Publications by authors named "FG Mertens"

In this work, we explore a massless nonlinear Dirac equation, i.e., a nonlinear Weyl equation.

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We consider the massless nonlinear Dirac (NLD) equation in 1+1 dimension with scalar-scalar self-interaction g^{2}/2(Ψ[over ¯]Ψ)^{2} in the presence of three external electromagnetic real potentials V(x), a potential barrier, a constant potential, and a potential well. By solving numerically the NLD equation, we find different scenarios depending on initial conditions, namely, propagation of the initial pulse along one direction, splitting of the initial pulse into two pulses traveling in opposite directions, and focusing of two initial pulses followed by a splitting. For all considered cases, the final waves travel with the speed of light and are solutions of the massless linear Dirac equation.

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We discuss the behavior of solitary wave solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) as they interact with complex potentials, using a four-parameter variational approximation based on a dissipation functional formulation of the dynamics. We concentrate on spatially periodic potentials with the periods of the real and imaginary part being either the same or different. Our results for the time evolution of the collective coordinates of our variational ansatz are in good agreement with direct numerical simulation of the NLSE.

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The generalized traveling wave method (GTWM) is applied to the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with general perturbations in order to obtain the equations of motion for an ansatz with six collective coordinates, namely the soliton position, the amplitude, the inverse of the soliton width, the velocity, the chirp, and the phase. The advantage of the new ansatz is that it yields three pairs of canonically conjugated coordinates and momenta that all are well-behaved. The new ansatz is applied to model the dynamics of a soliton in a dispersion-shifted optical fiber described by the generalized NLS, including dissipation, higher-order dispersion, Raman scattering, and self-steepening perturbations.

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We investigate the dynamics of a kink in a damped parametrically driven nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. We show by using a method of averaging that, in the high-frequency limit, the kink moves in an effective potential and is driven by an effective constant force. We demonstrate that the shape of the solitary wave can be controlled via the frequency and the eccentricity of the modulation.

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A stability criterion for solitons of the driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) has been conjectured. The criterion states that p'(v)<0 is a sufficient condition for instability, while p'(v)>0 is a necessary condition for stability; here, v is the soliton velocity and p=P/N, where P and N are the soliton momentum and norm, respectively. To date, the curve p(v) was calculated approximately by a collective coordinate theory, and the criterion was confirmed by simulations.

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A method of averaging is applied to study the dynamics of a kink in the damped double sine-Gordon equation driven by both external (nonparametric) and parametric periodic forces at high frequencies. This theoretical approach leads to the study of a double sine-Gordon equation with an effective potential and an effective additive force. Direct numerical simulations show how the appearance of two connected π kinks and of an individual π kink can be controlled via the frequency.

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We consider the nonlinear Dirac equation in 1 + 1 dimension with scalar-scalar self interaction g(2)/κ+1(̅ΨΨ)(κ+1) and with mass m. Using the exact analytic form for rest frame solitary waves of the form Ψ(x,t)=ψ(x)e(-iωt) for arbitrary κ, we discuss the validity of various approaches to understanding stability that were successful for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In particular we study the validity of a version of Derrick's theorem and the criterion of Bogolubsky as well as the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion, and find that these criteria yield inconsistent results.

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We study the dynamic self-assembly and propulsion of a ribbon formed from paramagnetic colloids in a dynamic magnetic field. The sedimented ribbon assembles due to time averaged dipolar interactions between the beads. The time dependence of the dipolar interactions together with hydrodynamic interactions cause a twisted ribbon conformation.

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We consider nonlinear Dirac equations (NLDE's) in the 1+1 dimension with scalar-scalar self-interaction g2/κ+1(Ψ[over ¯]Ψ)κ+1 in the presence of various external electromagnetic fields. We find exact solutions for special external fields and we study the behavior of solitary-wave solutions to the NLDE in the presence of a wide variety of fields in a variational approximation depending on collective coordinates which allows the position, width, and phase of these waves to vary in time. We find that in this approximation the position q(t) of the center of the solitary wave obeys the usual behavior of a relativistic point particle in an external field.

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We consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) in 1+1 dimension with scalar-scalar self-interaction g(2)/κ+1(ψ*ψ)(κ+1) in the presence of the external forcing terms of the form re(-i(kx+θ))-δψ. We find new exact solutions for this problem and show that the solitary wave momentum is conserved in a moving frame where v(k)=2k. These new exact solutions reduce to the constant phase solutions of the unforced problem when r→0.

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We investigate the dynamics of traveling oscillating solitons of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation under an external spatiotemporal forcing of the form f(x,t)=aexp[iK(t)x]. For the case of time-independent forcing, a stability criterion for these solitons, which is based on a collective coordinate theory, was recently conjectured. We show that the proposed criterion has a limited applicability and present a refined criterion which is generally applicable, as confirmed by direct simulations.

