Introduction: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a clinical phenomenon that reflects an increase in intracranial pressure in the brain with normal parenchyma and no signs of ventriculomegaly, malignancy, infection, or any space-occupying lesion. Generally, this disease is associated with symptoms such as headache, transient visual obscurations (unilateral or bilateral darkening of the vision typically seconds), intracranial noise, diplopia, blurring of vision, abducens nerve palsies, and unilateral or bilateral facial nerve paresis (which is a very rare complication of this disease that has been reported in some studies).
Case Presentation: An 8-year-old boy with a history of bilateral frontal headache for 2 weeks, right ear pain, vomiting, and intermittent fever, who had received antibiotics and analgesics with improvement of ear pain and continuation of headache, presented to this center.
Objectives: This study evaluated the relationship between acquired cataract's different types and the ABO and Rh blood classes.
Methods: Overall, 520 patients, by randomized sampling method, participated in this retrospective cross-sectional study. After reviewing the patient's medical records and laboratory results, the patient's demographics, ABO group, Rh, and cataract type were documented.