Publications by authors named "Farid Mohammed"

The efficacy of ultra-high-pressure homogenisation (UHPH) in inactivating ATCC 27142 and ATCC 6633 spores suspended in sheep and cow milk was investigated. The UHPH treatment was conducted at 200 and 250 MPa with an inlet temperature of 85 °C, resulting in homogenising valve temperatures of 117 °C and 127 °C, respectively. To isolate the role of temperature and pressure in the inactivation of bacterial spores, the UHPH treatment was repeated at 250 MPa with a lower inlet temperature of 70 °C that resulted in a valve temperature of 117 °C.

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Rhamnolipid (RL) is renowned for its efficacy in bioremediating several types of organic and metal contaminants. Nevertheless, there has been a scarcity of studies specifically examining the relationship between this substance and metals, especially in terms of their impact on RL formation and the underlying interaction processes. This study addresses this gap by investigating the RL mechanism in Cr (VI) remediation and evaluating its effect on RL production in RW9.

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This pioneering work explores the immense potential of young coconut waste, a continuously marginalized residue of the food and beverage industry, to serve as an indispensable feedstock in the production of biochar. Through an examination of the key carbonization factors that include time, temperature, and concentrations of the activating agent, KOH, the outcomes offer relevant insights that could be leveraged to maximize biochar production for tailored applications. This study stands out for its innovative use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approaches for predictive modeling.

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  • Using sewage sludge as fertilizer can meet crop nutrient needs and is cheaper than other disposal methods, making it a sustainable choice for agriculture.
  • The study shows that pellets made from sewage sludge and tapioca starch have adequate nutrient levels and meet safety standards for agricultural use.
  • Planting trials indicate that combining inorganic fertilizer with sewage sludge pellets significantly enhances plant growth, outperforming controls on multiple growth metrics, while production costs remain low at about USD 0.98 per ton.
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Background And Aim: In-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) is a major cause of mortality globally, and over 50% of the survivors will require institutional care as a result of poor neurological outcome. It is important that physicians discuss the likely outcome of resuscitation with patients and families during end-of-life discussions to help them with decisions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We aim to compare three consultants' do-not-resuscitate (DNR) decisions with the GO-FAR score predictions of the probability of survival with good neurological outcomes following in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA).

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We aim to study the characteristics and outcomes of patients with a Do-Not-Attempt Resuscitation and to determine its impact on the Cost of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. A retrospective study of all adult patients admitted to the hospital from June 2021 to May 2022 who had a Do-Not-Resuscitate order. We abstracted patients' socio-demographics, physiologic parameters, primary diagnosis, and comorbidities from the electronic medical records.

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Objectives: Published literature on children with cleft palate and/or lip (CP + /-L) and CHARGE syndrome (CS) is limited. This study investigated cleft characteristics including surgery, and feeding and communication outcomes in children identified with CP + /-L and CS.

Design: Retrospective cross-sectional review.

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  • The study aimed to improve the production method of nanobiochar (NBC) by using high-energy ball milling, which is currently time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Different sizes of steel balls were tested, revealing that larger mixed-size balls were more effective than smaller uniform ones, achieving an average particle size of around 95 nm after 30 minutes.
  • The optimal milling time was found to be 60 minutes for producing 75 nm NBC particles with high surface area and thermal stability, which could have various applications in fields like agriculture and composite materials.
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This study investigated the impact of individual and combination of different sources of heating (passive solar heating, electric oil-heater, and solar air heater) in a pilot-scale building containing phase change material (PCM) for a potential reduction in energy consumption while maintaining thermal comfort. Unlike most of the recent simulations and modelling studies, this impact was tested experimentally using two identical control and test huts located at the University of Auckland. The control hut was equipped with standard gypsum boards while the test hut had gypsum boards containing PCM (PureTemp 20, PT20).

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The authors distributed a questionnaire to various hospital staff to explore perceptions surrounding the role of chaplains in patient care and healing through assessing opinions, beliefs, and knowledge. Results revealed a poor understanding of the role of the hospital chaplain in the UK. The authors therefore advocate education programs to increase awareness of the varied role of the hospital chaplain in fulfilling patient spiritual needs to increase referral practices, leading to improved patient outcomes.

