Given their diverse techno-functional traits and huge potential in shaping better food textural, nutritional, and flavor attributes, starch-lipid complexes have attracted much effort in the last two decades. The essential aspects concerning the synthesis of starch-lipid complexes were systematically reviewed to establish high-efficiency methods. First, a new 5-level classification system was proposed for the methods applied in literature, which finally assigned them into seventeen groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn practical scenarios, destabilizing the physical attributes of natural polymers such as gelatin and starch occurs readily when exposed to specific moisture levels and heat. In this context, this work was carried out to assess the impact of PVA addition (up to 13 wt%) on the structure and physical properties of a 6:4 (w/w) gelatin/starch blend. The inclusion of PVA unfolded the molecular chains of gelatin and starch, thereby disrupting gelatin α-helices and impeding biopolymer crystallization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurcumin (Cur) was loaded in lignin nanoparticles (LNP) via an antisolvent method by pouring (P-) and dropping (D-) regimes, respectively, and Cur-loaded LNP (Cur/LNP) were comparatively characterized. The results indicated that P-Cur/LNP (62-92 nm) was much smaller than D-Cur/LNP (134-139 nm). For both regimes, their maximum loading efficiencies were comparable (91 ± 3%), while dropping regime (236.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTaopian is a traditional Chinese pastry made from cooked glutinous rice flour. The effects of heat-moisture treatment (110 °C, 4 h; moisture contents 12-36%, /) on the preparation of cooked glutinous rice flour and taopian made from it were compared with the traditional method of stir-frying (180 °C, 30 s). The color of heat-moisture-treated (HMT) flours was darker.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe thickening and gelling mechanism of high-methoxyl pectins (HMPs) with different degree of esterification (DE) values (60.6 %, 66.1 %, and 72.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn view of the merits of all-purpose wheat flour (APWF) to soft wheat flour (SWF) in cost and protein supply, the feasibility of heat-moisture treatment (HMT, 19% moisture for 1 h at 60, 80 and 100 °C, respectively) to modify APWF as a substitute SWF in making short dough biscuits was explored. For underlying mechanisms, on the one hand, HMT reduced the hydration capacity of damaged starch particles by coating them with denatured proteins. On the other hand, HMT at 80 °C and 100 °C significantly denatured gluten proteins to form protein aggregates, highly weakening the gluten network in dough.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelenium bioavailability is critically influenced by gut microbiota, yet the interaction dynamics with selenocompounds remain unexplored. Our study found that L-Selenomethionine (SeMet) and Se-(Methyl)seleno-L-cysteine (MeSeCys) maintained stability during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. In contrast, Selenite and L-Selenocystine (SeCys) were degraded by approximately 13% and 35%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFApple peel is a typical lignocellulosic food by-product rich in functional components. In this work, apple peel was solid-state fermented with e with an aim to modulate its composition and bioactivity. The results showed that e fermentation substantially tailored the composition, improved the antioxidant activity and prebiotic potential of apple peel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNowadays, few plant-based cheese provides satisfactory viscoelastic property like conventional cheese, promoting the application of zein. Our study prepared zein-based cheese containing different concentrations (0-30 %) of highland barley -glucan (HBG) as a fat replacer. Increased HBG caused smaller and more uniform oil droplets in zein network.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEmpirical evidence indicates that NaCl can improve the quality of mung bean starch sheet jelly (MBSS) when properly incorporated. In this study, by comparison with a sample without NaCl, the influences of NaCl (1.5-8%, /) on the physicochemical and structural properties of mung bean starch (MBS) and the quality of MBSS were investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is an increasing demand for obtaining pectin from new sources. Red radish (Raphanus sativus L.) pomace pectin extracted by alkali was low-methoxyl pectin with esterification degree of 10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe microstructural and techno-functional properties of buckwheat flour and its processability for making wantuan, as affected by different milling methods, were investigated. Results showed that the particle sizes (d(0.5)) of the flours made by stone-milling (SM), hammer-milling (HM), laboratory grinding with steaming pretreatment for 5 min (LG-5) and 10 min (LG-10) were 95.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies have shown that the structure, composition, and bioavailability of compounds in whole grains are affected by processing and the role of cells walls. In this study, the effects of different processing methods on highland barley, one of the mostly widely produced whole grains worldwide, were investigated. The processing methods applied were flaking-boiling (HB flake), sand-roasting (Puffed HB), and sand-roasting-milling (Tsamba).