Publications by authors named "Fath J"

Immunizations are an important tool to reduce the burden of vaccine preventable diseases and improve population health. High-quality immunization data is essential to inform clinical and public health interventions and respond to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. To track COVID-19 vaccines and vaccinations, CDC established an integrated network that included vaccination provider systems, health information exchange systems, immunization information systems, pharmacy and dialysis systems, vaccine ordering systems, electronic health records, and tools to support mass vaccination clinics.

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  • The study investigated the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in epilepsy, specifically looking at its potential as a biomarker for epilepsy severity and related psychiatric conditions.
  • It analyzed serum BDNF levels in epilepsy patients from four centers in France, while documenting various clinical characteristics and conducting psychiatric screenings.
  • The results showed no significant correlation between serum BDNF levels and epilepsy features or depression, but found that the presence of anti-seizure medications (ASM) was linked to increased BDNF, especially with valproate and perampanel.
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Immunizations have proven to be an important tool for public health and for reducing the impact of vaccine preventable diseases. To realize the maximum benefits of immunizations, a coordinated effort between public policy, health care providers and health systems is required to increase vaccination coverage and to ensure high-quality data are available to inform clinical and public health interventions. Immunization information systems (IIS) are confidential, population-based, computerized databases that record all immunization doses administered by participating providers to persons residing within a given geopolitical area.

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Background: Minocycline is a pleomorphic neuroprotective agent well studied in animal models of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and brain ischemia.

Methods: To test the hypothesis that administration of minocycline in moderate to severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Score 3-12). Fifteen patients were enrolled in a two-dose escalation study of minocycline to evaluate the safety of twice the recommended antibiotic dosage; tier 1 n = 7 at a loading dose of 800 mg followed by 200 mg twice a day (BID) for 7 days; tier 2 n = 8 at a loading dose of 800 mg followed by 400 mg BID for 7 days.

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Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication in trauma patients. Pharmacologic prophylaxis is utilized in trauma patients to reduce their risk of a VTE event. The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma guidelines recommend use of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) as the preferred agent in these patients.

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Background: Obesity, like multiple trauma, is associated with an inflammatory condition that leads to an immunodeficient state. Obese trauma patients are thus thought to be at higher risk of infection compared to patients of normal body mass. Despite this risk, studies to date have not defined obesity as an independent risk factor for infection in trauma patients.

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Background: Vascular embolization of a projectile discharged from a weapon is a rare event. In this report a hunter's errant gunshot struck a farmer in the left chest.

Case Report: The projectile was lodged between the apex of the heart and the diaphragm.

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A rare lateral abdominal wall hernia is described in an adult patient. This was diagnosed in a patient with a prominent right lateral abdominal wall deformity. The patient had been experiencing pain that increased progressively in severity over time.

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Catheter-related blood stream infections (CRBSI) cause significant morbidity and mortality. A retrospective study of a performance improvement project in our teaching hospital's surgical intensive care unit (SICU) showed that intensivist supervision was important in reinforcing maximal sterile barriers (MSB) use during the placement of a central venous catheter (CVC) in the prevention of CRBSI. A historical control period, 1 January 2001-31 December 2003, was established for comparison.

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Background: Cervical spine fractures in the elderly carry a mortality as high as 26%. We reviewed our experience to define the level of injury, prevalence of neurologic deficits, treatments employed, and the correlation between patients' pre- and posthospital residences. Also, we correlated the prevalence of advanced directives with length of stay.

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Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement 100,000 Lives Campaign made VAP a target of prevention and performance improvement. Additionally, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations' 2007 Disease Specific National Patient Safety Goals included the reduction of healthcare-associated infections.

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Study Objectives: To examine the incidence and response to treatment of adrenal insufficiency (AI) in high-risk postoperative patients.

Design: Prospective observational case series.

Setting: Large urban tertiary-care surgical ICU (SICU).

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The rationale behind a regionalized trauma system is that patient outcomes are improved when trauma patients are rapidly transported to facilities with the level of expertise need to treat their injury. Functioning as an adult Level II trauma center, we wanted to know how the transfer process worked for pediatric patients whom we transfer to a Level I pediatric trauma center, which is part of the same multihospital system. Complete information on time of arrival, the time the transfer was accepted, and patient departure time were available for 116 patients (72% of pediatric patients transferred) for the period of January 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998.

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Background: To determine the impact of a dedicated trauma service on cost and quality of care in an urban teaching hospital, a before-and-after study was designed. The key elements of the trauma service were dedicated in-house trauma attending surgeons and residents, and continuity and integration of trauma care.

Methods: Injury Severity Scores and probabilities of survival for each patient were calculated from the hospital International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes, and individual patient costs were estimated from charges using the Medicare Cost Report.

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Background: Hospitals struggle to support trauma care. Recent installation of cost accounting systems now provides information on actual costs for different categories of patients. This paper examines the cost of trauma care in an urban teaching hospital.

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A surgeon has many options available to aid in the closure of abdominal wall defects in the elective setting. In the emergent setting, active infection or contamination increases the likelihood of infection of permanent prosthetic material and limits the surgical options. In such settings, we have used absorbable mesh (Dexon) as an adjunct to fascial closure until the acute complications resolve.

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Objectives: To determine the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) on pulmonary compliance and to determine an effective means to measure IAP.

Design: A prospective study.

Setting: An urban tertiary care hospital.

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Primary closure of the common bile duct following exploration has been safely and effectively performed, as advocated by Halsted, provided no evidence of pancreatitis, cholangitis, or ampullary obstruction exists. Using this precedent, the operative management and clinical course of 29 patients undergoing common bile duct exploration (CBDE) for choledocholithiasis from 1986 to 1992 were reviewed. Ten patients had primary closure of the common bile duct (CBD) following choledochotomy and exploration, and 17 patients had t-tube placement.

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Ambient temperature-induced hypothermia noted in trauma patients is frequently accompanied by a bleeding diathesis despite "laboratory normal" coagulation values. To document this impression, the following experiment was conducted. Coagulation studies and platelet function studies were performed in ten minipigs during induced whole body hypothermia (40 degrees C to 34 degrees C) and rewarming.

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To evaluate what has been the most effective surgical treatment for massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding, we reviewed the records of 31 patients who underwent colon resection for hemodynamic instability and/or the need for continued transfusions. These 31 patients underwent either segmental colectomy (21 patients) or subtotal colectomy (10 patients). Resections were performed for diverticular disease (19 patients), angiodysplasia (eight patients), acute ulceration (three patients), and polyps (one patient).

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Objective: This study characterizes hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function during cardiopulmonary arrest and after return of spontaneous circulation.

Design: Prospective case series.

Setting: A large urban emergency department and intensive care unit over an 8-month period.

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Arterial injuries of the thoracic outlet are complex and require a precise plan for adequate management and prompt exposure of injured vessels. Our 10-year experience with 28 such injuries is reviewed. Arteriography was performed whenever possible in stable patients (15) and aided in planning the operative approach.

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