Publications by authors named "F Erbs"

Using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) and convolutional neural networks (CNN), we monitored the movements of the two endangered Amazon River dolphin species, the boto (Inia geoffrensis) and the tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) from main rivers to floodplain habitats (várzea) in the Mamirauá Reserve (Amazonas, Brazil). We detected dolphin presence in four main areas based on the classification of their echolocation clicks. Using the same method, we automatically detected boat passages to estimate a possible interaction between boat and dolphin presence.

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Since the first studies on bowhead whale singing behaviour, song variations have been consistently reported. However, there has been little discussion regarding variability in bowhead whale singing display and its ecological significance. Unlike the better studied humpback whales, bowhead whales do not appear to share songs at population level, but several studies have reported song sharing within clusters of animals.

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While the Greenland and Barents Seas are known habitats for several cetacean and pinniped species there is a lack of long-term monitoring data in this rapidly changing environment. Moreover, little is known of the ambient soundscapes, and increasing off-shore anthropogenic activities can influence the ecosystem and marine life. Baseline acoustic data is needed to better assess current and future soundscape and ecosystem conditions.

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Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is commonly used to generate information on the distribution, abundance, and behavior of cetacean species. In African waters, the utilization of PAM lags behind most other continents. This study examines whether the whistles of three coastal delphinid species (Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus, and Tursiops aduncus) commonly encountered in the southern African subregion can be readily distinguished using both statistical analysis of standard whistle parameters and the automated detection and classification software PAMGuard.

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Bundles of filamentous actin are dominant cytoskeletal structures, which play a crucial role in various cellular processes. As yet quantifying the fundamental interaction between two individual actin filaments forming the smallest possible bundle has not been realized. Applying holographic optical tweezers integrated with a microfluidic platform, we were able to measure the forces between two actin filaments during bundle formation.

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