A city-state located at the heart of South East Asia, Singapore is now facing an accelerated ageing of the population, resulting from a very good health care coverage and a very low birth rate. A team of researchers from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is exploring the use of new technologies to improve the quality of life of elderly people in towns and cities and anticipate their health risks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring limb development, the spatio-temporal expression of sonic hedgehog (SHH) is driven by the Zone of polarizing activity Regulatory Sequence (ZRS), located 1 megabase upstream from SHH. Gain-of-function mutations of this enhancer, which cause ectopic expression of SHH, are known to be responsible for congenital limb malformations with variable expressivity, ranging from preaxial polydactyly or triphalangeal thumbs to polysyndactyly, which may also be associated with mesomelic deficiency. In this report, we describe a patient affected with mirror-image polydactyly of the four extremities and bilateral tibial deficiency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDelay for treatment of severe malaria is the cause of an important childhood mortality in Africa especially in rural zone when health facilities and accessibility are scarce. Intrarectal treatment is of particular interest in children as a non aggressive, painless and easy treatment. It can be used as early treatment and could decrease the lethality of severe malaria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Pharmacol Ther
May 1999
Background: Both malnutrition and malaria affect drug disposition and are frequent among children in the tropics. We assessed their respective influence on quinine distribution.
Methods: Forty children were divided into 4 groups: children with normal nutritional status without (group 1) or with (group 2) cerebral malaria, and malnourished children without (group 3) or with (group 4) cerebral malaria.
The intrarectal route has been shown to be an alternative to parenteral therapy for the treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria. We conducted an open randomized clinical study of intrarectal Quinimax (a Cinchona alkaloids association) (20 mg/kg, then 15 mg/kg every 8 h) vs. intravenous Quinimax (8 mg/ kg infused over 4 h every 8 h) for 2 d in 76 children (39 in the intrarectal and 37 in the infusion groups) with cerebral falciparum malaria in Niger.
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