Publications by authors named "F J Gomez-Rodriguez"

Introduction: The increase in the number of people with upper limb spasticity as a sequela of cerebrovascular disease, which negatively impacts their autonomy, functional independence and participation, and affects their quality of life, calls for the application of precise and objective instruments for its measurement and evaluation.

Objective: To assess the validity and reliability of the Tardieu scale in the evaluation of upper extremity spasticity in adults with cerebrovascular disease.

Materials And Methods: The search strategy was implemented in eight databases; the systematic review protocol was registered beforehand in INPLASY (with registration no.

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Purpose: Investigating and understanding of the underlying mechanisms affecting the charge collection efficiency (CCE) of vented ionization chambers under ultra-high dose rate pulsed electron radiation. This is an important step towards real-time dosimetry with ionization chambers in FLASH radiotherapy.

Methods: Parallel-plate ionization chambers (PPIC) with three different electrode distances were build and investigated with electron beams with ultra-high dose-per-pulse (DPP) up to 5.

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The Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus pentosus genotypes existing in industrial-scale cucumber fermentations were defined using rep-PCR-(GTG)5. The ability of each genotype to ferment cucumbers under various conditions was evaluated. Rep-PCR-(GTG)5 was the technique capable of illustrating the most intraspecies discrimination compared to the sequencing of housekeeping genes (recA, dnaK, pheS and rpoA), MLST and RAPD with primers LP1, OPL5, M14 and COC.

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Taking inspiration from biology to solve engineering problems using the organizing principles of biological neural computation is the aim of the field of neuromorphic engineering. This field has demonstrated success in sensor based applications (vision and audition) as well as in cognition and actuators. This paper is focused on mimicking the approaching detection functionality of the retina that is computed by one type of Retinal Ganglion Cell (RGC) and its application to robotics.

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In this paper we present a complete spike-based architecture: from a Dynamic Vision Sensor (retina) to a stereo head robotic platform. The aim of this research is to reproduce intended movements performed by humans taking into account as many features as possible from the biological point of view. This paper fills the gap between current spike silicon sensors and robotic actuators by applying a spike processing strategy to the data flows in real time.

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