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Biomimetics is the field of obtaining ideas from nature that can be applied in science, engineering, and medicine. The usefulness of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and their excellent characteristics in biomimetic applications are exciting and promising areas of present and future research. CNCs are bio-based nanostructured material that can be isolated from several natural biomasses.

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Introduction: Chemical burns, particularly injuries related to psychiatric illnesses, are underreported in the literature. We present two cases of self-inflicted alkali chemical burns managed conservatively. Frequent clinical review of the burn was aimed to ensure appropriate healing and compliance with the treatment plan based on regular dressing changes.

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Osteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional whey protein with numerous health benefits and is recommended to supplement Infant Milk Formula (IMF) with it. For the first time, the denaturation kinetics and storage stability of bovine OPN were studied in reconstituted IMF. The effect of thermal treatments (63-90 °C) and High Pressure Processing (HPP) were investigated.

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The reason for such enormous efforts in palm oil mill effluent research would be what has been singled out as one of the major sources of pollution in Malaysia, and perhaps the most costly and complex waste to manage. Palm oil mill final discharge, which is the treated effluent, will usually be discharged to nearby land or river since it has been the least costly way to dispose of. Irrefutably, the quality level of the treated effluent does not always satisfy the surface water quality in conformity to physicochemical characteristics.

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The utilization of lignocellulosic biomass in various applications has a promising potential as advanced technology progresses due to its renowned advantages as cheap and abundant feedstock. The main drawback in the utilization of this type of biomass is the essential requirement for the pretreatment process. The most common pretreatment process applied is chemical pretreatment.

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Based on unsteady state heat conduction, a mathematical model has been developed to describe the simultaneous heat and moisture transfer during potato frying. For the first time, the equation was solved using both enthalpy and Variable Space Network (VSN) methods, based on a moving interface defined by the boiling temperature of water in a potato disc during frying. Two separate regions of the potato disc namely fried (crust) and unfried (core), were considered as heat transfer domains.

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Introduction: The UK government introduced lockdown measures on 23 March 2020 due to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A restructuring of clinical services was necessary to accommodate mandatory changes while also maintaining the best possible standards for patient care. The present study explored the initial management, follow-up and patient-reported outcomes of burn injuries <15% total body surface area (TBSA) during the height of the COVID-19 lockdown at a tertiary burns centre.

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The mechanism for growth plate fusion is not fully understood yet. We present the first reported Seymour fracture (Salter Harris I) in an adult with failed growth plate fusion. The management of Seymour fractures should be according to radiological bone age rather than actual age.

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Rice, consumed by most people across the world, serves as a great mode for carrying nutrients. The processed, starch-rich white rice is mostly devoid of nutrients. High-pressure processing (HPP) is a technology known to produce cold gelatinizing effects in starch.

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, cv. is a non-astringent seasonally available persimmon variety from New Zealand having short shelf life. Most of the current preservation techniques like pasteurization, spray drying etc.

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High pressure processing (HPP) is a novel technology that involves subjecting foods to high hydrostatic pressures of the order of 100-600 MPa. This technology has been proven successful for inactivation of numerous microorganisms, spores and enzymes in foods, leading to increased shelf life. HPP is not limited to cold pasteurization, but has many other applications.

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Hydrothermal processing as a post-treatment technology for sludge has attracted great interest globally as it could reduce the amount of sludge considerably. This experimental study developed a comprehensive kinetic model of cellulose degradation via non-oxidative hydrothermal processing at various temperatures (ranges 180-260 °C). Values of activation energies and pre-exponential factors were determined using chemical oxygen demand (COD)-based lumped concentrations.

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Background: Cosmetic surgery tourism is rapidly becoming more prevalent in the United Kingdom. We aim to identify the motivational factors underlying patients' decisions to go abroad for their treatment and gather information about the ensuing complications.

Methods: A retrospective review (January 2013-August 2017) was conducted of patients seen at a single major trauma center for complications from cosmetic surgery performed overseas.

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