Pan Afr Med J
February 2025
Introduction: Undescended testis (UDT) refers to the actual absence of one or both testicles from their normal position in the scrotum. It can lead to testicular atrophy, malignancy and male infertility. Our study highlights the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of UDT in 3 referral hospitals in Douala.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Urethrocutaneous fistula (UCF) is one of the major complications of circumcision. The risk factors associated with UCF are not clear-cut but its repair remains a challenge for urological surgeons. The aim of this study was to highlight the epidemiological, and clinical features and outcomes obtained from the management of UCF in the context of a country with limited medical resources where ritual circumcision is widely practiced.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) remains one of the most challenging endocrine disorders to diagnose, manage, and treat, especially in Africa where there is lack of neonatal screening program, and limited access to care. Data on biomolecular anomaly are sparse, therefore type of mutations are unknown, increasing management challenges and genetic counseling. The present study aims to describe clinical, biomolecular aspects of a group of Cameroonian patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The incidence of posterior urethral valve (PUV) is estimated at 1:5000-1:8000 males. It is the most common paediatric urologic urgency and the most common cause of male obstructive uropathy and chronic renal failure in children. The study aimed to describe the experience of Yaoundé gynaeco-obstetrics and paediatric hospital in the management of PUV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study aimed to describe the clinical characteristics of patients with infantile hypertrophic stenosis, management and its outcome in two tertiary care centres in Cameroon.
Results: A total of 21 patients were included from the two centres. The mean age at presentation was 5.
Background: To analyse the outcome of children with empyema thoracis treated by decortication followed by a simple drainage system.
Patients And Methods: Retrospective chart review from July 2001 to June 2010 of all cases of children who had a thoracotomy for empyema. We used an endotracheal tube as chest drain and a urinary bag as a collector.
Material And Method: Within a period of two months, (from July to August 2007), five accidents resulting from circumcisions were recorded in the pediatric surgical unit of Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital Yaoundé.
Results: Average age was 7.75 years within a range of 4-10 years.
Introduction: The hypospadias procedure are many (more than 300 different procedures) and varied, because of the difficulty of the treatment.
Objective: To evaluate our results with two stages and one stage procedure urethroplasty for proximal hypospadias and to recommend two stages procedures for posterior hypospadias with important curvature.
Patients And Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical record of 35 patients operated on for proximal hypospadias between January 1997 and April 2005.