Rev Salud Publica (Bogota)
December 2013
Objective: Assessing helminth egg prevalence in sludge and raw and treated wastewater from a wastewater treatment system located in the village of El Rosal, Cundinamarca.
Methodology: 30 wastewater and 10 sludge samples from the El Rosal plant were taken during a 10-week period. The sludge and water samples were processed according to the Bailinger and the official Mexican standard methodology, respectively.
Rev Salud Publica (Bogota)
January 2009
Objectives: Establishing indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT) and enzyme-inked immunoassay (ELISA) serological tests' ability to detect canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) infection.
Methods: 211 cross-bred dogs from the south of the Tolima department (a visceral leishmaniasis endemic area) were evaluated by clinical and serological exams, using the Colombian Leishmania infantum (infantum) MHOM/COL/CL044B strain as antigen. Sera reactivity to Trypanosoma cruzi- specífic antigens was evaluated by Western blot (WB) for establishing crossed-reactions or coinfections.
Introduction: Pediculosis is one of the most important chronic infestations in schoolchildren worldwide. Infestations show a high prevalence among the poorest children in developing countries, and it is associated with substandard hygienic practices.
Objective: The prevalence was estimated and seasonality described of a Pediculus infestation of seven months duration in a nursery school.