Oxid Med Cell Longev
January 2023
Plants are a significant source for the development of new phytomedicines due to their great clinical benefits, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, fewer side effects, and more affordable therapies. Numerous plants used in traditional treatments, such as Scop., have been effective in the treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe current study aimed to assess the pharmacological potential of by evaluating the presence of biologically active compounds using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry approach and to undertake biological activities for the effectiveness of the present compounds using standard tests. A total of 21 compounds were identified in the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the ethyl acetate fraction in which 14 of the identified compounds are recognized for their pharmacological potential in the literature. In total, four fractions (ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane, and aqueous) were evaluated for pharmacological activities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the growth promoting potential in wheat under saline conditions by an endophytic fungus BTK-1. The isolated BTK-1 from the root of was identified as through 18S rDNA sequence analysis. BTK-1 secreted indole acetic acid (IAA), exhibited 1- aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylate deaminase (ACC) and siderophores activity, and solubilized phosphate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTaxonomic importance of spore morphology of seven taxa of genus Asplenium (Aspleniaceae) from Pakistan is illustrated with SEM. Spore morphology of the taxa were monolete with bilateral symmetry, distal and proximal view were ellipsoidal, spheroidal, equatorial view were hemicircular; perispore surface were alate, costate, costate-alate, with reticulate and tuberculate ornamentation. Taxonomic importance of spore morphology of seven taxa of Asplenium (Aspleniaceae, polypodiales) from Pakistan.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTaxonomy and spore morphology of 12 taxa of Cheilanthoideae and Pteridoideae (Pteridaceae, Polypodiales) from Pakistan is illustrated with scanning electron microscopy images based upon the specimens collected from various localities. A total of six genera belong to 12 taxa viz. Actiniopteris radiata, Aleuritopteris albomarginata, A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTaxonomy and spore morphology of genus Adiantum (Vittarioideae; Pteridaceae) from Pakistan is illustrated with scanning electron microscopy images based upon the specimens examined in herbaria of Pakistan, United Kingdom, and United States. A total of five species viz. Adiantum capillus-veneris, A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlants are well known in traditional herbal medicines for their hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities and are often used due to their accessibility, affordability, and corollary effects. has been reported to control diabetes in folkloric medicine, but no known scientific research has been conducted to assess the plausibility of this assertion. Therefore, the current study is aimed to investigate the antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFungal endophytes are known to secrete a large array of secondary metabolites (phenols, flavonoids, indole acetic acid (IAA) etc.) that facilitate crops under stress conditions. Considering this, a potent plant growth promoting endophyte (SXSp1) from the spines and leaves of Solanum xanthocarpum L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe growth promoting activities of the isolated endophyte Aspergillus terreus from Aloe barbendsis was studied in the salt stressed Pennisetum glaucum (pearl millet). A significant (P = 0.05) increase in the root-shoot lengths, fresh and dry weights and chlorophyll content of pearl millet seedlings was noticed after colonization by A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndophytic fungi are an interesting group of organisms that colonize the healthy internal tissues of living plants, and do not cause any symptoms of disease in the host plants. Several decades of study and research have rustled the co-existing endophytes with their host plants, which can significantly influence the formation of metabolic products in plants, as they have the ability to produce a new interesting bioactive compound, which is of pharmaceutical, industrial and agricultural importance. Empirical evidences have indicated that endophytic fungi can confer profound impacts on plant communities by enhancing their growth, increasing their fitness, strengthening their tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, enhancing the defense mechanism and promoting the accumulation of secondary metabolites that provide immunity against pathogens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSalinity stress can severely affect the growth and production of the crop plants. Cheap and reliable actions are needed to enable the crop plants to grow normal under saline conditions. Modification at the molecular level to produce resistant cultivars is one of the promising, yet highly expensive techniques, whereas application of endophytes on the other hand are very cheap.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeavy metals contaminated soil is a serious environmental concern that has a negative impact on agriculture and ecosystem. Economical and efficient ways are needed to address this problem worldwide. In this regard, exploration and application of proficient microbial strains that can help the crop plants to thrive in agricultural soils that are greatly contaminated with heavy metals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiologically, screening of medicinal plants extracts have been since pre-historic to determine the antioxidants and antimicrobial profile. The present study was aimed to investigate and evaluate crude extract and different fractions of Bergenia ciliata Sternb (rhizome) for bioactivity which is most considerable medicinal plants. The chloroform fraction was found to be highly anti-oxidative with the IC50 value (4.
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