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOzonation is an efficient method for improving the technical performance of some starches, but the feasibility of its use for sweet potato starch remains unknown. The effects of aqueous ozonation on the multi-scale structure and physicochemical properties of sweet potato starch were explored. Structurally, ozonation did not generate significant alterations at the granular level (size, morphology, lamellar structure, and long-range and short-range ordered structures), but led to tremendous changes at the molecular level, including converting hydroxyl groups to carbonyl and carboxyl groups and depolymerizing starch molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the present work, lignin nanospheres (LNS, average diameter 166.43 nm) were prepared and the affecting parameters, the absorbed types, and mechanisms of their interactions with type-A gelatin (AG) were explored. The findings demonstrated that upon AG coating, the ζ-potential of LNS sharply decreased and concluded a negative-to-positive shift, while the average diameter and polydispersity index increased significantly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStarch-based puffed crisps are a major group of popular snacks. In this work, the effects and underlying mechanisms of moisture content (MC) on the puffing of sweet potato starch gels were explored. The results showed that the gel with 12 % MC generated the highest puffing ratio (8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhereas water-ethanol hybrid gels present an opportunity to realize aroma enhancement, translating hypothesis into practice is limited by poorly defined viscoelastic characteristics of those gels. In this work, the linear and non-linear rheological properties of water-ethanol hybrid pectin gels (WEPGs) were studied. Those WEPGs are physical gels in nature and the WEPG of 28.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBy reviewing the published literatures, especially from 2016 to 2021, preparative approaches of hydrophobically modified polysaccharides (HMP), mechanisms underlying their self-aggregation, and food applications of HMP and their self-aggregates, as well as perspectives and challenges, were discussed. Up to ten methods were reported for HMP preparations from various polysaccharides with different hydrophobic substituents. In contrast to their unmodified-counterparts, HMP displayed stronger assembling tendencies to form multimolecular self-aggregates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study revealed the underlying mechanisms involved in the puffing process of dried cassava starch gel by exploring the development of the puffed structure of gel upon sand-frying, chiefly focused on the changes in the multi-scale structure and the physicochemical properties of starch. The results suggested that the sand-frying-induced puffing proceeded very fast, completed in about twenty seconds, which could be described as a two-phase pattern including the warming up (0~6 s) and puffing (7~18 s) stages. In the first stage, no significant changes occurred to the structure or appearance of the starch gel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrasound-assisted processing has potential application advantages as an emerging technology for preparing tomato paste. This work explored the influence of ultrasound break at 22 °C (US-Break-22) and 65 °C (US-Break-65) on the viscosity, rheological properties and nutritional values of newly prepared tomato paste, compared with traditional thermal break at 65 °C (Break-65) and 90 °C (Break-90). Results showed that the US-Break-65 paste had the largest apparent viscosity, yield stress, consistency coefficient, solid-like nature, and large amplitude oscillatory shear behavior, followed by the US-Break-22 paste, Break-90 paste, and Break-65 paste.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYolk-based mayonnaise is widely used to enhance the flavor of daily food. In view of health concerns on dietary cholesterol, novel mayonnaises (NMs) were made from Pickering emulsions stabilized by apple pomace particles using micro-jet (MJ-NM), ultrasonic (US-NM), and high-speed-shear homogenizer (HSS-NM), respectively. NMs and commercial mayonnaise (CM) were comparatively investigated in appearance, droplet size, rheological, tribological, and stability properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPomelo peel as a by-product from pomelo consumption is rich in various nutrients and functional compounds, while most of the by-product is disposed as wastes. The utilization of pomelo peels could not only result in valued-added products/ingredients, but also reduce the environmental threats. By mainly reviewing the recent articles, pomelo peels could be directly used to produce candied pomelo peel, tea, jams, etc.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEffect and working mechanism of temperature and pH on encapsulation and release of β-carotene from octenylsuccinated-oat-β-glucan-micelles (OSβG-Ms) were investigated. The stability and solubility of β-carotene, and changes in surface hydrophilicity, core hydrophobicity, and size of β-carotene-loaded-OSβG-Ms were determined. When exposed to temperature (25-45 °C) and pH (4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to develop natural, food-grade particles as emulsifiers, wet-milled has been conducted to obtain apple pomace particles in varying sizes. Structural characteristics, physicochemical properties and Pickering emulsifying potential of the particle in different sizes were investigated. Particle size of apple pomace was gradually reduced from 12.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVarious biodegradable or edible films were designed to deal with the environmental threats from plastic films. To overcome the defects of pectin film, the feasibility for the incorporation of CH/PE fiber was explored. Micron-scale novel artificial CH/PE fibers in needle, spindle or whisker shape with a diameter around 25 μm were fabricated via a shearing regime in virtue of electrostatic complexing.
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