Publications by authors named "Fabricia Benda de Oliveira"

Since the Fundão Dam rupture in Southeastern Brazil caused an enormous amount of iron ore tailing (IOT) to be discharged into the Doce River Catchment, various works have been published on the soil, water, and biota contamination by potentially hazardous trace metals. However, the objective of this study is to investigate changes in the main chemical composition and the mineral phases, which has not been studied yet. We present an analysis of sediment samples collected in the Doce River alluvial plain, before and after the disaster, as well as the tailing deposited.

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The collapse of the Fundão Dam, in Southeastern Brazil, caused about 50 million m³ of iron ore tailings to sluice down the mountain to Rio Doce, in what is considered the greatest environmental disaster in Brazilian history. The fluvial system received an intense and sudden mudflow that was transported for more than 650 km, before reaching the Atlantic Ocean. Because the area was already impacted by the mineral activities in the region, it becomes essential to evaluate the environmental conditions before the disaster to correctly assess the disaster real damage.

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