Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry
January 2024
Introduction: Resilience and quality of life (QOL) can involve a positive approach in group interventions for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This study aims to evaluate resilience and family QOL at the start of a psychoeducational group.
Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of resilience and family QOL used the Family Quality of Life Scale (ECVF) and 14-item Resilience Scale (RS-14).
Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment
January 2010
Introduction: The relation of the neuroendocrine system with the psychiatric disorders has been described by different authors throughout history.
Objectives: To evaluate the presence of thyroid disfunction in psychiatric inpatients.
Methods: Observacional, descriptive, retrospective study of all the psychiatric inpatients in the UHP of Vigo during the year 2006, in which the presence of thyroid dysfunction is evaluated immediately when they are admitted.