Publications by authors named "F J Sellner"

Isolated pancreatic metastases of renal cell carcinoma (IsPMRCC) are a rare manifestation of metastatic, clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in which distant metastases occur exclusively in the pancreas. In addition to the main symptom of the isolated occurrence of pancreatic metastases, the entity surprises with additional clinical peculiarities: (a) the unusually long interval of about 9 years between the primary RCC and the onset of pancreatic metastases; (b) multiple pancreatic metastases occurring in 36% of cases; (c) favourable treatment outcomes with a 75% 5-year survival rate; and (d) volume and growth-rate dependent risk factors generally accepted to be relevant for overall survival in metastatic surgery are insignificant in isPMRCC. The genetic and epigenetic causes of exclusive pancreatic involvement have not yet been investigated and are currently unknown.

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A meta-analysis of 1470 isolated pancreatic metastases of renal cell carcinoma revealed, that, in addition to the unusual exclusive occurrence of pancreatic metastases and the favourable treatment results, the isPMRCC is characterised by further peculiarities of the clinical course: The lack of prognostic significance of volume and growth rate dependent risk factors and the independence of treatment results from standard or local resections. As an explanation for all these peculiarities, according to today's knowledge, a strong acting seed and soil mechanism can serve, which allows embolized tumour cells to grow to metastases only in the pancreas, and prevents them definitively or for years in all other organs. The good prognosis affects not only isolated PM, but also multi-organ metastases of the RCC, in which the additional occurrence of PM is also associated with a better prognosis.

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Isolated pancreatic metastases of renal cell carcinoma (isPMRCC) are a rare manifestation of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) characterized by two peculiarities: (1). The definite or at least long-term exclusive occurrence of metastases in the pancreas and (2). an unusual low tumour aggressiveness with slow tumour progression and consecutive, good treatment results.

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In metastatic renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic metastases can appear in two clinical manifestations: (a) very rarely as isolated pancreatic metastases and (b) in the context with multi-organ metastatic disease. Both courses are characterised by rare, unusual clinical features. For isolated pancreatic metastases, the literature shows no effect on survival in all 11 publications that examined the effect of singular versus multiple pancreatic metastases; a lack of effect on survival time was also present in all 8 studies on pancreatic metastases size, in 7 of 8 studies on the influence of disease-free interval (DFI), and in 6 of 7 studies on the influence of synchronous versus metachronous metastases.

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Previously documented arguments, in favor of the suspected impact of a seed and soil mechanism, in the development and progression of isolated pancreatic metastasis of renal cell carcinomas (isPM) are: (1) uniform and independent from the side of the primary tumor distribution of isPM within the pancreas and, (2) the similar survival rates for singular and multiple isPM. In addition, the present study adds new arguments that further confirm the importance of an seed and soil mechanism in isPM: (1) Within the singular isPM, the size of the metastasis does not affect the overall survival; (2) Within the group of multiple isPMs, the overall survival does not depend on the number of metastases; (3) For synchronous and metachronous isPM, survival rates are also not different, and (4) Within the group of metachronous isPM there is also no correlation between the overall survival and interval until metastases occurs. This unusual ineffectiveness of otherwise known risk factors of solid cancers can be explained plausibly by the hypothesis of a very selective seed and soil mechanism in isPM.

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