Unlabelled: The low prevalence of dementia described in communities is likely due to the low sensitivity of screening tests and an absence of evaluation by specialists.
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia in adults older than 50 years.
Methods: A two-phase, cross-sectional study was conducted by specialists to evaluate cognition and associated demographic risk factors in 1,235 independent community-dwelling adults from Bogotá.
Background: previous studies with patients having cancer have shown that quality of life scores depend on the clinical stage of the disease (the more advanced the disease, the worst quality of life).
Methods: in a prospective study we studied 317 patients with gastric or colorectal cancer attending the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología between 2010 and 2011; the patients completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 before receiving treatment. This instrument measures quality of life in 15 domains.