Publications by authors named "Fang Lue"

Background: Delayed disclosure is a prevalent and serious issue among victims of child sexual abuse (CSA). Identifying the factors associated with delayed disclosure can identify the profile of children who are at risk of delaying disclosures and inform measures to facilitate timely disclosure.

Objective: The current study represented a pioneering effort to investigate factors that are related to disclosure of CSA in Singapore.

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Research suggests that growth mindset shows positive effects on adolescents' academic achievement, especially in overcoming academic-related setbacks. It remains unclear, however, how growth mindset functions in the presence of social stress, a risk factor for adolescent mental health. In the present study, we explored how growth mindset of thoughts-emotions-behaviors predicted dual indicators of adolescents' mental health (life satisfaction and emotional problems), and if and how growth mindset interacted with peer and family stress to predict mental health.

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Background And Objective: Disclosure of CSA is key to victims having access to support and protection, but the current understanding of what factors play a key role is still limited. The present review aims to understand a range of socio-ecological factors that can either facilitate or obstruct the disclosure of CSA.

Methods And Results: Through a systematic review of 27 quantitative studies published from 2000 to 2022, the current review identified 17 significant predictors of CSA disclosure.

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The ongoing COVID19 pandemic is having detrimental effects on the mental and emotional well-being of many adults and children. It is relevant therefore to explore the combination of personal strengths and attributes that can help an individual develop resilience to such stress. Little is known about how psychological strength assets such as social connectedness, grit, hope, life meaning, and life satisfaction are inter-related, and if certain factors play a central role.

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Objective: This study investigates the longer-term effects of parental migration on the psychological well-being of children who stay behind in two major labor-sending countries in Southeast Asia, namely, Indonesia and the Philippines. Adopting the framework of the 'care triangle', we further examine how caregivers' mental health and caregiving quality moderate the associations between parental migration and children's psychological well-being.

Methods: Using longitudinal data collected in 2008 and 2016/17, we assess children's psychological well-being during early childhood (aged 3-5 years) and again in adolescence (aged 11-13 years).

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Background: Bidirectional relationships between health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and breastfeeding outcomes during the perinatal period across different body mass index (BMI) groups have not been investigated. Understanding the nature of such relations can provide strategies the for development of targeted interventions.

Objectives: This study aims to longitudinally (1) investigate the patterns of HRQoL during the perinatal period across different BMI groups; (2) explore bidirectional associations between HRQoL, breastfeeding attitude, and positive breastfeeding status during the perinatal period, and (3) compare the aforementioned relationships across four BMI groups.

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Background: Teacher-student relationships have been linked to various aspects of students' school functioning, including social-emotional well-being in school, but the underlying mechanisms need more investigation.

Aims: In this study, we analysed longitudinal data to test if students' classroom behavioural engagement was a potential mechanism of change that explained how teacher-student relationships affect student school satisfaction.

Sample: We used an archival dataset with a sample of seventh graders (ages 11-14, M  = 12.

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The transition to parenthood is one of the most stressful intra- and interpersonal adjustment periods for new parents. Bidirectional associations among intergenerational relationships during the transition to parenthood have received limited attention, and the complexity of reciprocal relationships varies in accordance with living arrangements. The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the bidirectional associations between marital relationships and conflicts with in-laws during the transition to parenthood and (2) the moderation of patrilineal coresidence on the aforementioned relationships.

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Background: Post-migration experiences of discriminatory abuse and poverty have been recognized as key risk factors for psychopathology and health problems among children. However, little research has explored these associations among children participating in the internal migration process. Building on the stress and coping framework (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), this study investigated the influence of discriminatory abuse and poverty on depressive symptoms and health problems in a group of Chinese migrant children.

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Adolescence is a critical developmental stage to develop coping behaviors. However, little is known about the longitudinal relations between coping behaviors and subjective well-being factors in adolescents. Situated within a positive psychology framework and supported by well-being theories, this study aims to investigate if life satisfaction is an antecedent to predict four specific types of coping behaviors (two approach coping: social support seeking and problem solving; and two avoidant coping: internalizing and externalizing coping behaviors) in early adolescents? A cross-lagged panel design was applied with three-wave data with six months apart between each wave.

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It has been found that in biological studies,the simple linear superposition mathematical model cannot be used to express the feature mapping relationship from multiple activated grid cells’ grid fields to a single place cell’s place field output in the hippocampus of the cerebral cortex of rodents.To solve this problem,people introduced the Gauss distribution activation function into the area.We in this paper use the localization properties of the function to deal with the linear superposition output of grid cells’ input and the connection weights between grid cells and place cells,which filters out the low activation rate place fields.

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