Publications by authors named "F Lacoma"

Unlabelled: We designed this study to ascertain whether, for the purpose of clinical interpretation, the direct measurement of O(2) consumption with the PhysioFlex closed-circuit anesthesia machine and with the Deltatrac II indirect calorimeter are interchangeable. Oxygen consumption was measured using the two instruments successively in critically-ill, mechanically-ventilated patients. Measurements were recorded as the mean of 10 consecutive, minute-by-minute, stable readings.

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That hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be supported by an organized plan rather than on the skills of individual health care personnel is a universally agreed-upon principle. Such a plan should guarantee that needed materials are available and in working order in all departments and that the team assigned to carry out CPR arrives promptly. Personnel other than the specialized team should also receive CPR training appropriate to their posts.

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Background: As systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) is reduced, oxygen consumption (VO2) is maintained until a critical level is reached (DO2crit) below which VO2 becomes supply-dependent and anaerobic metabolism ensues. We examined the relationship between gastric intramucosal PCO2 (PiCO2) and the onset of systemic supply dependency. We also compared PiCO2 to mixed venous and portal venous blood PCO2 (PmvCO2 and PpvCO2) to assess their utility as premonitory indicators of supply dependency.

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Study Objectives: To validate capnometric recirculating gas tonometry (CRGT) for continuously monitoring gut intramucosal PCO2 (PiCO2) in a septic shock model, and to compare gastric vs esophageal PCO2 vs intramucosal-arterial PCO2 gradients.

Interventions: CRTG catheters were placed in the stomach and esophagus of six anesthetized dogs. A saline solution filled balloon tonometry (ST) catheter was also placed in the stomach.

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