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The generalized traveling wave method (GTWM) is developed for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with general perturbations in order to obtain the equations of motion for an arbitrary number of collective coordinates. Regardless of the particular ansatz that is used, it is shown that this alternative approach is equivalent to the Lagrangian formalism, but has the advantage that only the Hamiltonian of the unperturbed system is required, instead of the Lagrangian for the perturbed system. As an explicit example, we take 4 collective coordinates, namely the position, velocity, amplitude and phase of the soliton, and show that the GTWM yields the same equations of motion as the perturbation theory based on the Inverse Scattering Transform and as the time variation of the norm, first moment of the norm, momentum, and energy for the perturbed NLSE.

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We investigate the dynamics of solitons of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with the following perturbations: nonparametric spatiotemporal driving of the form f(x,t)=a exp[iK(t)x], damping, and a linear term which serves to stabilize the driven soliton. Using the time evolution of norm, momentum and energy, or, alternatively, a Lagrangian approach, we develop a collective-coordinate-theory which yields a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for our four collective coordinates. These ODEs are solved analytically and numerically for the case of a constant, spatially periodic force f(x).

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Spin dynamics with the Landau-Lifshitz equation has provided topics for a wealth of research endeavors. We introduce here a numerical integration method which explicitly uses the precession motion of a spin about the local field, thus intrinsically conserving spin lengths, and therefore allowing for relatively quick results for a large number of situations with varying temperatures and couplings. This method is applied to the effect of long-range dipole-dipole interactions in two-dimensional clusters of spins with nearest-neighbor XY-Heisenberg exchange interactions on a square lattice at finite temperature.

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This work studies the damped double sine-Gordon equation driven by a biharmonic force, where a parameter lambda controls the existence and the frequency of an internal mode. The role of internal oscillations of the kink width in ratchet dynamics of kink is investigated within the framework of collective coordinate theories. It is found that the ratchet velocity of the kink, when an internal mode appears in this system, decreases contrary to what was expected.

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We investigate the ratchet dynamics of solitons of a sine-Gordon system with additive inhomogeneities. We show by means of a collective coordinate approach that the soliton moves like a particle in an effective potential which is a result of the inhomogeneities. Different degrees of freedom of the soliton are used as collective coordinates in order to study their influence on the motion of the soliton.

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We investigate homogeneous and inhomogeneous sine-Gordon ratchet systems in which a temporal symmetry and the spatial symmetry, respectively, are broken. We demonstrate that in the inhomogeneous systems with ac driving the soliton dynamics is chaotic in certain parameter regions, although the soliton motion is unidirectional. This is qualitatively explained by a one-collective-coordinate theory which yields an equation of motion for the soliton that is identical to the equation of motion for a single particle ratchet which is known to exhibit chaotic transport in its underdamped regime.

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We study the soliton ratchets in the damped sine-Gordon equation with periodic nonsinusoidal, additive, and parametric driving forces. By means of symmetry analysis of this system we show that the net motion of the kink is not possible if the frequencies of both forces satisfy a certain relationship. Using a collective coordinate theory with two degrees of freedom, we show that the ratchet motion of kinks appears as a consequence of a resonance between the oscillations of the momentum and the width of the kink.

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Thermal diffusion of Boussinesq solitons.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

October 2007

We consider the problem of the soliton dynamics in the presence of an external noisy force for the Boussinesq type equations. A set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the relevant coordinates of the system is derived. We show that for the improved Boussinesq (IBq) equation the set of ODEs has limiting cases leading to a set of ODEs which can be directly derived either from the ill-posed Boussinesq equation or from the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation.

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We extend our studies of thermal diffusion of nontopological solitons to anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-type chains with additional long-range couplings. The observed superdiffusive behavior in the case of nearest-neighbor interaction turns out to be the dominating mechanism for the soliton diffusion on chains with long-range interactions. Using a collective variable technique in the framework of a variational analysis for the continuum approximation of the chain, we derive a set of stochastic integrodifferential equations for the collective variables (CVs) soliton position and the inverse soliton width.

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The spin-transfer effect is investigated for the vortex state of a magnetic nanodot. A spin current is shown to act similarly to an effective magnetic field perpendicular to the nanodot. Then a vortex with magnetization (polarity) parallel to the current polarization is energetically favorable.

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Unidirectional motion of solitons can take place, although the applied force has zero average in time, when the spatial symmetry is broken by introducing a potential V(x) , which consists of periodically repeated cells with each cell containing an asymmetric array of strongly localized inhomogeneities at positions xi. A collective coordinate approach shows that the positions, heights, and widths of the inhomogeneities (in that order) are the crucial parameters so as to obtain an optimal effective potential Uopt that yields a maximal average soliton velocity. Uopt essentially exhibits two features: double peaks consisting of a positive and a negative peak, and long flat regions between the double peaks.

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We study in detail the damped sine-Gordon equation, driven by two ac forces (one is added as a parametric perturbation and the other one in an additive way), as an example of soliton ratchets. By means of a collective coordinate approach we derive an analytical expression for the average velocity of the soliton, which allows us to show that this mechanism of transport requires certain relationships both between the frequencies and between the initial phases of the two ac forces. The control of the velocity by the damping coefficient and parameters of the ac forces is also presented and discussed.

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