplay between the degree of dynamical stochasticity, memory persistence, and violation of the self-averaging property in the aging kinetics of quenched ferromagnets. We show that, in general, the longest possible memory effects, which correspond to the slowest possible temporal decay of the correlation function, are accompanied by the largest possible violation of self-averaging and a quasideterministic descent into the ergodic components. This phenomenon is observed in different systems, such as the Ising model with long-range interactions, including the mean-field, and the short-range random-field Ising model.

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The phase separation occurring in a system of mutually interacting proteins that can bind on specific sites of a chromatin fiber is investigated here. This is achieved by means of extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a simple polymer model that includes regulatory proteins as interacting spherical particles. Our interest is particularly focused on the role played by phase separation in the formation of molecule aggregates that can join distant regulatory elements, such as gene promoters and enhancers, along the DNA.

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In this paper we review some general properties of probability distributions which exhibit a singular behavior. After introducing the matter with several examples based on various models of statistical mechanics, we discuss, with the help of such paradigms, the underlying mathematical mechanism producing the singularity and other topics such as the condensation of fluctuations, the relationships with ordinary phase-transitions, the giant response associated to anomalous fluctuations, and the interplay with fluctuation relations.

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We study numerically the aging properties of the two-dimensional Ising model with quenched disorder considered in our recent paper [Phys. Rev. E 95, 062136 (2017)2470-004510.

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We study numerically a two-dimensional random-bond Ising model where frustration can be tuned by varying the fraction a of antiferromagnetic coupling constants. At low temperatures the model exhibits a phase with ferromagnetic order for sufficiently small values of a, a View Article and Find Full Text PDF

We study the evolution leading to (or regressing from) a large fluctuation in a statistical mechanical system. We introduce and study analytically a simple model of many identically and independently distributed microscopic variables n_{m} (m=1,M) evolving by means of a master equation. We show that the process producing a nontypical fluctuation with a value of N=∑_{m=1}^{M}n_{m} well above the average 〈N〉 is slow.

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By studying numerically the phase-ordering kinetics of a two-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model with quenched disorder (either random bonds or random fields) we show that a critical percolation structure forms at an early stage. This structure is then rendered more and more compact by the ensuing coarsening process. Our results are compared to the nondisordered case, where a similar phenomenon is observed, and they are interpreted within a dynamical scaling framework.

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We study numerically the two-dimensional Ising model with nonconserved dynamics quenched from an initial equilibrium state at the temperature T_{i}≥T_{c} to a final temperature T_{f} below the critical one. By considering processes initiating both from a disordered state at infinite temperature T_{i}=∞ and from the critical configurations at T_{i}=T_{c} and spanning the range of final temperatures T_{f}∈[0,T_{c}[ we elucidate the role played by T_{i} and T_{f} on the aging properties and, in particular, on the behavior of the autocorrelation C and of the integrated response function χ. Our results show that for any choice of T_{f}, while the autocorrelation function exponent λ_{C} takes a markedly different value for T_{i}=∞ [λ_{C}(T_{i}=∞)≃5/4] or T_{i}=T_{c} [λ_{C}(T_{i}=T_{c})≃1/8] the response function exponents are unchanged.

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We study numerically the coarsening dynamics of the Ising model on a regular lattice with random bonds and on deterministic fractal substrates. We propose a unifying interpretation of the phase-ordering processes based on two classes of dynamical behaviors characterized by different growth laws of the ordered domain size, namely logarithmic or power law, respectively. It is conjectured that the interplay between these dynamical classes is regulated by the same topological feature that governs the presence or the absence of a finite-temperature phase transition.

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Condensation of fluctuations is an interesting phenomenon conceptually distinct from condensation on average. One striking feature is that, contrary to what happens on average, condensation of fluctuations may occur even in the absence of interaction. The explanation emerges from the duality between large deviation events in the given system and typical events in a new and appropriately biased system.

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We study numerically the phase-ordering kinetics of the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model. The data can be interpreted in a framework motivated by renormalization-group concepts. Apart from the usual fixed point of the nondiluted system, there exist two disorder fixed points, characterized by logarithmic and power-law growth of the ordered domains.

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We use state-of-the-art molecular dynamics simulations to study hydrodynamic effects on aging during kinetics of phase separation in a fluid mixture. The domain growth law shows a crossover from a diffusive regime to a viscous hydrodynamic regime. There is a corresponding crossover in the autocorrelation function from a power-law behavior to an exponential decay.

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We discuss the relation between the fluctuation-dissipation relation derived by Chatelain and Ricci-Tersenghi [C. Chatelain, J. Phys.

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A unified derivation of the off-equilibrium fluctuation dissipation relations (FDRs) is given for Ising and continuous spins to arbitrary order, within the framework of Markovian stochastic dynamics. Knowledge of the FDRs allows one to develop zero field algorithms for the efficient numerical computation of the response functions. Two applications are presented.

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We study the role of the quench temperature Tf in the phase-ordering kinetics of the Ising model with single spin flip in d=2,3 . Equilibrium interfaces are flat at Tf=0 , whereas at Tf>0 they are curved and rough (above the roughening temperature in d=3 ). We show, by means of scaling arguments and numerical simulations, that this geometrical difference is important for the phase-ordering kinetics as well.

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In order to check on a recent suggestion that local scale invariance [M. Henkel, Phys. Rev.

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We study numerically the aging dynamics of the two-dimensional p -state clock model after a quench from an infinite temperature to the ferromagnetic phase or to the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase. The system exhibits the general scaling behavior characteristic of nondisordered coarsening systems. For quenches to the ferromagnetic phase, the value of the dynamical exponents suggests that the model belongs to the Ising-type universality class.

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We study the phase-ordering kinetics following a quench to a final temperature Tf of the one-dimensional p-state clock model. We show the existence of a critical value pc=4, where the properties of the dynamics change. At Tf=0, for p View Article and Find Full Text PDF